Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1019 The leader’s considerations

Xiangshan, the leader of Six Dragons, fell into deep thoughts.

The internal strength of the Ti Protector is at the level of a heavenly being, and is somewhat higher than the minimum level. Moreover, as a fan of external skills, his level of electronic offensive and defensive warfare is "just enough for the same level." The expansion of Saussure's divine domain is connected to his innate operating system of "body movements".

He can control movements like organizing language, and he can interpret the intentions in other people's movements like interpreting words.


It is always difficult for humans to avoid information distortion caused by "misunderstanding".

The "interpretation method" itself is a kind of "re-creation" that invests its own tendencies.

In the opinion of the leader of the Six Dragons, Protector Ti may have been dragged away by some kind of kitsch mentality, and was urged to become obsessed.

Lower your head to the mountain. A singer who became famous in the late twenties and early thirties stepped onto the stage and sang a song for the audience.

The nature is similar to cheerleading in the middle of a general boxing match.

It's just that the weight of the performer is a little heavier.

Of course, there is also traditional cheerleading. In addition, there are various local idols, folk art groups and the like from all over the world. Typically, these performances are performed by performers "from the hometown of the next challenger."

In the next few days, there will be an "exhibition match" composed of the eliminated players to serve as a back-up match.

Full of formats and gimmicks.

What the ocean singer is singing now is one of the songs composed for the world's best martial arts competition.

This song has a high pitch and gives people the most intuitive impression of "excitement". It is one of the support songs written for Lu Xuanyu.

The famous chorus gradually reaches its climax. Xiangshan crossed his arms and rubbed his elbows with his fingers, weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

The first is whether doing so would conflict with the teachings and ethics within the church.

For an organization, "principles" are very important. Sometimes, when the opening is opened, a huge hole will appear in the wall. As for whether it is "going to the future from this hole" or "the rules collapse from this hole", no one can say.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to fairness.

Xiangshan is also searching the increasingly large blockchain "Midrash", carefully looking through his past interpretations and past decisions to see if there are any parts that conflict with the current case.

Of course, Xiang Shan didn't bother to think hard and come up with a set of absolutely strict and correct rules at once. For him, it's almost enough if the basic teachings are almost done, and a set of rudimentary canon rules is ready and usable.

He is accustomed to starting the project first and then talking about it.

However, religious activities are completely different from the social activities that Wuzu Xiangshan has done in the past. The requirements for "constructed things" and "imagined things" are really high and special.

Therefore, Xiangshan had to tinker in practice and add various cases he analyzed during his interpretation of the Bible as "judgments" and added them to the rules.

As we all know, case law—court decisions that serve as precedents to decide cases—has the advantage of being able to adapt to practice and deal with new issues flexibly. According to the case law system, the legal rules in a certain judgment not only apply to the case, but also often serve as a precedent and apply to subsequent cases under the jurisdiction of the court or lower courts. As long as the basic facts of the case are the same or similar, they must be handled according to the rules set by precedents. This is the so-called "stare decisis" principle.

Its shortcomings are "too large patches, poor optimization, and high running costs."

Even the United States in its heyday three hundred years ago, with its money and leisure, still had to engage in "judicial transactions" to reduce the cost of operating judicial institutions through "reduced sentences for those who voluntarily plead guilty."

I don’t know how much human flesh CPU will be burned.

The Midrash of the Six Dragon Cult Leader also has such troubles. If he allows one believer to do something but not another believer to do something, then he loses "fairness". This is very important for a young religious group like the Six Dragons Sect, which is still in the transition from an early religion to a mature religion.

The authority of the leader is not unlimited.

Even if it can be circumvented, new clauses need to be added to the midrash, which will increase the cost of the next arbitrary act.

The voice of the singer who lived more than 200 years ago gradually became higher, and Protector Ti's heart was also hanging high.

At the end, the leader sighed and said: "It's not impossible. But you must first find three guarantors to prove that you have a good relationship with Protector Zhi, and then after Protector Zhi is resurrected, you must obtain his consent in person. Otherwise, Zhihufa has the right to recover this part of his memory."

Since it is determined that those "dead in battle" are not dead and are just leaving temporarily, reincarnation technology will one day be able to bring them back...

Then their belongings don't really need to be respected like relics.

Although Yawgmoth retained the concept of private ownership, the Six Dragons Cult advocated "public ownership".

When it comes to "private property", people here may not have such clear boundaries. You borrow my martial arts algorithms, and I borrow your equipment. This is also common in teaching.

Of course, the original owner must be notified afterwards. This is a must.

Further downplaying "death in a secular sense" will also help strengthen the "Six Dragon Sect's view of life and death."

This has a positive effect on doctrine.

And looking beyond the organization...

This is also helpful for the "ascension" of the Six Dragons Sect.

This phenomenon of "having a strong desire to absorb other people's memories" is really rare.

The true personality masks of Martial Ancestor - those Martial Gods are all special cases.

Wuzu Xiangshan changed the world twice - he was in the whirlpool of historical development, guided two historical waves, and had a profound impression on the entire human history. After that period of history happened, it entered the era when Yawgmoth seized that authority, and all history was erased. Wu Zu has become the most dazzling star in the past, because the older bright stars have been obscured.

Therefore, he is the only coordinate.

And when people at the bottom of the abyss can only see this one star...

They will choose to become this star.

Because there are no other stars.

Those who became Martial Gods had the opportunity to stay in human history with their original names and become other stars.

It's a pity that there is only such "culture" in this era.

The several reincarnations of the God of War have added a mysterious color to this layer of culture.

Therefore, so far, when it comes to "assimilating other people's memories with subjective will", it is really only Xiangshan.

Some other people may also have fans and people who want to assimilate their memories. However, their memories may not be made public.

Some people's memory files were uploaded to the public Internet, but no one wanted to assimilate them.

So far, only Xiangshan meets both conditions.

It is precisely because of this that some scientific knights speculate that this "subjective will" may be one of the necessary conditions for the true personality to be covered.

Just as a woman gets pregnant the traditional way, her immune system must first be prepared to suppress its own attacks on the fetus. To the mother, the "fetus" exists in a form close to that of a "parasite". If the mother does not suppress herself, the fetus will be attacked by the mother's immune system, causing miscarriage.

The formation of the true personality cover may also require the subject to actively forget his own mental body, abandon his own inherent thinking, get rid of the shackles of body and intelligence, and achieve "selflessness" through "forgetfulness", so that he can merge with the target memory. One, ultimately becomes the target.

Use your subjective mind to restrain yourself.

It is true that what the Dharma protector pursues is not the true personality aspect that becomes the Dharma protector.

However, by absorbing and assimilating the Dharma Protector's memory, the observer can infer some mental patterns.

On the whole, this matter is beneficial to the leader's grand plan.

Protector Ti was overjoyed: "Thank you so much, Master!"

"Leave a piece of text for yourself. After leaving the memory here, Danzuo will transfer that piece of text to you."

Wave to the mountain hand and a window will open. This is a text tool embedded in this online space. In the past, Six Dragons taught people to be smart and hid key information in text file data, hoping to retain some information they "wanted to keep" after their memories were taken away.

But for the leader of the Six Dragons who has superior internal strength, this little trick is really ridiculous.

Tianche Zuo Shi, one of the two leaders of the "envoys" group, went to the door in person.

The Six Dragons Sect does not have any "peaceful renunciation" rituals. If this kind of ritual existed, the Six Dragons Sect would not be able to survive today.

Since then, the Six Dragons Sect’s website has embedded this text tool.

The text submitted in this way will also be reviewed by a dedicated person to confirm whether there are any traces of steganography.

It's just that the cryptography, number theory, and various formulas that humans have mastered are so advanced that if some normal text is used to use "steganography", it will inevitably be forced into some "informative text". "Possible hidden meaning", so the system will also automatically prompt you, "What word in the sentence/row/column cannot use **, otherwise a warning such as ** meaning" will appear.

Of course, the Dharma Protector is also an old man from the Six Dragons Sect, so he still knows the importance of this aspect. He carefully thought about the text that would "absolutely convince me after amnesia" and then typed it quickly.

Xiang Shan sighed: "As a leader, I can agree with your idea. However, as a church member, I still have to say a few words to you."

Protector Ti immediately lowered his head and said, "Excuse me, Master."

"As I said, not as a 'leader', but as a 'faithful member'." Xiang Shan waved his hand casually and said, "Do you know from what perspective we are now entering this memory?"

Tihu Fa shook his head and said he was not clear.

Xiang Shan sighed: "This perspective belongs to a pair of brothers, one of the first batch of clinical surgery participants."

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