Cyber Heroes

Chapter 354 Hibernate

"But for a thing that has existed for such a long time, few people know about it. This is a very dangerous signal." The Virtual Eighth Martial God sighed: "This means that they have never announced their demands to the outside world."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Ah, it's too dangerous. I seem to smell...the idiotic smell of me in the 21st century."

"No one knows them, which means they have not declared their goals or expressed their demands." The virtual eighth Martial God said: "This is a very dangerous form. The people who really want to change the world are You won’t hide yourself so secretly.”

Even terrorist organizations—a group of lunatics who want to use wrong methods and in the wrong direction to change the world—will express their demands openly and openly. Terrorist organizations have only hidden their organizational structures, while still retaining channels to speak out to the outside world. They will attack civilians because they need to coerce other countries to agree to their demands.

But the Six Dragons Sect has existed for at least a hundred years. In the past hundred years, everyone who knew them only thought that this was a "small group existing within the scientific knights."

At least what Xiang Shan saw, the original Eighth Martial God and even the current Tao Enhai felt this way.

Yuanyuan Xiangshan sighed and analyzed: "Either they themselves know that their appeal is too shocking, or they are going against the grain and will not get support, or they can't even 'package' it in other ways... …”

"Either they just don't care what others think. They feel that as long as they develop certain technologies, they can automatically promote social change. It doesn't matter whether there is support from others." The virtual eighth Martial God interface said.

Xiang Shan closed his eyes: "It's so silly and can it never stop dying?"

This is the mistake transhumanist companies have made.

"I don't think so," said the Virtual Eighth Martial God, "If their goal is not to 'realize the free association of people,' but to 'research the science and technology of enslaving people,' then there is no big problem with this path, right? "

Yuan Xiangshan fell into silence.

The power of technology is not as strong as some people think. At least it cannot "solve all the problems of human society instantly."

But the power of technology is much stronger than some people imagine. "People" can be rounded and flattened by technology at will.

In other words, the existence of "human beings" is not as noble and sacred as humans imagine.

"Technology that can enslave people has appeared several times." The virtual eighth Martial God sighed.

The native ideal mountain covered his face with his hands, raised his head and sighed: "I hope I don't want this. At least the Six Dragon Sect believers I met said that they still have lofty ideals."

"Oh, that's even more dangerous." The Virtual Eighth Martial God pointed out mercilessly, "What's more dangerous than 'lofty ideals that cannot be told to others'?"


"When we were young, 'we' used to use the term 'Lich King' to describe ourselves. Do you still remember?" The virtual eighth Martial God sighed.

"If you remember, I will definitely remember." Yuan Yuan Xiangshan smiled bitterly.

This is a trope from a classic old game. There is a natural disaster that can bring the dead back to life, and the leader and controller of the undead disaster is called the "Lich King". After the brave men defeated the evil demon king, a human hero said that after the death of the Lich King, the undead natural disasters would get out of control, and the undead would slaughter civilians, so there must be a Lich King.

"Some heroes want to become the Lich King because they want to steal the power of the undead to control the undead and benefit mankind." The virtual eighth Martial God sighed, "But, how can others tell? The guy who wants to be the Lich King wants to Do you want to control the ravages of the undead, or do you covet the power of the undead and want to use the power of the undead to rule mankind?"

All the traditions of the dead ancestors will haunt the minds of the living like a nightmare. In the past, human beings were not only dominated by living people from society, but also dominated by dead people from tradition.

The guy who becomes a king is often very good at pleasing the undead. It is said that "the great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military service".

On the other hand, those who can control the "undead" can rule the living.

"It's better to kill such a person."

Yuan Yuan nodded to Shan: "Indeed."

"In addition, we must also know about the second child." The Eighth Martial God added.

The second god of war is the "first personality mask" created by Xiangshan's friends in order to continue to support the banner of resistance after the death of Martial Ancestor Xiangshan in "The Only Defeat". The Second Martial God achieved some success, but soon Martial Ancestor's friends fell apart because they could not face this man.

"The second child is a false personality mask. According to historical records, the second child does not use internal skills and relies entirely on external support." The virtual eighth Martial God said, "In subsequent research, 'false personality mask' has been generally referred to All virtual personalities can pass the Turing test and pretend to be a specific person. But the second child should not be like this."

"Otherwise, the extreme and dark thoughts hidden in my heart, as well as Xinyu's reaction, would not be easy to explain."

The original Xiangshan nodded: "Indeed. After the birth of the fourth child, the concept of 'true personality mask' appeared, and then the corresponding 'false personality mask'. Before that, personality mask was called 'personality mask' '."

"The second child is not necessarily a false personality mask in the traditional sense." The virtual eighth Martial God said, "At the same time, the process of his birth must be inhumane. Most of it involves hidden secrets that we don't know about."

The Second God of War was classified as a "Fake Personality Mask" simply because his conditions such as "having no internal strength" were in line with later generations' summary of the concept of "Fake Personality Mask."

Xiang Shan hesitated: "You mean..."

"The bad things I did in the city of Dela Cruz." The virtual eighth Martial God pressed his forehead: "This may be the way for the birth of the second child. Maybe what those old friends wanted to do at the beginning was 'true sex' Personality overlaying', it's just that the technology two hundred years ago was too primitive and failed, and there was no case like Lao Si at that time that could be used as a reference."

Original Xiangshan murmured to himself: "That's really too much."

The virtual eighth Martial God nodded: "Yes, it's quite excessive. In order to win, you can make certain compromises to reality depending on the specific historical conditions. This is necessary. However, in order to survive the resistance, becoming what you want is Those who oppose it will only bring greater disasters to the world."

"After all, you are an antique from two hundred years ago, and I am an outdated person from eighty years ago. They happen to not know the process of the birth of the second child. But we cannot let go of this matter. We must know what happened back then, What did Xinyu see that gave birth to an existence like me?"

Xiang Shan nodded: "Indeed, it is a very reasonable thing. So, at this stage, what do you think we should do?"

The virtual eighth Martial God said seriously: "Liberate. Go deeper, investigate the current situation of the world, and find a feasible way of chivalry in this era."

"But this era is so bad..."

"Just because it is so bad that it has fallen below our imagination, we cannot use our own concepts to speculate on this era." The virtual eighth Martial God said seriously, "Do you still remember why we wanted to create the sign of 'Chivalry' in the first place? ?"

" seems..."

"Packaging." Virtual Eighth Martial God said, "At the time of the initial uprising, martial arts movies and martial arts games were ushering in a new wave, which were very influential on a global scale. The second creation of Mozi's image was in There were a lot of them that year especially. So you really use this source image to package your ideas. This is when we began to try to borrow the existing common imagination to gather strength for the path pointed out by reason."

"As for 'Aaron Swartz', it is used to accurately attract the hacker groups and scholar groups who are most likely to become the first batch of resisters. Due to Yawgmoth's decades of efforts, 'open access' has It has become the mainstream recognition in the academic community. Aaron Swartz was a leader of the early open access movement and a 'rebel' who died under tyranny."

"These are very specific imaginations that can easily arouse the recognition of the corresponding groups of people. A thousand metaphysical reasons cannot compare to these two specific images."

"It's just that the situation is different now. The current government has been committed to eradicating 'culture', so the image of 'Mo Zhai' is no longer as clear and clear as it used to be. The common imagination of 'academic circles' has also changed from The 'idealistic scientific research community' transformed into the 'scientific research knights'."

"On the contrary, it is 'Xiang Shan' and 'Xiang Shan's partners'... In this era, we ourselves are the concrete image and the intuitive interpretation of the concept of 'chivalry.'"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "This is too idolatry."

"So, don't use this power in the name of 'Martial Ancestor Xiangshan'. Otherwise, we will still recreate the 'Lich King'." The virtual eighth Martial God smiled, "After all, when we hold high the banner of chivalry, ...Mo Zhai and Aaron Swartz are both dead."

"Fortunately, 'Xiang Shan' is also a dead person, a 'mortal person'." Yuan Yuan Xiang Shan nodded.

"Then there is the fourth child, 'obey the law as the law is'. This slogan is only useful in that era. The Ascension War has only ended twenty years ago, and most of the survivors have retained the memory of the old world. They know what is truly valuable. An orderly world, this slogan can guide them to recreate a functioning social system.”

"Then that bastard Hartman destroyed everything. But at least the fourth child achieved results before Hartman took action. He misjudged how crazy those guys were. He thought Yawgmoth was still the same Yawgmoth he used to be. husband."

"If you want to win, just hibernate."


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