Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1018 The intention to protect the Dharma

"Can I get some of Riptide's spirit in advance?"

Faced with this question, Xiangshan was stunned for a moment: "Although according to the world's concept, Zhihu Dharma is undoubtedly dead. But our Six Dragon Sect must break the cycle of life and death. Although Zhihu Dharma is dead, there is still a glimmer of life. Hope. The standard of 'death' is gradually changing. At this stage, we cannot say that Zhihu Dharma is dead. Please be careful when mentioning Dharma protectors."

"My subordinate made a mistake." Protector Ti lowered his head: "This is actually an idea that just occurred to me. Only when I step into this place can I think of 'reincarnation' and the leader's ambition... I just had this idea, so Just blurt it out.”

According to ethics, dying for the Six Dragons Sect cannot be considered "death".

This is normal. The standards for "life" and "death" in human ethics actually change repeatedly.

Among primitive tribes, newborn babies do not yet have full human rights. It has to wait until the child is several years old and will not die easily before he is fully recognized as "an independent individual". For primitive tribesmen, infanticide is no more horrific than "abortion" in the eyes of modern people. In some tribes, those who are seriously ill and unconscious will be regarded as "death", and they will directly abandon the seriously ill people in the wilderness. But if a seriously ill person comes back, he will be regarded as an ominous thing like an "undead".

"Losing breathing is considered death" "Losing heartbeat is considered death" "Losing brain nerve activity is considered death"...

With the advancement of science and technology, the standard line of "death" has also changed repeatedly.

So, it is reasonable for the Six Dragons Sect to draw the line of death to "as long as the stored memory is still there, it is not considered death."

Well, to be precise...

Sooner or later, humans will set standards here. As the "future" electorate, the Six Dragons Sect should first nail the standards within the sect here.

This is the core teaching of the Six Dragons Sect, and there cannot be any mistakes.

There was also dissatisfaction in Xiangshan's tone.

Although in order to keep it secret, those members of the congregation usually do not know the information about "reincarnation". But before arriving at this lecture site, they all connected their own memories.

In this case, the memories studied in the "Reincarnation" project must not be regarded as "the legacy of the dead" - those people may be resurrected at any time, so how can they be regarded as dead?

If, like people outside, they regard those members of the church who died in the war in "reincarnation" as "dead people", what is the difference between the members of the Six Dragons church and the secular people outside?

If there was no such discrimination... would the Six Dragons Sect still exist?

This is the number one political correctness in the Six Dragons Sect.

When Protector Ti heard what the leader said, his heart trembled, and he knew that the leader was trying to beat him up. He said: "Leader, that's not the case... I am definitely not coveting the memory of Riptide. It's just that I want to see a higher level of martial arts..."

The leader of the Six Dragons sighed heavily to the mountain: "What happened to Little Sandler? This is... absurd. In terms of martial arts victory, you clearly beat him. But in terms of strategy, he beat you. Your failure at that time was not because of Little Sandiel is stronger than Qi, but the overall system of Ur City is stronger than the overall strength of our Six Dragon Sect there."

From the perspective of the Six Dragons Sect, little Sandriel caught the news of the Protector through the powerful intelligence capabilities of Ur City, and happened to get a glimpse of some of the mysteries of the Protector's martial arts, allowing little Sandriel to Slightly upper hand.

Although the city of Ur has this ability, which is unexpected, it doesn't matter.

In terms of the victory or defeat of a warrior, Ti Protector is still stronger. However, Ti Dharma failed to achieve the strategic goal, lost Li Zheyuan, and was forced to retreat by the Ur City officials.

That's all.

Xiangshan really couldn't understand why Protector Ti was so hot-headed that he wanted to consume the memory of Protector Zhi.

"No, leader, I am..."

Xiang Shan stretched out a hand and waved: "Hold on. It seems that you have a plan. I will set up a thread to go with you. Others are still waiting for me to interpret the Bible online."

He seemed to be in a trance. At that moment, Tihufa felt that his vision had lost focus, the scene in front of him turned into colorful blocks, and the noise flooded him like a tide.

When he came back to his senses, the two of them were already standing in another place.

This is above a stand, and under the stand is a boxing rope ring. Countless people were holding snacks such as popcorn and hot dogs, watching the game below intently.

"Oh, the scene happened here randomly." Xiang Shan flexed his neck: "How come David has been thinking about these past few years all day long."

This should be the competition on the second or third day of the first World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

Lu Xuanyu's opponent was a lightweight boxing champion who had a unique understanding of footwork and was born with long legs. With this kind of talent, if he were to practice long-distance running, he would be a first-class athlete and have the potential to win an Olympic championship. And this man chose to become a "runner" in the boxing ring, advancing and retreating like a bee and a butterfly.

This is one thread of Xiangshan’s thinking, and the main thread is still teaching people the scriptures. In order to adapt to the "switching of occasions", the system will randomly create a scene.

The places currently used by the Six Dragon Sect for religious activities basically come from the modeling data of a certain project of King Zhengtian.

Sometimes the leader of the Six Dragons, Xiang Shan, thinks this is quite ridiculous. Although the core of the Six Dragons Sect's teachings is "the future," the materials for its missions and the atmosphere of its religious activities are all based on historical data from two hundred years ago.

I just cling to the records from two hundred years ago, as if this past is the most "future".

"I was laughing so hard that I almost cried." Xiang Shan muttered.

On the stage, the situation was very strange. Two hundred years ago, Lu Xuanyu and the lightweight boxing champion did not seem to be boxing, but rather played some kind of "eagle and chicken" game. Both of them were trying to get into the sides that their opponent's boxing frame could not take into account, but they were not easy. Take action. They changed positions and positions with each other very frequently and quickly, and the arena was filled with dazzling battles.

But also very beautiful.

Protector Ti was still worried: "Leader..."

"Well, let's talk." Xiang Shan said, "Why? If you don't have the strength, practice by yourself. If you lose, fight back. Are you not old yet? Even if you are old, there are several treatments that can reverse physiological failure. And You haven't completely become stubborn in terms of psychological concepts. Your age is not yet at the point where there is no hope of progress without the help of special means like the Soul-Suppressing Dharma King."

"Even if you lose to Sandriel, you shouldn't feel unwilling to do so."

"It has nothing to do with Sandiel." Protector Ti said, "It's the 'mysterious man'."

"The one from the Eight Swordsmanship?" Xiang Shan raised his eyebrows and said, "Well, indeed, that guy's martial arts is amazing. But he shouldn't scare you like this."

Protector Ti lowered his head, thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "It's not fear, but admiration. What that mysterious man showed was not strength, but...but..."

"Gao Shen?" Xiang Shan asked.

In the arena two hundred years ago, the situation had begun to change. The lightweight boxing champion began to breathe erratically. No matter what, this guy is just a mortal body and cannot compare to Lu Xuanyu.

The moment his speed dropped from its peak was the beginning of Lu Xuanyu's counterattack.

Protector Ti shook his head, then thought for a moment and said, "Wonderful."


"The more I think about it, the more wonderful I feel. The adaptability shown in that moment, the freedom shown in the change of moves... I envy this state. It's not about being powerful, but the sense of pleasure in defeating my moves. "

At this moment, Lu Xuanyu moved. He circled around the boxing champion at a faster speed and reached a position 90 degrees to the side, and then lightly touched the opponent's ribs with his fist, then returned as soon as he touched it. The boxing champion reacted and tried to turn around while shaking off his opponent. But Lu Xuanyu was faster than him, almost maintaining the relative position, and just lightly touched the opponent's ribs with a punch.

In the memory, the audience fell into silence.

And Tihu Fa sighed: "My mood when I saw that scene was probably similar to the mood of the public two hundred years ago when they saw this scene. I also want to perform such martial arts."

——Is it possible that, I mean, people are happy that "I actually survived that kind of attack"?

Xiang Shan complained in his heart.

After being teased for a good opportunity, the lightweight boxing champion finally recognized the gap between the two sides and fell to his knees in tears.

"So you want to improve your martial arts?" Xiang Shan thought for a moment: "Then, do you have another choice?"

"Please give me instructions, Master."

"'My' memory." Xiang Shan's lips showed a teasing smile, "'My' memory. In this life, I have nothing to say to others."

After all, it was forced to be made public.

Although the Tantric leader said this sentence has a comic effect.

Protector Ti was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Leader, please forgive me for overstepping my bounds... For the leader, 'martial arts' is just a 'means'. Although the original leader was called 'the ancestor of martial arts', this is just a description. Facts, not the leader's sincerity in martial arts..."

Xiangshan was happy and pointed to the ring below: "You said 'sincerity in martial arts', but even if you spin around here, you will never be able to turn around in your life. Without me, the ancestor who is not sincere in martial arts, how could you people who are sincere in martial arts be here?" Yu Wu’s disciples and grandsons?”

"I also know that if you are sincere in martial arts, you will not be able to reopen the world and create your own martial arts source." Protector Ti said: "A warrior like me who is sincere in martial arts will never be able to cross the barrier of 'martial arts' in his life. Master Only a martial artist who is not sincere in martial arts can expand the martial arts system... But this is my personal dream."

"I didn't originally understand the gap between me and Riptide... but after seeing that momentary change, that confident step to dodge, and that ecstasy, I seemed to understand. If Riptide resurrects now, He must understand my intentions and share this experience with me. But in Martial Ancestor's memory, I can't find such emotions..."

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