Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1024 Yuki’s Observation

Lu Xuanyu stood up straight, then looked at his hands.

He also felt a little incredible about his victory.

Kano Torataro is a powerful jiu-jitsu artist. Even if he is thrown into the air, he can still adjust his body posture and control his landing posture by relying only on the strength of his own muscles without any help.

Even judo athletes at the Olympic and World Championship level can adjust their posture in the air. Some people even adjusted their posture in mid-air after being thrown up, perfectly using their own weight to defeat their opponents - that is, volleying back to kill.

If he hadn't first grabbed his opponent's upper body, preventing him from moving, Lu Xuanyu wouldn't have won this round so easily.

The previous coaching team’s analysis was indeed good.

Kanana Torataro is indeed one of the most threatening players to him in the world's best martial arts tournament.

If he was caught by the chest or collar of his judo uniform, Lu Xuanyu might indeed be thrown out instantly. His weight was strictly limited to the same level as his opponent, so Torataro Kano must be able to lift it.

The two seemed to have only fought for a few rounds, but it was extremely dangerous.

Lu Xuanyu followed the rules of judo and saluted Torataro Kano, and then said: "What a wonderful match."

Kano Torataro was still a little confused. He touched his head, wiped his sweat, and smiled bitterly: "Your air wrestling... is even more exciting."

Lu Xuanyu shook his head, nodded his head, and said: "I just took advantage of the speed of nerve signal transmission. In terms of pure judo skills, I am not stronger than you."

"The two players are having a friendly exchange. It's really a great sportsmanship." Commentator Jonathan Li exclaimed, "Today's main competition is over. Our champion, the unprecedented cyborg warrior Lu Xuanyu, again For once, he saved his position and the huge bonus promised by Mr. Xiangshan. I wonder if he can still be so successful tomorrow..."

After Lu Xuanyu returned to his rest area, he did not leave directly. Instead, he found the Norwich coach and asked him to contact several Jiu-Jitsu coaches who are still there.

He found some feeling in the game and wanted to try again.

Some of Lu Xuanyu's many sparring partners have ended their contracts and left the team. Those sparring partners are all active professional athletes, the top masters, who come to serve as sparring partners. They either want to maintain their skills during the offseason, or they feel that the training conditions provided by Superman Enterprises are superior and suitable for them.

And this group of sparring partners are also Lu Xuanyu's opponents in the world's best martial arts conference.

Other sparring partners are mainly retired athletes.

Lu Xuanyu has many Jiu-Jitsu sparring partners. For the "Judo" sub-event, in addition to hiring coaches directly from famous Japanese dojos, Xiangshan directly spent money to attract recently retired athletes from the Republic's national team. Either due to injuries or declining physical fitness, these athletes are no longer as effective as they were at their peak. However, if they were to compete against Lu Xuanyu, and only play one round at a time, injuries and physical decline would not affect them. They are still the top martial artists.

In the training room, Lu Xuanyu expressed his thoughts to the sparring partners.

In fact, in the game just now, he used the "air throw" simply because he thought "he could do it", which was regarded as the result of a flash of inspiration.

But he also captured some feelings. He wanted to find that feeling again.

Several former Olympians are indispensable. They are sparring partners hired by Superman Enterprises, which is their duty in itself.

Lu Xuanyu began to search for this feeling in dynamic confrontation.

He would never know how this memory would be evaluated three hundred years later.

At the other end of time and space, several young people are visiting this memory.

Yin Zhewei's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something. Youki sighed and shook his head: "I know what you want to say, Sister Song. I have said this many times."

Youki thought that the line that introduced Zhewei was probably "Magic skill? That's it?"

In a sense, this is also his emotion.

Only now did he finally understand why his master often lamented that humankind's technological tree was crooked and that its individual combat power was reduced to the point of madness.

how to say……

Youki is actually very familiar with this technique, which is similar to "air throwing" and deceiving the opponent's strength.

The core essence of air throwing is to make the opponent think "what should I do", and then when he actually does it, use the force in his direction to throw the opponent out.

A kind of leverage.

But for today's warriors, this is a kind of...

Techniques that are more complex than basic skills, but only more complex than basic skills.

Techniques such as "pre-reading", "preemption", "multiple energy" and "overlapping waves" can all be combined with this technique to form a complete technical system.

Yuki's most familiar move...

It's a finishing move used to break someone's neck.

Hiroshi Matsushima once used this move to remove an officer's head. Xiangshan used this move to break the neck of the senior military attaché of Songying City.

According to Matsushima Hiro's explanation, if you want to achieve the best results when the prosthetic body is absolutely weak, you must use this move.

Judging from the complexity of that weapon-breaking martial art, it first has to trick the opponent into using force two or three times - this is at least.

The difficulty every time is greater than "successfully performing air throw".

Moreover, Matsushima Hiro deceived Fajin by "deceiving his opponent's listening skills."

Through psychological profiling and tentative fighting, we can understand the opponent's character and martial arts level, and then quickly copy the opponent's strategy group preferences based on his personality characteristics and level, and then develop a series of "deceptions" based on these preferences...

For cyber warriors, only those who can do this can be called a "good hand".

For Homo sapiens, anyone who can achieve one of these "prerequisite skills" can be called a "legend".

In the past three hundred years, the world has indeed changed a lot.

Yuki secretly took notes in his head.

Although at first he thought, "Master has said that the greatest significance of this competition to cyber martial arts is to let him know 'what cyber martial arts should not be like'", he felt that there would be no gain from watching this. But looking at it in practice, he began to feel that this could deepen his understanding of cyber martial arts.

Only by knowing "cold" can we know "hot", and only by seeing "pocket" can we know "broadness".

Only by knowing "what cyber martial arts should not be like" can we better know "what cyber martial arts should be like".

As for "fighting in the ring is not actual combat", it is purely a layman's imagination.

The arena is to actual combat what "experiments with controlled variables" are to applied fields.

The rules and restrictions in the arena can be regarded as "restraints" or "control variables", allowing warriors to focus on a single field and explore advanced theories in this single field.

Just like some prototypes, concept machines, and test machines, their performance may not be really powerful, but they were created to verify some concepts. Products designed for actual combat will naturally absorb what has been verified by the concept machine.

Warriors who fight to the death and draw blood with their swords can also absorb the concepts verified by the athletes in the ring.

Those who see that ring martial arts are not suitable for death-fighting habits and assert that "ring martial arts cannot fight to the death" either have a brain problem or a conceptual problem.

Yuki has met a great master like Matsushima Hiro. Hiroshi Matsushima is also a ring athlete, and he is even suspected of working behind closed doors. Moreover, when he was studying in the martial arts school, Matsushima also said that he could not teach anything about death fighting. If the content he taught conflicted with Yuki's own master, Matsushima would still have to take the lead.

But Hiro Matsushima was a master who was close to and even surpassed Mukayama for a moment in terms of pure technique.

Although he was not good at life-and-death fights, he was still able to break Amilcarre's prosthetic eyes and escape smoothly during a life-and-death fight - and at that time, the gap between the two of their prosthetic bodies was incalculable. Hiroya Matsushima No intelligence advantage.

Xiangshan also felt that Professor Matsushima Hong's martial arts could be integrated and absorbed into the knight's martial arts system.

Youki even feels that, in a sense, the "chassis" is the moment when "concepts" and "concepts" are best displayed.

——No, the arena often involves financial interests... The one we are seeing now is even more outstanding...

——Perhaps it is a discussion that does not involve financial interests? Does that information say that Homo sapiens martial artists only use the so-called "air throwing" technique in internal competitions within their schools?


On this day, Lu Xuanyu trained until night.

Then, blowing the sea breeze, he started jogging.

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