Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1011 Religious Studies

Looking at the banner leader of the Six Dragons Religion who burst into tears in front of him, Youki was dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that this guy's reaction would be so intense.

"No, let me tell you, this 'evidence of the Six Dragon Sect may not be reliable' is something you could detect two days ago, right? Why do you feel bad now when I say it now?" Yuki scratched his head.

At this moment, he understood the hidden meaning of the name "Six Dragon Sect".

The communities composed of various chivalrous groups in today's martial arts are mostly named after "men" or "sects". For example, "Red Stone Gate", "Chaos Blade Gate" or "Pixi Pie". This is a very mainstream naming method. Then, what follows is the naming of "gang", but this naming method can easily be confused with the gangsters in the settlement, the predecessor of Green Forest, so people in the world usually don't like this kind of metaphor.

In addition, there is an organizational structure called "Hui", but this organizational structure is generally an organization above the "sect", with the local martial arts leader as the core, united under the Wu Kui A cross-sect coordination organization composed of managers from various sects around us.

The African Resistance Army is an organization of this nature. The "Northland Heroes Meeting" organized by the Northland knights is more typical.

In addition, there are also familial knight-errant groups similar to the Earth-Drilling Dragon community. However, this kind of group usually does not have a special name, and most of them will be transformed into a regular sect.

As for the sects named after "such-and-such religion", "such-and-such temple", "such-and-such temple" and "such-and-such church", Yuki has never seen them before.

Both Wu Zu and the Father of All Machines were atheists. Among the core group of Superman Enterprise at that time, atheists accounted for the absolute majority. And this influence has powerfully distorted the current world.

Even if some individuals worship fictitious supreme authority and truth, they will still claim to be "devoutly atheistic."

In other words, there is no religion in this day and age.

And the Six Dragons Sect...

In a sense, I am afraid it is a true religion.

Moreover, among religious groups, they have “a fairly dynamic organizational structure.”

"They made you a promise that even if you die fighting for the Six Dragons Sect, the benefits you will eventually gain will definitely be greater than 'dying for yourself'. And they used technical means to make you truly believe it, but there is no need for Really come up with evidence to prove it." Yuki rubbed his chin, "Hiss..."

Ran Cheng C's body swayed, and he seemed to realize something. He said in vain: "The evidence really exists and is very convincing... but I don't have the authority to remember it..."

"But is that really your memory? Hasn't it been tampered with?" Yuki asked, "And how powerful is it? Didn't you believe before that the Six Dragons Sect is not afraid of the God of War at all? Oh, you don't know at all either. How strong. You just believe 'the evidence is strong'..."

Ran Cheng C finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

Youki touched his face quite embarrassedly, and then logged out of his own initiative.

The first thing after quitting was to ask Yin Zhewei if she knew that the Scientific Research Knights studied "religion" - it seemed that there was such a subject in the old times.

Yin Zhewei marveled: "If you meet someone else, you may not have relevant information. You are so lucky to meet us."

Nowadays, there are no people studying religion at all.

After all, there is no religion in name now.

The study of religion has also been merged into the study of "mob history/chivalry history" and "Martial Ancestor System", and is a part of "anthropology".

In terms of classification, anthropology, a subject with extremely broad research fields, is basically under the management of the Galapagos Temple and the Oslo Temple.

——Culture is almost gone anyway, and most of the research objects of anthropology in the old era have simply disappeared in this era.

Before leaving, this group of former apprentices who ran away downloaded as much information as possible that they could use in the future within their legal authority. At least information they feel they can use.

In a sense, Yuki is really lucky.

These former apprentices can really come up with some reference materials.

Yin Zhewei asked curiously: "Why are you studying this? Within the temple, the related fields are absolutely unpopular, and there is basically no funding. Those who are thinking about this are those who have no hope of being granted a title and can only do something that does not require funding. They are old guys who are doing research. The only obsession of those old apprentices is to be appointed, and they don’t care whether they have funds or whether they can recruit apprentices. After being appointed, jumping into related fields is already the most ideal way out for them. ”

Yin Zhewei was embarrassed to say that one-sixth of the former apprentices who said they ran away with buckets on this ship had had related thoughts.

However, they are usually too busy, so these apprentices downloaded the relevant learning materials but did not have time to read them.

Maybe some people have read the introduction.

Yuki said: "I suspect that these people are the 'religious believers' I have heard about in my disciples, so I want to know a little bit about what 'religious believers' were like in history."

Yuki had heard some sporadic summaries of religion from Xiangshan, but they were not systematic, and most of them were derogatory or ridiculing. However, according to the "logic" taught by Xiang Shan, if a thing exists, then there must be objective conditions that support its existence, which makes it possible for it to exist. This "special social ideology" was able to envelope the earth in the distant past. It should not simply rely on "the first liar meeting a group of fools".

Master's attitude may be related to the era in which he lived.

But the Six Dragon Sect may have developed anew after the master was beaten to death.

The experience of returning to the recycling town tells Yuki that he must understand the world.

Soon, former apprentices sent in what materials they could download.

Yuki got in first, studied for a long time, and finished the text version of the table of contents.

how to say……

Most of these materials are almost aimed at the end of the old era and are the face of religion in that era.

Yuki felt that this was definitely not the goal he wanted.

At the end of the old world more than two hundred years ago, the social foundation was completely different from the new era in which I lived. The ideas of ordinary individuals were also very different, making it difficult to use as a reference.

Even a guy like Master, who is extremely proud, admits that "the chivalrous ways at the end of the old world are no longer suitable for the era when the protectors are tyrannizing the world." A few years ago, when he still rejected the Martial God, he basically recognized the changes made by the Fourth Martial God to the way of chivalry.

And I also feel that the idea of ​​the Fourth Martial God is only more in line with the era of the Fourth Martial God, and the way of chivalry needs to be changed.

Using the information describing the religious believers of that era to try to figure out the Six Dragons Sect in this era is really a daunting task.

So, he began to look for those more ancient contents, and the research object was an even more ancient era.

"Early changes...well, look at this..."

The author of the annotation is named "Jing Hongtu" and it was written in the last year of the twentieth century.

"Publisher invitation? What do you mean? Because the millennium is approaching, so you completed this book?" Yuki turned over the preface, "Huh? The chronology of the old era actually started with the 'birth of a religious leader' ? Wow, this is really crazy. Master, if he lived in that era, wouldn't he go crazy? Wait, what is the basis for the current chronology? "

Yuki recalled the conversation when he first met his master.

and subsequent memories of the era.

"It seems like... the year when the master was attacked by the Father of All Machines and beaten half to death?"

Yuki folded his hands on his chest and tilted his head to think for a moment.

——The properties are actually quite close, right?

"Forget it, these are all small problems."

In order to avoid being expelled from the division, Yuki decided to avoid the topic.

"Well...well...the origin of religion is said to be 'promise', which later became 'law'; another is said to be 'feelings such as fear and uneasiness towards supernatural things'... Because of this emotion, human beings have Supernatural things gave rise to feelings, and then there were cultural activities about these supernatural things..."

"Perhaps these two sources coexist? Hmm... This author believes that the world religion at that time must have had the stage of 'weak people gathering together' and 'mutual help from the bottom'... They made appointments with each other, and they needed to fictionalize a supernatural exists, as a powerful third party, to supervise the agreement..."

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