Cyber Heroes

Chapter 355 Go Home

"Hibernating... too." Xiang Shan sighed, "Indeed, there has never been a chance to fully understand this era."

He has been fighting ever since he was dug out by Yuki. Fight with the green forest and fight with the government.

The only time that can really be regarded as "rest" is probably the time spent huddled in Jayhawk City during the sandstorm. That Mr. Zhao was out there killing bandits like a fool, while Hiro Matsushima and his younger brother beside him were rare reliable teammates. It was also rare for him to relax.

But during that period, he was also limitedly absorbing his past memories - those found in Green Forest Village.

Improve your martial arts, retrieve your memory, and kill the villains...

He barely stopped.

"Yes, when I taught my disciples according to the ancient rituals two hundred years ago, I really spent a lot of time explaining the concepts we had sorted out. He knew nothing about those 'cultures'..."

The virtual eighth Martial God nodded: "Yes. This is because Jianghu has always used the culture you created back then to maintain cohesion, so there are always cultural seeds flowing from Jianghu to the people. Without Jianghu, they would not even be able to understand this."

"Hibernate, understand the world, and master my inner strength at the same time."

Xiang Shan nodded. Now that he uses advanced internal energy involving the whole brain, it will trigger abnormal discharges in the brain, causing severe pain in the head. This also requires medicine to cure.

Until the damage to his brain is reversed, his internal strength is considered "not yet recovered."

In addition, the Eighth Martial God also brought a lot of "internal knowledge from eighty years ago".

Even today, this knowledge is a bit behind the times.

But Yuan Xiangshan was a person from two hundred years ago.

He also needs to learn this knowledge and master it to perfection.

Yuan Yuan Xiangshan asked again: "By the way, do you have any clues about 'Paradox City'?"

"Paradox City", the place Tao Enhai suggested him to visit, was the place where the "God of War" existed.

The virtual eighth Martial God thought for a moment, then shook his head: "I didn't know about such a place. It only appeared after the death of the eighth Martial God."

"Xiao Ba was killed by naval gunfire and died without any bones left." Xiang Shan thought: "Then he is probably one of Lao Ninth, Lao Ten, and Lao Eleven?"

"I am as ignorant as you are about this." The Virtual Eighth Martial God shrugged: "But about this... you can actually ask the knight directly. Except for me, there is no other Martial God. He died silently in the darkness. As long as you don't continue to pretend that you are a 'present person', it's easy to ask. Or search it in Dr. Tao's memory. Since he asked you to go there, he must know that place. have what."

Xiang Shan sighed: "By the way, do you think... the God of War will be captured?"

If it were him, he should be able to fight to the death or commit suicide, right?

"Then I don't know even more." The virtual eighth Martial God sighed: "Xinyu still seems to hate the Martial God. If she hadn't taken action, the next three might really be caught by Hartman. "

Xiang Shan sighed.

"Don't be afraid. As long as you digest me, at least Hartman won't be able to use his internal strength to suppress us." The virtual eighth Martial God smiled, "When you embrace the past, the road to the future is already open."

"This time, let's kill the undead and then put their corpses with power and authority on the bodies of real people!"

Xiang Shan closed his eyes: "One day, we can reach the kingdom of freedom."

Xiangshan opened his eyes again... no, strictly speaking, when he "recovered his vision", the reactor in front of him had already been built.

He was dazed for a moment while talking to himself.

Now, those robots are coating the surface of the reactor with graphite and lead to block out the visible radiation.

Although the current baseline people are very resistant to radiation damage, this does not mean that the reactor does not need protection. First, strong radiation will still interfere with the operation of electronic equipment. Secondly... if it's too easy to detect, how can the knight assassinate?

Xiangshan packed the reactor using the materials he could find.

Xiangshan carried the huge package on his back. Although that reactor is the most slender type, with the middle reaction part measuring only a few tens of centimeters in length, width and height, it is still quite large including the magnetic confinement device and radiation isolation layer.

His current prosthetic body can barely accommodate a power system of this size, but that will cause the prosthetic body to shut down - the problems of radiation and heat dissipation have to be solved again.

He needed to find a place to change the layout of the prosthetic body.

He carried the reactor up the mountain and walked upwards.

Soon, he met Lao Thresh again.

"Those guys have been dealt with," Old Hammers said. "They will have a fair trial. If they just obey orders, have no subjective malice, and are willing to correct...I will give them a chance."

Xiang Shan was silent for a moment: "If it's difficult, forget it."

A large number of Earth-Drilling Dragons from the Black Valley lineage died this time. It was the rangers who took action.

"Kill out of justice, not out of personal anger." Lao Chuisi repeated what the Martial Ancestor said.

Xiang Shan nodded.

He will not leave any prisoners along the way, because he does not have the conditions to house and control the prisoners, let alone educate and reform them. He himself is in danger. But these burrowers are different. They will soon be heading to the next base area.

Xiangshan waved his hand: "I hope the next time we meet, it will be a time of victory."

Old Hammers nodded.

Back up the mountain to the reactor and continue going up.

He knows the way now. Soon, he came to the entrance of the cave. ,

A section of the cave entrance has collapsed. It should be the effect of Tiehua burning in a closed space.

He saw two tangled corpses on the ground. Since the outer armor was damaged, the contents inside had been burned away, but the general outline of the appearance was still clear.

Xiang Shan looked at the remains of Borshu with a complicated expression.

From the surrounding scene, he was able to deduce what happened.

Xiangshan silently took out a hard drive. That was his own memory that he captured in Green Forest Dazhai.

Xiangshan used a little force to crush the hard drive. Black fragments were sprinkled on Borshu's chest like sand. The fragments slid in along the cracks in the outer armor.

"I should actually take a look at you. Maybe you can hold on a little longer." Xiang Shan muttered, "And I might be able to improve your symptoms now. It's too urgent."

Xiangshan has already backed up the contents of this hard drive. This is just a pure memorial.

"Although I don't know the process, at least in the end, you are a knight, brother."

Xiangshan cleaned up the rocks on it a little. The road is revealed. Xiangshan saw the damaged vehicle.

"'Camel'." Xiang Shan nodded.

It looks like someone drove this vehicle in and blocked it here.

I have to say, it's quite silly. If there are no explosives in the vehicle, those shoddy outer armors can only block it for a few minutes at most. Those rangers can be blasted out with heavy firepower, or they can be chiseled out with phonon knives or high-frequency wave blades.

Maybe there was no other way at that time. This can only delay it for a while.

But what comforted Xiangshan was that he did not see the bodies of his own people.

It looked like they had pulled out a step ahead of schedule.

Every time Xiangshan separated from Yuki and the others, he would agree on a meeting place, so he didn't panic.

Xiang Shan just carried the reactor on his back and walked step by step towards the city of Dela Cruz along the old road he walked a hundred years ago.

"came back."

he said to himself.

There are several gang strongholds controlled by the Eighth Martial God in this city. But eighty years have passed, and those strongholds may not be safe. After all, King Agni's subordinates have been searching over and over again in the past few decades.

He just walked.

Soon, he passed by the iron block flow dojo in this city.

Xiang Shan stood at the door and looked in. There was a new group of apprentices doing introductory training. Nothing further inside can be seen here.

However, Xiangshan soon hacked into the dojo's camera.

He saw Zheng Lunnao who was teaching boxing skills to the beginners.

"Old Zheng is pretty good now..." Xiang Shan thought.

He took a few more steps around the city.

But it's a pity that those "friends" at the time are really nowhere to be found now.

Finally, he walked towards Dr. Hu's null hall.

Not far from Null Hall is the orphanage. The Eighth Martial God spent his childhood here. Of course, the familiar people are no longer there, and even the appearance has been changed.

Xiangshan crossed the orphanage and walked into the null hall. Compared to 80 years ago, there are far fewer volunteers in this place now.

Xiangshan closed his eyes and gave away his inner strength. He quickly infiltrated the hospital's system. According to what Dr. Hu said before, there is probably a backhand left by those pepper shakers. Xiangshan couldn't remove it before, but the personality cover of the Eighth Martial God made up for his shortcomings.

Then he walked into this hospital.

What is very strange is that Xiangshan is clearly carrying a big box, but he can accurately avoid everyone's patrol route.

He soon came to the ward of the girl whose name he didn't know.

The surgery seemed successful. The girl's physical condition has stabilized. Artificial blood has been injected, and it seems that the injury is okay.

All that's left is to increase the transformation rate and replace those body tissues that have been severely damaged and completely unusable.

Xiangshan gently placed a twisted piece of metal next to the girl's pillow.

He took this from the fragments of Borshu's remains.

"I've only been out for a few hours." Xiang Shan sighed: "Just this moment. Before you woke up, a green forest died, a knight...a hero became immortal. You should really see that What a hero."

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