Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1023: Air throw and bridge fall

Lu Xuanyu and Kano Torataro were bent over, their bodies leaning forward, their arms stretched forward, and their four arms were entangled in a struggle. The two of them were going back and forth, and in the eyes of experts, the battle had already entered a fierce stage in an instant.

Lu Xuanyu even recalled the feeling he had when he visited a Tai Chi master. The two sides went back and forth like rubbing hands, and the strength was intertwined, driving the footwork of both sides to move towards the edge of the field, and then moving in the opposite direction. This repeated several rounds, like a dead leaf in a rippling pool.

This Olympic judo player will definitely not lose to those Tai Chi masters with real skills in controlling "jin"... No, based on the amount of training, Ghana Torataro will only be stronger.

The commentator of this game happened to be the guest of the first game on the first day, the old jiu-jitsu master who didn't get a chance to speak during the whole game. He explained quickly: "Did Lu choose a special tactic? He took the initiative to grab Gana's arm. Was it because he was not familiar with the gi uniform, so he wanted to avoid being caught in the gi uniform? I don't think this is the case. It’s a high-yield option. At this time, you can... Oh! He’s done something wrong!"

This is certainly not a Tai Chi hand-rubbing competition.

Kano Torataro was very afraid of Lu Xuanyu's mechanical prosthetic limbs at first. This pair of limbs made a huge impression on day one. But at this moment, his high fighting spirit as a warrior finally cleared away his hesitation. Kano Torataro raised his arms upward with force, trying to shake Lu Xuanyu's foundation. At the same time, he bumped into him, but his right leg had already started, drawn an arc, and cut hard into Lu Xuanyu's knee socket from behind.

The introductory move of Judo "Ogaikari" is a test move of Kano Torataro.

Lu Xuanyu bent his knees forward. His strength is indeed not dominant. The value set by Xiangshan is 80% of the current record high. As a top player, the gap between Ghanaian Torataro and the current heavyweight record in this field is very small [and his technical level is much better]. However, there is something more about prosthetic limbs than the physical body. The force exerted by the body is limited by muscles.

There is a big difference between the strength of the crocodile's mouth opening and closing. The strength of closing the upper and lower jaws is enough to crush the bones of large mammals, but the strength of opening the mouth may be choked by Homo sapiens with one hand. This is the difference between the two directions of attachment of muscles. Human power is also restricted by movements and muscles.

But prosthetics are different.

Lu Xuanyu stopped moving with his knees hanging in mid-air. He stopped his attack and at the same time lowered his center of gravity, neutralizing Torataro Kano's next attack.

Even the jujitsu master was stunned. He almost uttered a curse word and shouted: "Is this really just 80% of the highest human output?"

This is undoubtedly a wave of Xiang Shanshu's thoughts. The so-called "eighty percent of the force output" refers to the human force output in the most suitable movement.

"That's right." Yawgmoth nodded, "Unless the additional settings say that after entering certain postures, the output of the prosthetic limb must be reduced by a certain amount, otherwise the power of the prosthetic limb will not change no matter which angle the force is exerted. This It’s a characteristic of a prosthetic limb. It’s much more difficult for us to make a prosthetic limb with completely different forces on the joints under different movements.”

Speaking of this, he couldn't help laughing: "Unless the rules require that we have to make a prosthetic limb with reduced power at a specific angle, otherwise, the prosthetic limb has to be like this, right? Oh, of course, when fighting, Lu’s power will not be dominant.”

While the two were talking, Lu Xuanyu and Kano Torataro had already exchanged several rounds of offense and defense. Kano Torataro had given up on trying to get rid of Lu Xuanyu, and struck out with his feet like scythes in a series of attacks, such as the big inner chop, the 敕 Diaozuzu, and the big outer chop. His basic skills are very solid, and you will trip over him if you are not careful.

But in this high-intensity fight, Lu Xuanyu's consciousness gradually drifted away. Part of his brain was still directing his legs to avoid that terrible foot. But his consciousness was focused on his arms. He could feel that this guy's hands were like two sleeping pythons.

——He is planning a counterattack.

Lu Xuanyu thought.

When the arms are close to each other, the tactile sense can reflect the movements in the muscles in more detail. He tried to find traces of "jin" in the opponent's body by listening to Jin...

Although Chen Feng said that the metaphysical "jin" is just an abstract feeling, a vague and empirical imagination of many complex mechanical effects...

But for now, this is what works.

He has to follow his feelings...

Induce it!

Lu Xuanyu paused with his heel, stopped with force, and at the same time stepped forward and kicked out, kicking Garner's ankle with the center of his foot.

At this moment, Lu Xuanyu felt that Ghana's "energy" suddenly exploded. He wanted to fight back. Garner pushed hard to the right, trying to avoid the kick while overturning Lu Xuanyu.

Lu Xuanyu could feel all this. He quickly retracted his feet, moved his arms in the direction of the opponent's force, and then quickly pulled away...

Kano Torataro rose into the air, turned his body sideways, and was about to fall to the ground on his back.

At this moment, before Garner's consciousness could react, his body reacted. His spine and lumbar spine were tense, and his hip bones were strong. Like a kite turning over, he turned half a circle in mid-air and knelt on the ground on one knee, avoiding the outcome of being taken down.

The lightness of his movements makes one suspect that he is actually a feline.

In the commentary box, the Japanese Jiu-Jitsu master was stunned: "Air throw?"

"Oh oh oh oh? What happened? What happened? Is this the legendary air throw? The supreme technique in Japanese judo, a magical skill that is said to be absolutely impossible to successfully perform in the ring?"

Gold medal commentator Jonathan Lee is well worth his appearance fee. When the Japanese Jiu-Jitsu master announced the name of the technique, he already cheered, reminding all the spectators. He even did his homework.

Of course, all the experienced spectators had already noticed this scene without his reminding.

Xiangshan rubbed his glasses, used gestures to extract the keywords in his voice, and then quickly checked the encyclopedia.

"Air throw", also known as "air throw" and "corner fall", is a Japanese judo technique. This is a unique technique that can knock the opponent to the ground cleanly and neatly without touching the opponent's torso, because it looks like The opponent seems to be knocked down by the air, so it is called "air throw". It is a very gorgeous Judo trick created by Kuzo Mifune, a grandmaster who is as famous as the "Father of Judo" Kano Jigoro in Japan.

In essence, it uses fake movements to deceive the opponent, elicit follow-up movements from the opponent, induce force to the other side, and then use the momentum to make the opponent fall out on his own.

It is an extremely clever way of leveraging strength.

"It is said that forty-five years ago, at the Sydney Olympics, the legendary Tadahiro Nomura used a similar technique in the 60kg judo competition. However, even Mr. Nomura himself has never responded to the controversy about that move. Therefore, no one knows yet whether it is an air throw. And what did we just see? A person who has never passed the judo level actually used the supreme weapon in a formal competition that has never been used by any judo player. Skills?"

"Actually, similar techniques are widely used in martial arts all over the world. It's just that Mr. Mifune achieved it to the extreme back then..." The jujitsu master did not forget his responsibilities and explained dullly.

And Yawgmoth interrupted with a sneer: "Is this amazing?"

In the commentary box, the other two people turned their heads and looked at him in surprise. Even Jonathan Lee, a gold medal commentator who has been involved in sports programs for many years, doesn’t know how to pick up the topic.

Yawgmoth said: "The core of this move is to 'use fake movements to deceive the opponent's movements', right? For a creature that thinks faster than Homo sapiens, isn't this very simple? Whether he is shooting or closing, In terms of tactics and timing, they are all better than Homo sapiens."

Since the rules of this game are judo, making the opponent's knee touch the ground does not count as a score. From that volley flip, Lu Xuanyu also felt the kung fu of Ghana Torataro.

The two have separated. Kano Torataro approached carefully, then stretched out his hand, trying to catch the collar of Lu Xuanyu's Taoist uniform. Lu Xuanyu, on the other hand, went to capture Kano Torataro's hand. The two of them looked like urchins playing catch, or two playful cats. Kano Torataro quickly gave up on this plan. He realized that the opponent was a monster with a punch speed that even the lightweight boxing champion could hardly keep up with. He started to circle around, trying to attack from the side...

But Lu Xuanyu leaned over again unceremoniously.

After several attacks and defenses, the two once again entered into a state of wrestling.

Perhaps it was the suspected air throwing technique that made Torataro Kano lose his fighting spirit. This time, Torataro Kano's counterattack was not as strong as expected. Lu Xuanyu turned his elbow and lowered his body, forcibly holding the sleeve of Kano Torataro's upper arm, and then made a skillful forward dive. Torataro Kano lost his lock on his opponent for a moment. In a blink of an eye, Lu Xuanyu grabbed the enemy's back.

In all types of jiu-jitsu, getting behind is considered an absolutely advantageous situation. Lu Xuanyu's other hand quickly reached deep and tightly wrapped around Kano Torataro's other hand and waist. Then, starting from the soles of his feet, he exerted force on his waist, back, and arms at the same time. Kano Torataro felt his body light up and was actually pulled up alive.

Then, fall backwards...

Lu Xuanyu bent his legs and fell down. He raised his opponent above his chest and threw him backwards.

Fall across the bridge.

Lu Xuanyu performed a perfect bridge throw. His back was arched, his shoulders were off the ground, and his body was in the shape of a bridge. And Kano Torataro, who he was holding, had his shoulders firmly thrown to the ground.

When being pulled up, Kano Torataro reflexively pulled his neck forward to avoid damage to his head and neck. But he was still beaten to pieces.

Lu Xuanyu let go of him, and then did something that no one had imagined.

Without using his arms, he slowly stood up straight in the ending position of falling across the bridge.

Like acrobatics.

The stunned referee finally woke up from a dream and loudly announced the verdict: "One copy!"

I watched the highlights for several hours...

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