Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1122 Old Map

Yang Pingtie led three guardians and continued to move forward in the ruins of Sap City.

The brief contact with that master just now made Yang Pingtie reflect for a moment. He began to wonder if he was too tight, and his overly guarded posture aroused the expert's vigilance.

——Perhaps you should relax a little? There is no danger in this mission anyway. If you are too vigilant, it will attract the vigilance of others.

It's like the old adage goes, forces reciprocate. How you treat the outside world will give you corresponding feedback.

"Should I relax a little more..." Yang Pingtieguanxiang took a deep breath.

After a while, he took the initiative to turn off some of his radars and forcibly shut down some of his weapon systems to ensure that his thinking would not become aggressive.

For a warrior of this level, "restarting the weapon system" only requires a thought and only a few tenths of a second of waiting time. But this short period of time requires special consideration in their eyes. Turning off some weapon systems can significantly improve the aggressive tendencies you inadvertently reveal.

This is roughly equivalent to Homo sapiens "putting the sword in an inconvenient location."

After leaving the Monument Square, the Six Dragon Sect and his party moved along the main road of Old Sap City. Due to no maintenance for two hundred years, this heavy cement road has long since cracked. Blue or purple grass grows with difficulty from the cracks. Now is the dry season, and the floating soil in the cement gaps cannot accumulate much moisture to support the growth of these grasses to maturity. Before long, these grasses will wither.

"Let me take a look... That guy said that we can only get the next phase of the road map after we get here..." Kasepong muttered and looked around. There's no wireless signal here, and it doesn't look like a place to hide your contacts.

Finding clues is a trivial matter that cannot be left to the boss himself.


They saw two QR codes on one wall. It's all clear code. After one of them was transcoded, it was the common avatar of the members of the Martial God Society discovered by a certain research institute. The other one pointed to a website, and after downloading, it was a road map.

Kasepong threw the downloaded file into the virtual machine, ran it for a while, and then checked again and again to confirm that there was no obvious voodoo, and then he said in an unbelievable tone: "So troublesome... so rude... so... ...So...what is he trying to do? Why? What is he doing?"

In this day and age, it is very rude and unsafe to let others download a file without warning. As long as the document is not written by oneself, it will inevitably contain some poison.

Engraving QR codes is indeed a common method of contact among knights, but knights basically do not use it this way.

They either use a pre-agreed QR code to express "so-and-so is here". These QR codes will not be clear codes, but rather a special type of QR codes that are closer to "meaningless self-made characters". Only accomplished warriors will be sensitive to this kind of QR codes.

Or it is used to spread some basic knowledge about network security and ways to obtain martial arts. Some of these QR codes will eventually point to a decentralized blockchain.

If you are a normal knight, you will basically specify the route directly on the Internet. If it is their first time to cooperate, they don’t know each other well, and they have doubts about the opponent’s identity, then the knights will also choose to designate a meeting place, use insider methods to observe each other, and then bring the partner back to the stronghold.

Even if it doesn't work, a decoding method will be transmitted online, and then a password will be engraved at the connection point.

Just...just...just this...this behavior...

Yang Pingtie sighed slightly: "You think there are dozens of easier and safer methods, right?"

Casselpon nodded.

"But some amateurs are just so outrageous." Yang Pingtie said: "The QR code converted from the avatar is probably a kind of..." He even felt a little headache as he said it, "It is used to indicate that 'this QR code is The way I left it, and then why it is a URL...maybe because...the download content pointed to by this URL will change as needed..."

Just recounting that guy's behavior made me feel like my professionalism had been insulted. After all, this group of people came here specifically to hunt such a rookie.


Yang Pingtie, who has done similar things several times, can probably understand a little bit of the rookie's thinking.

This is really a desperate skill. Yang Pingtie wondered more than once if he would become weaker and weaker if he continued to work for the Six Dragons Sect if his database was polluted in this way.

Kasepong was stunned: "He will also update content... This kind of content is obviously from a single server... Isn't he afraid of death?"

Yang Pingtie spread his hands and said, "Just... maybe I don't have this concept."

If nothing else, the Six Dragons Sect at least has enough respect for the enemies above the moon.

They would never do such a thing.

The route map given by members of the Exploration and Discovery Martial Arts Society was actually based on data from the old Sap City network map. He may have found old map data somewhere in the Internet, and then happily used it as a new toy.

He didn't seem to consider how much of the old map was still usable.

"Boss, what is GPS? What is Beidou? Why not?"

"Just use the entire plug-in, use a public positioning signal..."

"Is it so scary? Do you have to send and receive satellite signals all the time? Can you not use it... I'm afraid of being suddenly bombarded by space-based weapons."

"I think in a short period of time... forget it, let me see... anyway, it only needs positioning data... If it's more troublesome, try the data from the vehicle-mounted sextant."

In less than ten minutes, the vehicle of the Six Dragon Sect and his party stopped on the broken three-dimensional traffic bridge.

It is said that many years ago Wu Zu Xiangshan highly praised the so-called "three-dimensional transportation system". And this overpass is tens of meters high, and the vehicles of the Six Dragon Sect and others really can't rush over it or directly fall to the ground. This is just above the vehicle's load-bearing limit.

"I finally know what that idiot means by 'let me see your sincerity'." Kasepong held his forehead in pain, "Hell, there must be someone special who is willing to see him after being tortured like this. Sincerity.”

"Why don't we just burn that idiot remotely?" Another Six Dragon Cult guardian also got angry.

Yang Pingtie calmed down at this time. The other side is really unprofessional and reassuring. He said: "It is best to obtain the opponent's biological brain safely. And didn't that guy say that their organization has recently been entrusted by others to organize offline activities. Maybe they can capture several association members at once."

This time it is even possible to replace half of the Exploration and Discovery Martial Arts Society without anyone noticing.

A few minutes later, Kasepong looked confused again: "What the hell? Why did this map send me a shopping request? What does it mean?"

"Forward the information to me..." Yang Pingtie nodded after receiving it, "It seems to be a change in language. Two hundred years ago, this group of phrases meant '** shopping center welcomes you'. We passed by a two-story building A shopping mall from a hundred years ago.”

Kasepong connected the vehicle camera: "But isn't there a ruins next to it? It's not a shopping area either."

"This kind of program, how does it know that two hundred years have passed and the map has changed a long time ago? It just exports the information in the map normally, and broadcasts some messages built into the map based on our location... By the way, is this some sort of 'tourism'? model'?"

"Huh? Oh, it's really..." Kasepong noticed that this old map was actually divided into several different modes, "You know so much, Boss."

Yang Pingtie became even more melancholy: "I don't want to know so much..."

However, Kasepong did not switch directly. He is now full of curiosity about this thing from two hundred years ago. In this non-intelligent program, a memory from more than two hundred years ago is running vividly. It does not understand what happened to humans in the past two hundred years, and it is still faithfully explaining the city of Sap two hundred years ago - the most advanced "land of hope" for mankind at that time.

This kind of thing makes Kaserpon find it quite interesting.

Not long after, the group arrived at their destination.

This is probably one of the tallest buildings in the ruins of Sap City - buildings taller than it have basically collapsed and have not been preserved. This is an ordinary office building.

At least two hundred years ago, this minimalist-style glass curtain wall building could be seen all over the world.

However, the destination of the Six Dragon Sect and the group was not that office building.

The destination of the map points to an indigenous settlement. The characteristic of this residential area is that it is "low". According to the explanation on that idiot map, this seems to be a private residential area and is not open to the public. "It is not recommended to go there."

Outside a relatively complete gray-white building, the Six Dragons Sect and the others saw their target. That's a very kind guy. He equipped his prosthetic body with thicker outer armor, which was close to that of a "heavy warrior". At least it looked quite intimidating.

But Yang Pingtie could tell at a glance that this guy was not a warrior at all. The output of his prosthetic body is not enough to allow this prosthetic body to move at high speeds. Those slightly clumsy body movements directly exposed his true nature.

Yang Pingtie made two gestures behind him, and one of the guardians took the initiative to explore the surroundings, while the other climbed to the top of a building and sat cross-legged to ensure a retreat and at the same time alert the surroundings.

Although everyone feels that doing so is a bit unnecessary, after all, this is how the rules of action are written. Moreover, Yang Pingtie also knew that the main purpose of this operation was to emphasize discipline and train newcomers, so it was better to follow the standard procedures.

He greeted the prosthetic man over there who was addicted to the Internet and was not wary of the surroundings: "Is this Brother Hot Plating? From the Exploration and Discovery Martial God Society? I have chatted with you online before! My name is 'An Ning' day'."

The Day of Tranquility is one of the IDs operated by the online scouts of the Six Dragons Sect.

Four days ago, I thought I would write more this month, and then I sat in front of the computer with my mind empty for two days, doing nothing for two whole days, and then spent another two whole days writing this little thing. I don't even dare to hope that I can recover.

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