Cyber Heroes

Chapter 340 In the end

The program left by the Eighth Martial God inserted hundreds of thousands of needles into Xiangshan's biological brain.

These needles are the savings of the Earth-Drilling Dragons of the Black Valley lineage, and are made of special crystals that can maintain extremely strong conductivity at the nanometer scale. These needles fire between Xiangshan's neurons according to specific patterns. The electric field from the isotope battery can expel the charged particles near the ion channels of Xiangshan's nerve cells, promoting the operation of a certain "program" in the brain.

All of Xiangshan's feelings were covered. He lost his perception of the outside world, but at the same time, the current flowing out of those needles was rushing between his brain nerves. There were still "feelings" flowing into his consciousness.

It's a visual signal, it's an auditory signal, it's even a tactile signal, it's an olfactory signal... it can be anything.

Xiangshan's existing memories were forcibly recalled one by one.

"One generation does its own thing. As a member of this generation, I develop new technologies, promote industrial upgrading, and give mankind a few more years of peace. The next generation will do the same thing."

"This is one of our research projects, internally codenamed 'HXD126', an enzyme that 'maybe' can repair the nervous system - a magic of life."

"The country has a project that requires you to participate. Are you willing?"

"They killed him! They killed him! They..."

"Aren't you going home? Boss. Today is the Lunar New Year's Eve of the Republic. I thought you were in a hurry to return home just to reunite with your family."

"Ha! You actually praise other women in front of me! You're such a straight man! Eat my cross shock wave! Ouch!"

"This is the taste of victory."

"We are the ones who stole the fire from heaven..."

"But I think history has turned a new page - our next generation will look at the universe in a completely different way than we do."

"Mountain...Mom still hopes that you can live a happy life."

"You can't win over everyone. People are different after all...'righteousness' is also different. Different people will hold different 'righteousness'... Speaking of which, it seems that you don't drive anymore? I'm sleepy. "

"Let's create a new technology. Combine open access and decentralized production to make something that anyone can use. I'm going to call it 'martial arts.'"

"Hey, boss...have I become a human being now?"

The park of Project Rama, the alleys of Southeast Asia, hospitals and research institutes in Peiping, the base of the Northland, home...

The soft texture of barbecue, the spiciness of Erguotou...

That speech, that extended hand.

All of this emerged in Xiangshan's consciousness, then mixed together and began to spin rapidly.

All the sounds, all the images, even the senses of smell, touch and taste, all swirled around, eventually forming an empty hole.

Falling towards the mountain and into the cave.

Xiangshan fell into Xiangshan.

Xiangshan fell in the violent waves. It's just an illusion, so this fall won't stop.

He saw the direction of his fall, which was the bottomless abyss.

Then...a weird music sounded.

It sounds a little like a piano, but not exactly the same. This is a note that hits directly between Xiangshan's brain and nerves, and directly hits Xiangshan's soul. It gradually overshadowed the other melodies and became the background music of the storm.

"It starts with one...All I unreal..."

A faint singing voice.

Xiangshan felt like his soul had been hit. Tears...perhaps imaginary tears. He was completely overwhelmed by this song.

This is the background music chosen by Xiangshan for Xiangshan. Xiangshan chose to have this music evoked at this moment.

"I tried so hard/ And got so far [I tried so hard/And got so far]..."

Xiangshan's own soul responded. This memorized piece of music seemed to burst from my chest: "But in the end It doesn't even matter [But in the end, it doesn't even matter]"

Emotions surge like a breakdown. In the hallucination, emotions turned into real power, and this madness carried Xiangshan down.

While falling, Xiang Shan saw an angel-like figure above him.

"Only when you go through the seventh level of loneliness can you become a truly strong person, and 'our world' is born from this..." The angel - Xiangshan said to Xiangshan, "Go and break through the seventh level of loneliness."

--This sentence……

Continue to fall towards the mountain.

He vaguely

He seemed to understand.

The abyss below was what he had stared at...

It is the bottomless abyss of human nature.

The undead emerged from the abyss and roamed the world.

He thought these undead were his biggest enemies.

But the abyss is always there.

It exists in the world and in his own heart.

Falling further up the mountain, drowned in darkness.

Then he fell into the sea.

He is swimming. The sun seems to be very poisonous, and the top of my head can feel hot. He swam half a circle in the sea and then came ashore.

Jing Hongtu was sitting on the shore, wiping the sea water off himself with a towel. Although the old man usually wears a cane, he is actually very healthy and even has obvious muscles in his arms.

Jing Hongtu said hello to Xiang Shan: "Xiao Xiang, come here and have a rest."

Xiangshan sat under the umbrella. Jing Hongtu stood next to him and moved his upper body: "I heard that you had a fight with Professor Voigt? It was a big deal."

Xiang Shan touched his face: "I was punched unilaterally. I didn't fight back. Even if it causes a diplomatic dispute, it is definitely not my responsibility."

"Haha. You kid..." Jing Hongtu smiled: "Why did you provoke that guy?"

"Didn't we get isolated and reviewed because of information leakage before? He and I were assigned to a group. He seemed very irritable and kept talking about his research, complaining that the superiors did not understand the importance of his ideas. He hated bureaucrats and showed a bit of excess."

"Well, what then?"

"I just told him, 'Hey, bro. Think about it. If you think about it from another angle, maybe in their eyes, we are trying to destroy the world, and they are trying to protect the existing world'?"

"This is not unreasonable."

"Then he got mad and punched me. Everyone else saw it."

Jing Hongtu nodded: "Then you are indeed more reasonable in this matter. You can understand the thoughts of 'other people'."

Xiang Shan sighed. His expression was somewhat gloomy.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy when I praise you?"

"No." Xiang Shan shook his head: "Actually... the way Professor Yawgmoth expressed his opinions so awe-inspiring, I felt quite passionate inside. I quite envy such a flamboyant way of life. I have also been here in the past two days. Reflection...Is it really my problem? I also hate bureaucracy..."

"Yeah, not bad. He's also very good at thinking about his behavior from other perspectives, and even understands the principle of 'compromising with reality'."

Xiang Shan touched his neck: "Teacher Jing, what you said is right...I don't know whether you are praising me or scolding me."

"Of course I'm complimenting you." Jing Hongtu smiled and said, "You actually have the qualities to be a 'manager'."

Xiang Shan's expression changed: "After doing this for a long time, you are also the lobbyist of the organization."

"Ha, it sounds so ugly." Jing Hongtu said, "Aren't you happy to be an official for you?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "I'm not happy. I'm really not happy. Even a fool can see that if such a big information leak occurs, the position of the head of this research institution is to clean up the mess or even take the blame. The kind of top hacker with backdoors everywhere , who dares to say that we can definitely catch it?”

"Think on the bright side. Since everyone knows that you are taking the blame, no one will think it is really your fault if you take the blame in the end. No matter how many people beg for you to take the blame for the organization."

"Then let those who ask come forward." Xiang Shan spread his hands: "Let the country send someone else."

"Haha." Jing Hongtu shook his head: "Director Wang must not be happy."

"Director Wang..." Xiang Shan reluctantly remembered the name of the Republic's top person in charge of the Rama project, "He is not happy? Why?"

"Everyone has friends who are near and far. The Rama project has now become a piece of cake that is neither too big nor too small. Director Wang will definitely not be happy to have domestic forces beyond his control reach out."

Xiang Shan frowned: "The Rama project is not his private property. He can't ignore the national interests..."

"Who said that? I didn't say that." Jing Hongtu was very surprised: "Maybe this is a manifestation of his loyalty?"


"Think about it differently, people who can gather into a faction are all people who recognize each other. Perhaps in the eyes of this faction, only their own side is considered a 'capable official', and other than that they are all 'some capable but incapable of doing so' Those who want to clear up the overall situation may even be corrupt officials. This kind of project must not be gilded by those with insufficient ability. Director Wang will either only hand over power to those he can control, or hand it over to himself Someone who feels capable and responsible. That's how he serves his country."

Xiang Shan patted his face: "Is it okay to take advantage of the United Nations?"

"Well, in a sense, the collective in the Rama Project Park can also be regarded as a 'force' of its own. Each of the management groups that you don't deal with very much will do their best to fight for the interests of their own country. However, If someone from within their own country came to share in the achievements here, they would probably have a similar reaction."

Xiang Shan muttered: "Those are really easy-to-understand creatures... Are they more public-minded or more selfish?"

"The so-called 'people's hearts are separated from each other', who knows what they really think?" Jing Hongtu shrugged: "What's more, as I just said, the distinction between public and private is not always so clear."

Xiang Shan patted his head: "So why me? Without your explanation, I wouldn't even understand this level."

Jing Hongtu clasped his hands on his chest: "The Republic also needs to expand its influence in this project. This time the head of the research institution is changed. The Republic needs one of its own. On this basis, Director Wang needs someone who will not compete with others." The people he is fighting against are preferably 'people who are already in the campus.' In addition, the scholars insist on electing a 'scholar' and refuse to be managed by lay bureaucrats."

"Taken together, you are the most suitable candidate."

[Note: The Eighth God of War chose the cover version of In the end. Linkin Park's rock version will appear at another important plot point]

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