Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1137 Early Team

"It's such a big deal, and you didn't even think of coming to see me?"

After hearing these words, Zhu Xinyu showed a look of disdain on his face: "Hey - you guy, do you know what you are talking about?"


"In this matter, you are the most suspicious and most like Big Boss, right?" Zhu Xinyu said, "Who knows if those people are rooting out dissidents for you?"

"How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?" Xiang Shan said angrily, "I..."

But he was stuck on this sentence.

Indeed, he could not deny the possibility.

"It's true..." Xiang Shan sighed, "If I weren't me, I would have to doubt me first."

"It's a mess." Zhu Xinyu waved her hand, "Also, let's talk about another practical issue. You usually stay at the Peking headquarters. If you have nothing to do, you basically don't leave the company, right? You know where I intercepted Nia Gu Titus?"


"A savanna in a certain no-man's land." Zhu Xinyu spread her hands: "Observing wild animals is her hobby. It is natural for her to go to no-man's land. This is how I followed her and squatted until the assassin appeared. . It wasn’t until the killers opened fire that I confirmed it was not a fake shot – I watched her being shot by seven or eight guns for several minutes.”

"So, can you explain it from the beginning..." Xiang Shan scratched his head.

"I just realized at first that the company's system had been tampered with. You and I, neither of us, may have actually come into contact with the code running on the company's servers. This made me very vigilant. So I stole a copy material……"

"Explain it to me from here. What did you steal? From whom? How did you know there was something wrong with that person?"

"As the company's chief security officer, I can legally and legally insert the USB flash drive into any non-private device in the company." Zhu Xinyu seemed to have warmed up, and took off the down jacket with the hem covering his knees, "I also It’s not about targeting someone in particular, just...whoever has the opportunity to plug their own device into the company’s device may be infected. The virus will retrieve content that looks like scientific research materials, and then package and send it. After all this is completed, the virus It will delete itself."

"Damn." Xiang Shan showed a nostalgic expression, "It's already been fifty years. You were playing this trick fifty years ago..."

"Don't interrupt. If you interrupt again, I'll really kill you." Zhu Xinyu waved her chain sword, "But I can't understand the information stolen from Li Zheyuan. So, I thought about it and decided to trust Yogmo Husband and Nia Guti... Strictly speaking, I actually believe in Yawgmoth more. He is not at all like the kind of person who can weave huge conspiracies. However, I can't just trust one person. Just in case. Is this person completely different from what he appears?" When asking this rhetorical question, Zhu Xinyu stared at Xiangshan, "So, I sent the same content to Niya Guti at the same time."

"Yawgmoth took an old friend from outside the company to Eastern Europe. He gave himself an AIDS injection there more than thirty years ago. He also controls several laboratories there. He plans to conduct research there. The data I gave...then there was a fire in that laboratory."

"Where is Yog? Is he still alive?"

Zhu Xinyu crossed his arms: "It's hard to say. I actually set up a camera nearby. The on-board camera of an unmanned vehicle was pointed there a few weeks ago. I just didn't expect that there would be an explosion there soon." . Yawgmoth should have been inside at the time. But miraculously, a few hours later, I got in touch with him again. It’s just..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Xinyu paused: "I think the person talking to me may not be Yawgmoth himself, but another person."

Xiang Shan was stunned: " do you judge this?"

"Judging from the overall speaking style, it is difficult to say that it is based on certain details... It is difficult to explain to you. Ingrid or Florence may be better at this kind of thing." Zhu Xinyu was a little impatient, "That At that time, I suspected that someone had obtained Yawgmoth’s personal terminal or something.”

"I knew at that moment that I had to escape. If I didn't escape, I would die. But at that time, I was still hesitant - whether to try to kill the bastard who was the most suspected."

"Ah." Xiang Shan felt scared for a while.

At that time, it was really possible for Zhu Xinyu to take action.

"Then I really want to thank you for not killing me."

Zhu Xinyu nodded: "It is true...if there is no evidence."

"What's next?"

"I tried my best to investigate the explosion in Yawgmoth's laboratory. Then I found that there was indeed one more corpse in the explosion than there were regular employees in the laboratory. Due to the fire, it was difficult to identify the corpses. It was only later that the police confirmed that the extra body belonged to a former member of the security company of United States nationality - a former mercenary in other words."

Xiangshan was silent for a moment. He had always known that Yog had such a friend. When Yawgmoth was a member of a radical animal protection group, the group had ties to some security companies.

It was the same when Selukaimidom was...

"The veteran's name is Siegfried. I guess Yawgmoth suspected that the company was unreliable, so he found a friend outside the company. Then, he seemed to have found the wrong person. Mr. Siegfried died. In that laboratory, but those people did not find the remains of Yawgmoth - Homo sapiens is more difficult to incinerate and easier to leave biological samples than Homo sapiens. Thanks to this corpse, the mastermind behind the scenes could not A hunt was organized in that city immediately. It took them a while to confirm the identity of the body. Maybe Yawgmoth is still alive somewhere in the world."

"And Niyaguti was more cautious. She used a non-networked car device to process the data. For a long time, she remained silent. Afterwards, she said that she could only tell from the data that the bastard Li Zheyuan had There are signs of interference with the life process of cells. The specific interference must be verified through experiments. She spent more time planning. However, Yawgmoth and I disappeared one after another, which may have intensified the actions of the mastermind behind the scenes. They were more serious than expected. Attacked Niyaguti faster.”

Xiang Shan thought about it for a while and nodded: "Yeah. That's really... not easy."

"The only good thing is that the private armed forces belonging to the masterminds still retain the combat thinking of the Homo sapiens era. The increased reaction ability of baseline humans and the powerful power brought by the prosthetics have made the tactics of the Homo sapiens era It's not suitable for now. We relied on this to narrowly escape several times." Zhu Xinyu moved his body: "Should I say lucky, or am I a fool behind the scenes? Their pursuers seem to... lack perseverance? Commitment? Or what? . That kind of non-stop pursuit did not last long..."

"The private armed forces behind the scenes are probably not large in scale." Xiang Shan said: "The more people there are, the harder it is to keep secrets - I guess their close pursuit may be more to ensure that We cannot get in touch with the company immediately and use the power in our hands. At this point in time, the power that originally belonged to you will be taken over and stolen. Once the most easily detectable period is passed, they will be strong We have the power. At this time, we need to prove that we are who we are."

"That's it..." Zhu Xinyu sighed and shook her head, "It seems that when I was young, I had the right idea. Power is an anti-human thing. It is not a good thing."

"That's true." Xiang Shan nodded.

"Let's pack it up." Zhu Xinyu said, "Go and dismantle the host and take away the storage equipment. I'll look for movable insulation equipment... Forget it, I'll just carry it away with the freezer later..."

"What are you looking for?"

Zhu Xinyu pointed to the other side of the room: "In the yoga room, there is a thermostatic cabinet in the corner, which stores 100,000 effective units of enzyme at low temperature. I must take this with me."

"Huandan enzyme...oh, I remember this."

Danzyme, originally one of the products of the XHD project, is called "danzyme" and is used to reverse the life cycle of nerve cells. At the beginning, it was only allowed to be used for injuries to the peripheral nervous system - that is, Dr. Taun Haitau's injured hands and other injuries that left him unable to move.

The various shortcomings of the XHD project also made Xiangshan feel that "geeks use drugs to further enhance their abilities" is just an urban legend.

Several by-products of the "Xiaohuandan Project" are difficult to apply in the central nervous system due to lack of controllability. The 18:3 drug can accurately call the "initial state" of the immune system, but it is indeed specifically targeted at the complex immune system. This agent cannot activate proto-oncogenes in nerve cells.

Superman Enterprise has also launched drugs that activate proto-oncogenes in skeletal muscle cells and cardiomyocytes.

Theoretically speaking, when Yawgmoth completed the 18:3 potion, the door to turn on any permanent cell growth switch was already opened, and the growth potion that acted on the central nervous system was theoretically "completely feasible".

But as of 1969, Superman Enterprises did not have any projects using such drugs to enhance cognitive abilities.

The reason is ethical.

When such agents act on the central nervous system, they will inevitably cause permanent changes in cognitive ability and even personality. According to primate experiments, such changes are almost uncontrollable.

Can humans use such dangerous agents on their central nervous system for non-medical purposes?

Although "cognitive revolution" is Xiangshan's long-cherished wish, under this problem, Xiangshan can only temporarily succumb to reality, slow down research in this area, and instead think about the way to further combine "consciousness" and "machinery".

Just a "memory storage device" and a "human memory format file" can already constitute a huge change in cognition.

In a short period of time, there is no need to force the cognitive improvement brought by Danzyme.

"It's out of control - let me put it this way, this should be another mistake. Just like that guy Yog's overturning the car back then."

The first time Yawgmoth performed genetic modification surgery on himself, he overturned. Because as a top geneticist, he ignored a physiological fact - the complexity of the human brain and its weight ratio to other parts of the body far exceed that of all other species on the earth. Therefore, "transformation of the central nervous system" is only a difficulty that can be "barely overcome" for other animals, but it is "almost impossible to overcome naturally" for humans.

At the same time, other primates are still less intelligent than humans, so defects in high-level functional areas are difficult to confirm and record by observers.

Zhu Xinyu said: "The same principle is true here, just in reverse. The reason why animals show uncontrollable changes in personality is because their cognitive abilities are limited. For humans, this is equivalent to carrying The memory returns to adolescence - although adolescence is indeed emotionally unstable. But I think people with strong willpower can actually decide 'what kind of person I want to be'."

"In the past, we were just hindered by the ethics committee, so we said 'this may not work' - but in theory this is feasible, you know, right?"

Xiang Shan was stunned: "This..."

"You still care so much about laboratory ethics issues now? In fact, these two brothers have already done this, haven't they?" Zhu Xinyu said, "They are at the forefront of the times. It was just some weird talk in the hacker forum. It's controversial, but they realized it. It's also amazing. By the way, pay attention, these two brothers should still keep a note. The kind they will check from time to time. Similar to... a spiritual diary or something? Anyway, that's it. It records the process of them using yoga and meditation to 'subdue themselves'. I think judging from this kid's performance just now, this ability is worth mentioning."

Xiang Shan looked at his body and shook his head: "It's true, it's true, 'transformation for non-medical purposes'... Haha, I have it all over my body now, and this one is no exception."

Zhu Xinyu and Xiangshan searched separately and soon found their targets. Xiangshan dismantled all the parts here. Zhu Xinyu also got the two brothers' notes as she wished.

The next thing to be disassembled is the electronic equipment in contact with the Vulcan brothers' brain-computer interface.

This step was completed by Xiangshan. Stripping this type of device is somewhat complicated. If a pure layman like Zhu Xinyu comes, it will easily cause damage to the equipment.

After doing all this, the two of them relaxed a little. Zhu Xinyu said: "In the corridor adjacent to this suite, there are five behind-the-scenes private soldiers armed with light weapons. What are you going to do?"

Xiang Shan thought for a moment and shook his head: "It's not good. Although the real identities of these guys are kept secret, most of them have legal identities on the surface. If we kill them, it will easily attract the original security force of this building. It’s better to avoid fighting.”

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