Cyber Heroes

Chapter 289 Chaos

It should be said that he was "lucky". In short, on this day, Yuan Wenren did not have the opportunity to practice his anti-tracking technology.

The strange Tiangang level green forest didn't chase him. He seemed to be honestly competing with those gym owners.

However, the original newsman still took Yuki around in the city streets several times.

It wasn't until night that the two returned to the temporary base.

The little guy, who had been extremely hungry for a long time, was crying loudly. According to the original news, she actually planned to leave Yuki in the martial arts gym and come back directly. The appearance of that green forest really disrupted her plan.

Yuki hurriedly comforted the hungry little girl.

Yuan Wenren immediately put on his own body that traveled around the world. After cutting off the connection between the car and the wireless network, she connected to the car's host computer and used the host's system to perform internal skills and quickly conduct self-examinations.

This system is also "old timer". According to him, he should have written it himself. The architecture of this system is quite old, and the virus database is also slightly outdated. However, the original source downloaded the update patch from the public resources of Xia Ke.

Soon, Yuan Wenren was sure that there was indeed no poison on him and everything was normal. The QR code itself is not a mysterious code that opens the backdoor. Even if there is a trap, it will probably fall on the internal power master on the other side of the network.

The QR code points to a URL.

Afterwards, Yuan Wenren used his internal strength to protect himself, and then carefully connected to the website.

It seemed to be an extremely crude message board, completely open to the public, without any encryption measures, and anyone could leave a message on it. There really is nothing on this page except an interactive interface made entirely of black and white lines.

It doesn’t even bother to post public art materials.

There is already a message on the page, it was half an hour ago.

"Post: Is it really a green forest using this web page to collect intelligence? The dream is broken, isn’t this too crude? 》(0 replies)

This is the only content.

It seems that a martial arts disciple should have photographed the QR code and then leaked it unintentionally.

Although everyone is afraid of Green Forest, there are always people in this world who are not afraid of death.

What's more, the person who posted this is most likely not a resident of Domingo City. There are always some people in this world who are not afraid of death and think, "You can't hit me along the network cable."

But most people who actually think this way have no sense of security at all. They have no awareness of internal strength.

Basically, a master of internal skills can remotely burn a specific user's device.

If this "device" were the central system of a prosthetic human with a high transformation rate, it would be fatal.

It is said that there is really a green forest expert who uses his internal power to kill anyone who dares to talk to him online.

The original reporter quickly found the IP address of the poster and found a contact information - the poster did not disguise himself at all. She sent a simple firewall installation package using a temporary email address. The effect of this thing is only better than nothing for experts. Even the poster may not dare to actually install it, but it can be regarded as a thoughtful gesture.

On the second day, Domingo City still maintained its apparent tranquility. The original news person looked at those martial arts schools through the remote camera, and there were no signs of dead people. It seemed that everything was going on as usual.

——It seems that Green Forest did not kill anyone.

The original news person thought so. But the thought did not comfort her.

On the contrary, the heroine only felt a sense of fear.

The green forest is easy to kill. If a green forest can restrain his destructive desire, then nine times out of ten he has a bigger plan.

And Lu Lin's "calculation" ultimately pointed to "killing people more boldly." Even "practicing" means "killing people with more confidence." Killing, or "destroying individuals who are not members of our group" is its own meaning.

"Who is that guy..." Yuan Wenren lowered his head and thought, "What is his plan?"

The original news person quickly found the Green Forest Tiger List - this thing is equivalent to a wanted order, completely open to the public. It also has detailed information about those Green Forests, including their martial arts skills, prosthetic body parameters, and even martial arts styles and some habits.

The original news person quickly compared the information on Tiangang's part, but found nothing. She read the Di Sha Pian carefully again. A total of eleven Green Forest members, including the evil star "Serial Missile" Gliad, were removed from the list within half a year, and one person was promoted to Tiangang. Other than that, there were only slight changes in ranking.

There is still no information about the warrior.

"It seems I didn't remember it wrong. That guy had not been on the Green Forest Tiger List before this month. He was not one of the 108 killer stars." Yuan Wenren thought.

Maybe he was a knight in the past?

When thinking of this, Yuan Wenren's eyes dimmed for a few seconds.

The fall of a famous hero... No matter who this happens to, it is very sad.

It's just that the knights are more hidden than the green forest. The original source also compared the dragon and phoenix lists that recorded Jianghu knights, and only found a few suspected objects.

——What on earth does that guy want to do?

The heroine thought about this problem like this until the third day.

At the beginning of the third day, there was some chaos in Domingo City.

At first, people just thought there was a gang fight. The original reporter saw many newly uploaded pictures and videos on local portal websites, which seemed to be traces of violent conflicts.

The original source transferred a few anonymous virtual currencies to the uploaders and did not leave any other messages. This is all to encourage these people to continue collecting intelligence in this area.

Knights also need to learn to use such means.

Yuki is responsible for monitoring the broadcast. Just that night, he also found a broadcaster who said that Domingo City was now in chaos, and the gang seemed to be leaderless.

It was late that night that Domingo City Protector entered the scene.

They don't care about martial arts schools and gangs, but if there is a mass casualty incident in their territory, it will also affect their future.

Over the next two days, the chaos in Domingo City became increasingly apparent.


"Quick, quick, quick!" the leader of a warrior team screamed: "Magnetic fiber network! Magnetic fiber network!"

Opposite him, a gray-black figure jumped down from a ten-meter-high building. A light shone from behind and hit him like a meteor.

A warrior reluctantly threw out a magnetic fiber net - a capture weapon that mixed high-strength carbon fiber and electromagnets. After touching the target, it will tighten immediately.

But he and the black shadow were seen waving their weapons in an instant. The web immediately shrunk around his sword. The strong electromagnetic force even interferes with the tracks of other magnetic fiber webs.

Then, the net and the sword hit a warrior.

The leader roared and unleashed a set of punches before coming over.

Borshu spun around to dodge like lightning, and then held down the warrior's neck. The vector jet behind him and the tires suddenly exerted force, and he fell sideways to the ground. While dodging the fire-tipped spear of another warrior, he pushed the leader to the ground and directly broke his cervical vertebrae.

After the strongest warrior fell, Borshu knocked down the remaining warriors with three punches and two kicks.

Then rushed into an alley.

After the concussion of the team leader eased slightly, he immediately connected to the Internet and said: "Report, this is Team 037, the target is leaving towards the southwest, repeat, the target is leaving towards the southwest!"

But he knew that he was in trouble now.

They lost their target.

Borshu pulled out a cloak from his storage box and put it on himself again.

He didn't kill those people. Although Lu Lin loves to kill people, he can't kill people if he is dead. Therefore, when entering the city, they would also choose to hide and be patient and not kill anyone.

The government will not accurately target and kill every green forest who steps into its monitoring range unless he continues to kill.

The so-called "losing asylum" means that "the protector does not prohibit others from killing you." For the strong, this is nothing.

But if we continue to kill people who have shelter, and even the power of the government, then the situation will be different.

The government will definitely attack with all their strength.

Today is just a small team here to investigate the situation and stabilize the situation.

He can continue to hang out here for a few days.

——Yes, just like this, get used to "not killing" first...

Borshu imagines the action of "taking a deep breath" and uses his natural instinct to calm himself down.

He can stay here for a few more days. In the past few days, those people from the martial arts school should be able to find out something and some clues. Of course, he didn't expect those martial arts people to actually pass the information to the website honestly.

Judging from the current records, no one from the martial arts school frequently visits that website. There were a few people suspected of being from the government monitoring the message board. But as long as there are clues about the martial arts people, he can rush over and assimilate those martial arts people.

When the time comes, whatever information he wants, the other party will confess it honestly.

The people in the martial arts school have no internal strength, so it is not difficult to hack into the prosthetic body and force them to read the "common memory".

This is the true purpose of Borshu.

That message board was just a front to attract attention.

As long as you...

Borshu suddenly paused.

He felt someone was following him.

Borshu turned around, turned around and pounced.

"Yeah!" A human screamed.

Borshu stopped. He looked at the woman in front of him and shouted angrily: "Why is it you?"

It was the girl he met in the wilderness. (In Borshu's consciousness, he just killed someone and did not "save" him.)

He used this girl along the way to train himself to overcome his murderous intent. At the same time, the girl followed him all the way to Domingo City. After that, he just didn't care anymore.

The girl shrank up like a baby bird. She cried: "Master, I finally see you again... Wuwuwuwu... Hero... thank you..."

Seeking votes at the end of the month

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