Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1123 The old land of the Speed ​​King

"Peaceful day, my old friend!" Folk history explorer Ledeng held Yang Pingtie's hand enthusiastically and shook it up and down like a person from the old days.

Not very polite, to be honest.

From the perspective of evolutionary psychology, the "handshake" may represent the two parties showing each other "I have no weapons in my hands". It also represents mutual control of the other party's organs used for attack, which represents "mutual trust." However, the emergence of cyber martial arts has infinitely widened the gap in individual human combat effectiveness. Early knights often sneaked into some gatherings and assassinated some important figures who had been replaced by kleptocrats. It is said that Martial Ancestor can smash the head of a person with a low transformation rate in the shortest possible time with a "handshake" movement without warning. In that era, the "handshake ceremony" gradually became taboo, and humans began to look for etiquette from older times that did not require actual touching.

Even if a cyber warrior can "read" the opponent based on experience, he can only realize the approximate level. "Acting" can also interfere with "profile".

Perhaps only one old knight from before the Ascension War still had this habit. Back then, they started to act whenever their minds got hot and had no idea what kind of etiquette they were breaking. Maybe they became one of the few people who retained this kind of etiquette.

In the modern arena, "handshakes" and "hugs" are actually only done between people with a high degree of mutual trust.

In martial arts circles, this is a tacit "powerful competition" between extremely high-level warriors.

At least this etiquette certainly does not apply to "netizens meeting for the first time".

It is actually very impolite to touch an object without many observations and whose depth is unknown.

Even though Mr. Hot Plating showed up to be such a good guy, Yang Pingtie felt something was wrong.

It is said that in ancient times, which was older than the old times, when the monarch granted the generals command authority, they would give them a cold weapon capable of killing Homo sapiens. In this cultural ceremony, the monarch awards the axe, and the general receives the axe, ensuring that each of them has at least one opportunity to face each other with swords to show the mutual trust between the monarch and his ministers.

After the birth of Cyber ​​Martial Arts, "handshakes" and "hugs" have become so solemn.

Yang Pingtie didn't know why he used such solemn etiquette. He didn't want to greet someone he had just met with such a solemn etiquette.

But he didn't struggle, and let Mr. Hot Dip hold his hand and shake it up and down.

Yang Pingtie endured the discomfort and said: "I heard there was an event... that happened to be passing by, so I came to take a look."

Well, the character of "Sabbath Day" is a "history-loving knight". He happened to be active nearby recently. I heard that Mr. Hot Dip was planning to host an event, so I came to take a look.

"Yes, it was agreed upon." Hot Plate was very excited: "I tell you, you are really discerning! This event is really amazing."

——What big job can you do under the nose of King Agni?

On another planet, the Guardians of the Six Dragons Sect might still be able to squeeze out some expectations. But this is Earth.

Yang Pingtie thought so, but still expressed his expectation.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." As if he saw that the other person's words were not sincere, Hot Plate waved his fingers: "You should know just by looking at the location of this event, right? This event is very convincing!"

ah? Site selection?

Yang Pingtie really didn't think there was anything remarkable here. In his opinion, this area of ​​dilapidated low-rise bungalows had too simple terrain and fragile building materials, and was not even qualified to be used as a bunker. There is nothing that can be called a "terrain advantage".

This is one of the terrains that Yang Pingtie least wants to arrange as a battlefield.

The load-bearing parts of large buildings in the old era could at least block enemy attacks. As for such a small building, Yang Pingtie could easily destroy it with just his arm strength.

Hot Plate laughed loudly: "You may not believe it when I tell you. The moment the location was decided, I felt that our partner was super knowledgeable. It was simply unparalleled. Do you know? This place was very possible back then. Belongs to the fastest man in the solar system."

Yang Pingtie was stunned for a moment: "You mean... Speed ​​King?"

"That's right, Speed ​​King." Hot Plate said. He pointed to an office building not far away: "According to historical records, that place once belonged to the Speed ​​King."

Casserpon exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

"How is it possible?" Hot Plate asked.

"Why is such an important place not marked on the map?"

"Mark? Huh? Why?"

"The address of each individual should be marked on the map, right? There must be such a map." Kaserpon waved his hand: "Especially such an important individual, it must be worthy of a special mention."

"It was not like this in ancient times. The data on my map proves it." Hot Plate was a little proud, "We will start activities there tomorrow. How about it? After hearing the news, you should already be excited. Right? That’s the Speed ​​King’s thing!”


In front of the office building, I discovered that a group of people from the Martial God Society held hands and used a drone camera to record themselves and others standing in a row.

The knights stood on the edge. Ai You muttered: "Remember to change into a prosthetic body when you go back... I think one day, these fools will have the hard drive in their brains dug out by the government. You have to change into a prosthetic body before then. This is a to-do list."

Exploration revealed that the Martial God Society originally wanted to bring other knights together. But Aiyou A sternly rejected this kind of behavior.

If it is not for the purpose of promoting ideas, it is best for knights to leave less information about themselves.

Nowadays, some masters can read a person's martial arts level through image data.

In most cases, do not release information about your own level, and control the outflow of your own information.

Zhao Zhengzhen looked up at the building whose glass curtain wall had completely shattered: "What is so special about this place? Why do these fools get so excited?"

Euphorbia shrugged. He felt that this farce was almost over.

Aiyou simply sent a few messages to ask the members of the Exploration and Discovery Martial God Society. After a moment, she said: "Well, these historians believe that this may be the past... territory of the Speed ​​King?"

"This building?" Euphorbia was startled.

"So young?" The three former scientific research knight apprentices sent by Picosi were also surprised.

According to the legend passed down orally among the Scientific Knights, the Speed ​​King's Court of Speed ​​is a place with extremely high welfare and freedom, and is suspected of carrying the hope of leaving the solar system. It is a place that everyone wants to enter.

The Speed ​​King is a particularly noble being. This is almost a consensus.

When Youki heard this, he raised his head and looked at the place.

As early as after it was confirmed that Kanyuan Yanye had betrayed chivalry and joined the Six Dragons Sect, Xiangshan had shared relevant memories with those around him. The memories related to Kanhara Yanha always inevitably bring out a little bit of Hayabusa Voigt.

The Speed ​​King Hayabusa Voigt was once the most hated fellow of Kanhara Kanye. This hatred is very specific. Even under Ming Shan's enlightenment, Kanyuan Yanye only reached some kind of reconciliation with the Speed ​​King in his youth when he was thirty years old.

Falcon also has a close relationship with Xiangshan. Although Xiangshan rarely spends time alone with Falcon, Falcon has actively consulted Xiangshan on management and development issues.

At that time, everyone, including Hayabusa Voigt's adoptive father, was impressed by Xiangshan's ideals and spirit, and worked hard for the blueprint he built. But even among these comrades, many people feel that Xiangshan is "just" an excellent manager who has just caught the trend of the times, and his success is difficult to replicate.

And Hayabusa Voigt is the person who most wants to copy Xiangshan's success. He hopes to bring peace and prosperity to his hometown, a land that has suffered so much.

Hayabusa established a non-governmental regional organization.

"Is this here?" Yuki crossed his chest with his hands.

When Master shared this memory, his emotions were quite complicated. However, Master didn’t seem to have a deep impression of the “location”. At least if he didn't mention it specifically, Mingshan himself probably wouldn't remember that the headquarters of Hayabusa's regional cooperation organization was the same city as the city where he planned the first assassination.

Xiangshan actually has mixed emotions about this regional development foundation.

Xiangshan also used this organization.

At that time, there were still a lot of insects among the rulers of Africa. They are very much looking forward to "nationalizing", or perhaps to put it simply, "palacing" the assets of Superman Enterprises in the areas they rule. These small countries are no better than those countries that have completed modernization. To "nationalize enterprises" in these countries is to put enterprises into the personal pockets of tyrants and dictators.

Xiangshan's so-called "promoting the disintegration and state-owned assets of Superman Enterprises" certainly does not include this situation.

Behind Xiangshan stand the great nations. Before the human transformation plan is completed, the great powers will be Xiangshan's backing. Generally speaking, small countries have to make careful considerations when facing this kind of situation. However, there will always be fools who can't understand the importance of things and crazy people who are stubborn. There is no shortage of these two types of people among warlords.

At this stage, Xiangshan often doesn't mind using little tricks that are not very impressive.

The more urgent ones include "finding a team of veterans to join the security department with the newly eliminated equipment of the big country."

Less urgent measures include "subsidizing the studies of aspiring young people."

As for why the proportion of aspiring young people he sponsored to apply for military academies of great powers is so high? Young people should strive for their own success!

The fund for this "student program" is actually managed by Falcon Voigt.

Give Shanzhu a "non-stick pan".

Hayabusa's feelings about this kind of thing are actually extremely conflicting. After he left his homeland, he hated war. And now, he is sending young people from his hometown to learn the most advanced art of war. But at the same time, he also understood that this kind of thing was "necessary."

Yuki didn’t know the more specific content. Sharing this part of the memory with Xiangshan is actually to ask Yuki to be wary of Kanhara Yanha. In part of the training, several knights, including Hara Wenren, were asked to carry out targeted imaginary training with Kanahara Yanha as the imaginary enemy.

"This is it..." Yuki murmured.

In a sense, Speed ​​King Hayabusa Voigt is also his senior brother. But from his perspective, the world seemed to be broken. The thin young man in his long-term memory seems to be incompatible with the nightmare of modern martial arts.

OM shouted: "Okay, everyone, let's go to the opposite side - that's where it is. According to historical records, that side is a private residential area. Maybe we can still find Speed ​​King's original private residence there! We There are already friends there looking for you.”

"No, he doesn't seem to live there..." Yuki whispered.

Falcon Voigt also imitates Yawgmoth, the Father of All Machines. Falcons are extremely self-disciplined and live an almost ascetic life. He was very interested in entertainment, and his material desires seemed to have been smoothed out by brain lesions.

In the city of Sap, Falcon has no private residence. He usually lives in the foundation's own public dormitory, eating and living with people with lofty ideals who are committed to improving the motherland.

Even though the person who adopted him was wealthy enough to buy several countries.

I'm very sorry to keep everyone waiting. My condition has been unstable for the past half month. The doctor thinks I should switch to another medicine, but the process of adapting to the new medicine makes me very unstable. Now I just feel that I have destroyed my life, made myself unable to do anything now, and made myself worse and worse in the future.

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