Cyber Heroes

Chapter 339 Virtual Circuit

Although the computer's built-in program used a very personal description, Xiangshan understood it instantly.

In other words, because this program uses a very "Xiang Shan" narrative method, Xiang Shan understood it immediately.

He took a step forward: "Are you a fake personality mask? A fake personality mask that can use internal power?"

If he really wanted to say it, he could only think of this possibility.

Combined with the eighth Martial God's last words "I will come back"...

This is the most likely event.

According to popular belief, false personality overlays—pure computer programs—cannot use internal power. Internal force is a technology based on the "unlike computer" part of the human brain, using the human brain to control computers to the maximum extent. However, due to the mathematical structure of the computer itself, the computer itself does not use internal forces.

However, a few months ago, he encountered an exception in Jayhawk City.

The "little brother" who stole research data from the Knights of Mana.

This guy is the fake personality of a certain insider. However, this false personality mask can use Matsushima Hiro's brain to exert its internal power.

The knowledge needed to exert inner power is sealed in the AI's database. As long as the instructions to be retrieved are written well enough and a highly developed brain is used, similar things can indeed be done - it is indeed possible in theory, but Xiangshan doesn't know where to start.

After all, he is an ancient man from two hundred years ago.

The only doubt is that there seems to be no "synchronization rate" requirement between "little brother" and Matsushima Hiro - he feels that the two people are completely different, from behavior to way of thinking.

The Eighth Martial God is Xiangshan's true personality. He or she is almost identical to Xiangshan.

The pseudo-personality mask of the Eighth Martial God must require the recipient to resemble "Xiang Shan" to a certain extent.

Otherwise, he would not have left a special QR code that "only Xiang Shan can recognize" as a guide.

However, the Eighth Martial God has been dead for decades after all. The "little brother" is still active today. Perhaps it is the result of the same technology but different levels of development. In the era of the Eighth Martial God, this technology had to have a "synchronization rate" requirement, but now it does not.

The program seemed very surprised: "I thought this technology would never be available...Have 'we' already won? Have the protectors been eliminated? Otherwise, how could this technology come to the world?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "What kind of technology is this?"

"Unless you are fixed on the operating table, I won't tell you." The program returned.

Xiangshan took a deep breath while contemplating to calm down, and he began to think about whether to find an interface to hack into.

Unexpectedly, the program seemed to know what he was thinking, and said: "I would like to remind you in advance that the inside of this computer has been coated with red phosphorus and accelerants. As long as you destroy it violently, it will directly self-destruct. And if you want If hacked, I can also self-destruct in advance.”

Xiang Shan said: "Does it have to be like this?"

"Rather than letting this technology be passed down, I would rather this technology stay in the darkness with me forever. Is there any problem?"

"Hahahaha... I understand." Xiang Shanshou pressed on the speaker - although he himself knew that the speaker had no tactile perception and it was quite silly to do so, he felt that it was a bit of a ritual. He whispered: "You have some internal strength to some extent, right?"

No need to be strong. As long as the Eighth Martial God's internal strength is at the same level as Xiangshan's own in his prime, and coupled with the huge internal strength skills and patches that have appeared in the past few years, he will dare to confront those disciples of King Agni!

"No comment," the program said.

"I can live with this pseudo-personality overlay. What do I need to do now?"

As soon as Xiang Shan finished speaking, an instrument that looked like an upright coffin opened its lid, revealing the fixtures inside.

"Please stand up there."

Xiang Shan walked to the coffin. Eight pairs of robotic arms fixed Xiangshan's limbs and head.

Then, a set of robotic arms opened the top of Xiang Shan's head, exposing the electronic equipment inside the cranial cavity.

Xiangshan felt something scanning above his head. It seemed like something was recording the location of the electronic components in his skull. For each recording, a robotic arm removes a component. Immediately afterwards, the computer will continue to record again, and then repeat the process.

This feeling is like "the body is disappearing little by little."

Xiangshan felt that he was losing his ability to move. At this rate, he will soon lose the ability to speak as well. So he took this opportunity to ask: "Can you tell me now?"

"Human thinking is based on neural connections. The physical structure of the neural network determines its functions-memory, processing, and everything else."

"Layer-by-layer neuron networks form a filter for extracting and identifying specific information. All of this happens in the connections of neurons."

"The structure of this connection is determined by a person's life experience. The physical and chemical phenomena that occur in the brain of each person after hearing the same song are completely different. However, human beings can rely on culture 'external mechanism to integrate these 'differences'."

"Since structure is so important, then by changing the structure in an orderly manner, we should be able to change our thinking in a purposeful way."

"Suppose there are four neural tissues A, B, C, and D. A is connected to B, and C is connected to D. We can implant artificial objects in these neural tissues. When A is excited, it will automatically stimulate D. Activated. And when C is excited, it will automatically stimulate the activation of B. In this way, we are equivalent to establishing a neural circuit connecting A, D with C, B. And if other implants are used to block A, B and The transmission of nerve signals between C and D, then...the circuit established before is equivalent to failure."

"In this way, it is equivalent to rewriting the characteristics of the brain circuit... allowing one person's brain to present another person's thinking."

Xiang Shan was stunned: "So... simple?"

"This is not simple. This technology, called 'virtual brain circuit', was originally used as a medical technology to repair brain damage. King Yi Emery's Knights Hospitaller has been completely focused on this project for at least fifty years Expand. Wang Yi Emery purely hopes to develop technology that can help patients with severe brain injuries regain their ability to think."

"It's just that this technology was quickly put into other applications. Under Hartmann's will, several knights who had political cooperation with him carried out other projects. This technology was used as Strengthening internal strength - that is, allowing nerve impulses to transcend slow bioelectrical signals and be transmitted from point A to point B in the brain in the form of wireless signals."

"It's just that the disciples of King Agni who participated in this project all encountered various psychological problems, so there was not much progress - at least according to the information I collected, this is the case."

"In addition, Hartman also has the idea of ​​using this technology to strengthen military weapons. I don't know the specific information."

"Without the support of huge experimental data, this technology cannot be applied."

While speaking, Xiang Shan had exposed the brain-computer interface.

The AI ​​said: "Please use your inner strength with all your strength."

It seemed like something like a flexible electrode was attached to his brain. Follow the instructions to the mountain and use your inner energy.

The AI ​​was surprised and said: "Huh? It's actually my skill... I thought it would be lost. But it has been passed down to this day. Although I don't know where you got it from, but it's good."


He snatched this skill from the little poisonous insect. And the little poisonous insect was picked up by chance...

No, it's not that coincidental either. It is precisely because this technique is very strong that Griliad and Little Poisonous Insect, who have learned some of the techniques, will become the strongest Green Forest in this area.

And it is precisely because they are active that they come into conflict with Xiangshan. did the successor of the Eighth Martial God Technique die in a ditch...

The AI ​​suddenly said loudly: "Well, now is the final warning. I can't confirm how much you resemble Xiangshan, and I don't know what this technology will do to you. You still have a chance to terminate the implantation process. The choice is yours. However, once you choose to terminate, the device will immediately self-destruct after installing you back. You only have this chance, so please make the final confirmation."

Xiang Shan said: "Of course I accept it."

"Very well, then, the implantation process begins."

"Please keep your brain active, use your inner strength skills, or recall the past. Please think about the 'mountain-facing' elements in yourself."

"Hehehe." Xiangshan smiled.

Then, he felt awkward.

His head was fixed and he couldn't see above at all.

But judging from this feeling of nerve being compressed...

I'm afraid there were many needle-like objects piercing into my brain.

Previous scans of the device were very detailed. Those implants try to avoid their own neurons and just walk among the glial cells. It doesn't matter if the tissue that insulates nerve cells from each other is damaged.

Those artifacts begin to incorporate their own neural networks.

Xiang Shan felt his eyes darkening. Thinking begins to suffer.

"Then, the 'installation' process officially begins. During this process, these implants will continue to discharge, stimulate your neurons, and obtain feedback at the same time. As a deep learning network, it can quickly optimize the calculation model, allowing 'I 'Get used to your neural network. This process may take a while."

"During this process, you will see many hallucinations - the huge external information will be processed by your spiritual gestalt in the form of hallucinations into something you can understand."

"If you didn't go crazy in the process, you would be me."

"Good luck."

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