Cyber Heroes

Chapter 290 Sinking

Borshu remembered that after he asked the girl to follow him into the city, he didn't care about her anymore. After entering Domingo City, he sped up and turned into an alley, leaving the woman behind.

After that, he began to make appointments to play gyms and inquire about information about local gangs.

Green Forest and gangsters are of the same origin. Green Forest Dazhai is the ecology after the transformation of the gang. After the "village master" in the Green Forest Village improves his martial arts to a certain level and obtains an isotope battery, he can be called the "Green Forest Hero" and can walk around the entire planet at will, constantly transforming Green Forest molecules with the same mind and heart as him. , like a walking source of infection.

This process is just like the larvae, pupation, and emergence of insects.

Borshu has entered the third level of the green forest, but the huge shared memory also makes him familiar with the operating style of the first level gangsters.

He quickly targeted local gangs and carried out assassinations to obtain supplies.

In the process, he also competed with others in a big way and made a bet.

The purpose of Borshu is to stir up the water in this area and make local snakes and people in the world aware of the fact that "the legacy of the Eighth Martial God" is coveted. And in this process, someone will inevitably come across relevant clues.

He only needs to assimilate those who hold the clues into Green Forest later.

Yes, Borshu also knew that this kind of thing was not in line with chivalry and the thinking of Green Forest. But he couldn't control himself. The desire to "get rid of the green forest" made him desperately obey the instinct of the green forest.

He couldn't control himself.

In the process of this layout, he had long forgotten the woman who was used to train him to "contain the murderous intention".

He really didn't expect that he would meet him again.

Borshu picked up the girl: "Who are you... No, how did you find me? Who asked you to come?"

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu "

——This is so ridiculous...

Borshu let go. He felt that this girl was really unreasonable. Who would want to ask Green Forest for help? The original knight turned around and left. This alley is surrounded by residential buildings. It's night now, when the prosthetics with high transformation rates are working, so there aren't many people around. But if they continue to fight, they may attract attention.

If the government really wanted to search, they could borrow the prosthetic eyes of any civilian. Only the illegal prosthetic eyes and firewalls on the knights or green forests can be slightly spared.

Thugs like them, who abandoned the protection of civilization and betrayed the world, must learn to hide themselves and avoid too much attention.

The girl followed up as usual, minding her own business. She was still wiping away tears: "I'm really useless, hero. I feel like I can't live without you... wu wu wu..."

Borshu suppressed the killing intent tumbling in his heart: "How did you live before, how do you live now!"

"Without my father and mother, I can't go deep into the wilderness alone..." the girl whispered: "And the only uncle with a mechanical body is also dead, and I can't transport large pieces of cargo back..."

——Why is this guy so stupid? Can you do nothing but scavenge?

Borshu thought so in his mind. The brain of a baseline human is slightly more developed than that of a natural human. As long as they study hard, they should be able to master more things...

Borshu turned his head and looked at the woman. He looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. No matter how you think about it, you should have some life skills?

——Could it be that you think I am a "hero" and plan to stay on my side and take advantage of me? This is really true that good people are bullied...

Borshu suddenly hit himself on the head with his fist.

The girl was startled and screamed: "Hero?"

"Nothing..." Borshu waved his hand to stop the noise maker from continuing to scream.

Think of it as continuing to practice the means of restraining murderous intent. That's what Borshu planned.

But at this time, he suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

After a while, Borshu suddenly asked: "Are you injured?"

He noticed dark blood stains on the ground behind him.

Originally, the smell of blood on this girl should be a bit obvious, but Borshu did not install an olfactory prosthetic—or a chemical composition sensing prosthetic. He's only now discovering this.

The girl nodded, then shook her head and said: "Nothing..."

Borshu looked at it carefully. He called up the data in his mind for comparison, and found that the backpack containing food that the girl carried was missing, and the water bottles picked up from the dead family members were also missing.

The girl felt that Borshu's gaze was a little scary. She took a few steps back and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal... I'm still alive... Wuwuwuwu..."

But before he finished speaking, he burst into tears.

Borshu once again compared the data. He found that the girl's walking posture just now was a little strange. He leaned over and roughly opened the tattered fabric wrapped around the girl's body. There was a wound on the girl's leg and stomach. It seemed that it was not a sharp weapon, but a slightly sharp protruding point. The wound was not deep, and there was a slight sign of the skin turning. Most of the areas had begun to scab, but the girl's movement of running over to chase him had reopened these wounds.

"what happened?"

Borshu found that he seemed to have completely lost control of his speech function. He had no idea why he was asking. The girl seemed to be saying something, and Borshu seemed to have heard it, but he seemed not to. He didn't want to hear it, but his brain processed it on its own with perceptual logic. The internal energy also operates on its own driven by some kind of terrible emotion, rolling into the surrounding private servers.

——No...that's not's not necessary...

——Abide by the law as the law exists...obey the the law exists...

This last bit of emotion also fell into darkness.

Borshu turned and left.

In this minute, maybe one of the Jianghu people really died.

A few minutes later, Borshu placed a backpack with some blood stains and several water bottles in front of the girl. Among the things he threw out were bandages and topical ointments.

The girl was overjoyed, but was horrified to see the "hero" kneeling on the ground, sobbing and crying.


The original reporter once again entered the slums of Ciudad Domingo. This area is a gathering place for poor people who have no serious building materials and have to use some large pieces of plastic garbage to circle their private land. She saw the photo online locally. Seven people died.

The original reporter came here specifically because she felt something was wrong with the photo. This doesn't sound like a gang member's approach.

The heroine saw a piece of translucent plastic stained with blood from a distance. That should be the place where the crime occurred. He quickly approached, but soon stopped.

There are two guys who look like government eagle dogs recording something.

The original person did not approach, but changed direction. She is a sniper and her prosthetic eyes work very well.

So he saw the tragedy inside the "house".

"Green Forest..." Yuan Wenren clenched his fists.

"Knight?" At this time, a voice appeared from her side. The original informant immediately looked in the opposite direction, and then pretended to be at a loss and looked around.

The speaker is a completely prosthetic person, wearing a white coat, and his face is a flat curved surface with no facial features.

This is an official research knight.

"There is no need to be so defensive." The scientific knight shrugged: "There is no rule that us scientific knights must hack the knight to death when we see him. I have no intention of killing the knight now, and you don't need to be so defensive."

The person who heard the news didn't say anything, but pretended to be at a loss and retreated, leaving.

The scientific research knight made a "sigh" sound and said: "Forget it, I will just talk about some topics that you Jianghu people are interested in. The deceased this time were two families, very good neighbors, each of them had ten The wounds were caused by blunt force blows. They should have been beaten to death by martial arts masters. However, the only good news is that these untouchables have no civilized protection. They were deprived of protection a few years ago for robbing other people's survival supplies. So this is not considered a dereliction of duty by the government.”

——This is really good news...

Yuan Wenren maintained the appearance of "retreating in a hurry" while angrily yelling in his heart. However, she slowed down her movements slightly.

"My mentor, Mr. Knight King Wing Emery, is in the medical field. I just came here to see if there are any resources worth recycling. But that guy who doesn't know what he is here for is also a disaster. If he is allowed to be in the city like this If you wander around here, maybe something will happen." The scientific knight shrugged: "If you knights have more time to spare, why not try to kill him?"

The scientific knight's tone was so frivolous that the original reporter almost wanted to punch him in the face.


——Even if you can benefit the government, you still have to kill that Green Lin first.

The original newsman carried the scientific knight on his back and never looked back. But she felt as if there was an internal combustion engine stuck inside her prosthetic body, and the explosive heat rushed straight into her brain. The knight's heart and eyes were filled with the bloody tragedy he had just seen.

The original news person originally wanted to wait until Xiang Shan woke up before making a decision. But she couldn't bear it now.

She didn't even return to the base, she was using her internal skills on the streets to search for evidence.

Those two families of seven people did indeed have dirty hands and feet as the scientific knight said. But judging from the information that can be found, there should be no records of killings.

Yuan Wenren remembered the scene where Lu Lin was competing with the martial arts masters.

——He was hiding his murderous intention to do something. Those two families did something he couldn't tolerate?

But is that a sin that requires "death" to pay for it?

Was that a sin that required the death of seven people?

I'm afraid not?

The original newsman hid his whereabouts and returned to the base. She took the box containing her weapons, kowtowed to the carriage where Xiangshan was retreating, and then turned and left.

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