Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1138 Result

Zhu Xinyu rubbed her chin: "Avoid fighting...fight..." Her expression suddenly became a little scary, "Your tone seems to be saying, are you sure you can kill those five guys with light weapons?"

"if not?"

"No. The small arms here refer to 'small arms in hot weapons', small-caliber submachine guns!"

"so what?"

"Why do you think this kind of private soldiers are easy to fight?" Zhu Xinyu scratched his head, "Their prosthetic transformation rate is very high, and their weapons and equipment are the most advanced..."

"Yeah, yeah." Xiang Shan nodded with his eyes closed, "So they must be inferior to me."

"Why?" Zhu Xinyu asked, "The thing you care about most is that you don't want to fight with the security department of Superman Enterprise!"

"The employees of the security department are innocent." Xiang Shan pointed to the door. "They are different from the private armed forces of the thieves. They don't even know about it."

Zhu Xinyu patted her forehead: "Let's go back to the question. Why do you think top mercenaries equipped with the most advanced prosthetics and the most advanced weapons are inferior to you? You can kill them at will?"

"Ah? Am I so arrogant?"

"That's exactly how you expressed it."

"Damn, you still understand me." Xiang Shan nodded: "Sticking to the tactical thinking of Homo sapiens, there are basically no special adjustments for prosthetics - well, for thousands of years, human tactics have revolved around the body. It was carried out on the premise that the conditions are not much different. It is normal for these professionals to not make a U-turn for a while.”

"Tell the important point."

"The biggest advantage of a prosthetic person is that he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt." Xiang Shan stretched out a finger, "As long as the vital part is not penetrated by bullets, I will not die even if I am hit by a gun. In addition, as long as the energy part and transmission Part of it is not damaged, and no matter how serious the injury is, it will not affect the strength of the arm. According to my observation, very few fighters are aware of this. They have not been able to break through the instinct of self-protection."

"Then what? Those were five people with guns!"

"I dare not say anything else, but in this narrow closed environment, those enemies will block each other's shooting range. Although there are five of them, they are easier to kill than one." Xiang Shan stretched out his left hand and spread his fingers. , "With the power of the prosthetic body, it is very simple to kill a person."

Speaking of this, Xiang Shan suddenly couldn't help but sigh.

Just now, a trace of joy flashed in his heart.

He was glad that it was David who joined him and not Xu Daozheng.

Xiang Shan and David are both from the "Prosthetic Body Functional Power School", while Xu Daozheng is from the "Prosthetic Body Simulation School". Xiang Shan and David would like to pursue more powerful functions of prosthetics, while Xu Daozheng has been pursuing realism for decades. In Xu Daozheng's view, humans are not gods, and things designed by humans must have flaws. Although the natural body also has many flaws, almost all of its bugs are benign - billions of years of operation and upgrades have violently eliminated most of the vicious bugs that have ever appeared. Human limbs are the product of a hundred thousand years of testing.

David will design less realistic but powerful prosthetics.

Zhu Xinyu fell into deep thought: "You mean... you are sure of killing those five people?"

"If there is no hidden boss."

Zhu Xinyu raised her head: "Let's do it."

"Huh? But... wait, you..."

Zhu Xinyu pressed her neck and moved her head: "Don't forget, I hid under the eyes of those brothers for several months. I know how to block those people's ears and eyes. I can guarantee that no one from the security department will be able to find them. Since The scale of this kind of private army is not large - that means every kill is a powerful result!"

Xiang Shan thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay, let's do it."

Zhu Xinyu closed her eyes. She seemed prepared. After a moment, she said: "You can go. I have sent you the information. Due to the relationship between the thieves themselves, this group of five people will take turns to disconnect from the Internet, always keeping at least one person off the Internet. The living room and the innermost room of the suite The one is currently disconnected. The other three, I can guarantee that they will not notice anything unusual within three minutes."

Xiang Shan made an OK gesture, then took over the surveillance video from Zhu Xinyu, and carefully observed the condition of the mercenary sitting in the living room keeping watch, gesturing with his hands in front of his face.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look where his gun is, and confirm whether there is a silencer, and where are the grenades and the like... Hmm? Mini Uzi... Information about this gun..."

Xiangshan took off his shirt while confirming the information. His whole body is now made up of prosthetics, and his face is just a bionic part. There are several interfaces behind Xiangshan. Xiangshan found a non-bionic industrial-style robotic arm from his bag, connected it to the interface on his waist, and then put his clothes back on to cover up the hidden accessory.

A countdown pops up at the edge of Xiangshan's vision. Zhu Xinyu said: "When the countdown ends, I will unlock the door."

Xiang Shan nodded and pushed the door open. He said: "Actually, I originally wanted to play the Indian kid's scream of 'Why~' at the door of the mercenaries to attract them to open the door."

Zhu Xinyu looked at Xiangshan with a somewhat horrified expression: "Now I believe you are really Xiangshan. Others don't have such wild ideas."

The process this time around was lackluster. Xiangshan approached the door quietly. As the door lock opened, he jumped in.

Zhu Xinyu witnessed everything on the surveillance camera. The mercenary keeping watch was very perceptive. He reacted the moment the door lock opened. But Xiangshan's movements were not human-like. He jumped in with all four limbs, kicked hard on the wall, and used his strength to rush towards the night watchman. The two were knocked to the ground. The mercenary who was keeping watch at night had already got his own mini-submachine gun in his right hand, but Xiang Shan held the gun in his palm.

In order to climb the outer wall, Xiangshan's hands are now larger than normal human size.

Vacuum pumps provide additional control. Xiangshan didn't need any muscle strength to control this hand. He directly broke off the night watchman's right index finger to ensure that he held the trigger. The night watchman desperately tried to regain control of the gun, but Xiangshan followed his strength and pointed the gun at a wooden door and fired.

Xiangshan had already observed the existence of the silencer and flash suppressor on this gun in advance, so he had no scruples. The bullet penetrated the wooden door and smashed the upper body of the other mercenary. Through surveillance, Xiangshan has completely grasped the opponent's location. The sudden attack made the mercenary who had not yet fully transformed into a prosthetic body instinctively avoid it and tried to block the wound in a panic.

The other mercenary sleeping in the living room was unaware of this, shaking his head and immersed in the music.

The mercenary struggled to reach out his left hand to touch his secondary weapon-it was a pistol. But the pistol had already been taken away by Xiang Shan—with the extra robotic arm.

And this move also cost him his life. Xiangshan's left hand, which had lost control, pinched his neck like lightning, passed over the neck guard of the tactical vest, and crushed his neck.

Before the body fell, Xiang Shan took the pistol from the mechanical arm and shot the music-listening mercenary whose mask had been tampered with. While doing all this, he pulled a bulletproof plate from the first soldier's vest and held it in front of his head.

He opened the door quickly like this. The mercenary, who had multiple organs penetrated, reacted quickly and exchanged shots with Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan's bullet pierced his forehead.

Xiang Shan was also hit by three bullets in the chest.

This kind of injury is not nothing to Xiangshan. You still have to replace a batch of parts later.

The unpretentious opening of the door and firing was repeated twice more. Xiangshan even had time to collect bullets and explosives.

For the assassin team at this stage, these supplies are not easy to obtain.

After doing all this, Xiang Shan methodically found a towel, dipped it in blood and wrote the words "The murderer slays the dragon Xiang Shanye".

This all happened within three minutes. The most time-consuming part is collecting the loot and writing.

After Xiang Shan returned to Vulgan's room, Zhu Xinyu looked at him with something wrong: "What are you doing? Performance art? Isn't it bad to do things in secret?"

"Declare war." Xiang Shan said, "Those despicable guys know that I am not dead, and they also know that I will definitely come back, so I declared it like this. I want to make them afraid."

Fear prompts action. And for a covert organization lurking in the shadows, the more it does, the more likely it is that things will go wrong.

Xiang Shan looked at his hands: "This is not the first time I have fought against the private armed forces of such a country thief... But this is the first time I have won so easily..."

Xiangshan looked at Zhu Xinyu: "Maybe we should unite."

"Your suspicion is still not completely cleared. I still can't tell whether this is a show to taint me." Zhu Xinyu sighed, shook his head, waved his hand and said, "We'd better go our separate ways. Don't let the eggs go. In a basket to avoid that, right?"

"That's not right." Xiang Shan said: "We should unite all the forces that can be united. Only those who have the strength have the power. It was because of our union that we succeeded last time..."

"Then what? You still have the nerve to mention 'last time'?" Zhu Xinyu was confused, "Aren't we just paying for your 'last success' now? This time, there is a spy from the opposite side among us. , we are all finished! The last hope of the world..."

"We will not be the last resisters." Xiang Shan said, "There will always be others after us."

"Are you crazy? You have no idea what that bastard Li Zheyuan did! Now, some people can use electrical signals to kill many humans with just a few clicks of their fingers! He can kill everyone in the world in an instant, and at the same time, he can kill a specific person precisely. All the subjects of a certain batch of genetic modification surgery in the area!" Zhu Xinyu said loudly, "Except for a very small number of people, no one can stand on the frontal battlefield! And this is the most basic... We can't imagine that they still have nerve cells. What did you do...just one person..."

"That's true. This is the purpose of accurately sniping and killing early volunteers for genetic modification surgery." Xiang Shan nodded: "But, Xinyu, before I came here, I didn't know you existed. Maybe we didn't know before Where there are others - those thieves want our old power. The exposure of this back door will damage 'the power we once had'. Even if exposed, he can also establish another kind of rule through death and fear , but being a chief of primitive people is definitely not as interesting as being a big capitalist. They will not be exposed easily, nor will they use this backdoor easily."

"Maybe we will die tomorrow. Maybe we won't see that day at all. But I believe that there will definitely be new rebels born in the future. And in order to provide a better environment for future comrades, I still want to propose- —We should unite. The technology you are exploring and the technology I am exploring should be combined together!"

"As for the fear of the lackeys of the kleptocrats sneaking in...well, that is indeed a problem. But we should not stop eating because of choking."

Zhu Xinyu looked at Xiang Shan, silent for a moment, and then sighed: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really...shouldn't debate scriptures with you. You are so damn professional." She asked, "Have you ever thought about how to evacuate before?"

"Just walk out...ah..."

Xiangshan suddenly realized the problem.

He could return to the temporary lounge through the small space outside the window and walk out in a big way, but Zhu Xinyu couldn't. At the same time, the news that the five-man team was completely wiped out could not be kept secret for long. The kleptocrats may notice that the team has lost contact at any time and notify Superman's corporate security department of martial law.

The freight channel that Zhu Xinyu originally took may not be easy to navigate under the alert state of the security department.

Xiang Shan patted his head: "I have indeed made plans to fight all the way out, but... tsk..."

Zhu Xinyu turned around and took out a backpack from the cold storage: "My current arm strength should not be able to fix a prosthetic body of your size. You carry it on your back and then grab me."


"A paraglider can glide several kilometers away along the airflow brought by high-rise buildings. I simulated it before coming here." Zhu Xinyu shared a simulation animation and operation instructions with Xiangshan.

Xiangshan re-scratch the outer glass and place it inside the house (to avoid falling objects from heights and killing people). Then, he hugged Zhu Xinyu and retreated to the end of the room.

Zhu Xinyu swore that it was the highest acceleration she had ever experienced.

Two world-class terrorists jumped out of the window and fell into the night sky.

Zhu Xinyu raised her head, looked at the night sky, and couldn't help humming: "So, get away/Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know/And let yourself go..."

Xiang Shan: "...Isn't this song a bit unlucky?"


When Yuki broke away from this memory, his heart was still.

"You are so calm." Regulus laughed so hard that his whole body trembled, "There are still people who yell, 'No, this is not true' as soon as they are out of memory..."

"How should I put it? It's no surprise." Yuki said, "Now that things have happened, there is no need to be surprised by Master's overturning."

"Ah, to be honest, I have even seen some people question whether I deliberately tarnished the image of the Martial Ancestor and hindered the cause of chivalry. I can wear this big hat, tsk tsk." Regulus XIV said, "The old man doesn't want to mention it himself. Just because he felt a little embarrassed about it."

"There are very few things that are right." Yuki nodded, "And the enemies are also very weak."

"Many people think that Mr. Wu Zu should have been so strong from the beginning - but there were times when he was really that weak! All of this is true!" Regulus XIV stood up and opened his arms, "Xiang Shan is also a human being. Xiang Shan Anyone can do anything that can be done!”

"I have some doubts. At least I don't think people should be resurrected..."

"That is also a choice made by people - in this deformed world, some people can only gain the power to resist through twisted paths!" Regulus said, "I just want everyone to admit that Martial Ancestor also came from He continued to grow when he was weak!"

Yuki nodded. Maybe this is a way for the senior brother to express his respect for the master.

"Okay, now, you go up and find your friends." Regulus said, "It seems that you already know how to read this kind of memory, and you can read it very quickly. Those people still need to Yes. You go and tell them the principles that we must remember."

I wish you all a happy new year in advance.

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