Cyber Heroes

Chapter 357 Unreturned Memories Vol.8 (Part 2)

After watching A Dong go away, Xiang Shan sighed.

"He is a good knight." He muttered silently in his heart, "Beyond your obsession with me. By then, you will definitely be able to see the scenery that humans should see."

After blessing his friends, he turned towards the mountain.

Although Lao Zheng is a martial artist with good external skills, he has never received training as a knight. The counter-reconnaissance techniques he had honed on his own were really not enough in the face of the continuous development of investigation technology over the past three hundred years.

"Teacher Zheng, it's rare to see you. You actually came here at this point?" Xiang Shan asked politely, just like the child did back then.

Lao Zheng looked at the direction in which A Dong was retreating: "Is this also internal strength?"

Xiang Shan nodded: "He has cultivated his inner strength to a very high level."

Xiangshan is now sure that he has indeed surpassed "Martial Ancestor Xiangshan" in internal strength, and even today he can catch up with the first echelon. Currently, the only two people who are definitely better than him are Hartman and Zhu Xinyu. Perhaps the disciples of the two, as well as the unseen Ingrid, Anatoly, and the cognitive science researchers in the Research Knights will be stronger, but they cannot exceed the upper limit of Zhu Xinyu and Hartman.

It is definitely the first echelon level.

Moreover, instantly outputting the training set to create a temporary AI is also a direction for his specialization in Saussure's domain.

This is a rare skill.


——It seems that A-Dong has changed a lot, and Lao Zheng didn’t even recognize it.

Although Zheng Lunnaou does not understand internal skills and cannot judge the personality behind actions through the subtle movements of the body like masters of the internal family, A Dong was once his proud student. During the martial arts school days, Achun, Adong and Lao Zheng had a good relationship.

I didn’t recognize it now.

——Should we sigh, "People are really changeable", or should we sigh, "I am a self-made person"...

Such thoughts actually flashed through Xiangshan's mind.

Lao Zheng also came to persuade Xiang Shan to leave. Xiang Shan declined this offer. As soon as he unleashed his inner strength, he hacked into the warrior's system again and deleted the recent records.

"Okay, Teacher Zheng. I just deleted the memory information of the last half hour on your hard drive. I hope you can use your biological brain to remember the conversation just now. It doesn't matter if you forget - if you suddenly can't remember what you came to do , just tell yourself, 'I just did a good thing.'" Xiang Shan patted Zheng Lunnao on the shoulder: "You should also consider escaping. After I am exposed, your end will not be good. And the traces of 'deletion' are still a bit obvious. There's no time to fake traces now."

After saying that, he left and walked towards the edge of the city.

There, Dr. Hu seemed to have a little conflict with the officials. It seems that King Rae Agni's declaration of bombing sparked widespread fear, and then fear sparked unrest.

Behind Xiang Shan, Zheng Lunnao murmured: "...I couldn't teach you much many years ago, but you made me understand a lot of things. Now I dare not say what I can teach you. It's just a farewell .”

Xiangshan waved to Zheng Lunnao. He continued to run, but Zheng Lunnao seemed to be unwilling to do so. The old man followed.

But Xiangshan didn't visit the old man again. His consciousness traveled around the city and quickly locked on the target.

Can't be unhappy.

He had already "saw" Dr. Hu who had been knocked to the ground, and a group of asylum seekers who were about to take action.

Xiangshanuchi urged again and remotely deprived these networked soldiers of control.

The military attache seemed to be an elite man, and he actually struggled.

But at this moment, the two sides are close enough. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Xiang Shan picked up his own weapon and threw it. The long stick penetrated the military attache's neck like a spear.

Only after the military attache's brain was shattered did Xiang Shan fall to the ground. He drew out his weapon with his backhand.

Doctor Hu struggled and shouted: "Don't do this... You are more valuable than them... Don't do this..."

But there was really no time to say goodbye properly. Xiangshan just glanced at the person who raised him this time.

Then, he said to the people around him: "Don't panic, compatriots. I am Xiang Shan. The real thing."

He pointed his stick to the sky and said: "Well done, Hartmann. But it's all meaningless. One day, someone else will receive this inheritance - and I will come back."

A wisp of dust was blown by the wind, like a tassel surrounding it.

Step by step toward the mountain, we stepped into the unknown thick fog of metal aerosol.

At this moment, the fear of "death" reached its peak.

Then he crossed over.

He carries the lives of hundreds of villains and the expectations of an equal number of false personas.

He has dedicated his life to technology, doing evil for it, and betting his hope on the next person for it.

He accomplished nothing in his life.

But only at this moment...

Xiang Shan looked up at the sky.

Where is she at this moment?

Will the information here reach her?

"I think I died for you once." Xiang Shan said: "Teacher Jing said many years ago that public and private intentions are not always clear-cut, right? Then I think I died for you once. .”

But I died eight times, but only once because of you... He is truly a ruthless man.

No, no, no, having said that, can the current self - a male character constructed from a female biological brain and female underlying coding, be considered a "man" in the traditional sense?

——Ah, it doesn’t matter anymore.

At this last moment, Xiang Shan actually thought of a song that suited the occasion.

"I stand in the fierce wind/wishing to be filled with endless heartache/."

"Look at the clouds moving in all directions/with the sword in your hand/ask the world who is the hero."

"I stand in the fierce wind/wishing to be filled with endless heartache/."

"Look at the clouds moving in all directions in the sky/With the sword in hand/Ask the world who is the hero..."

——I hope she can see it...

Xiangshan sang the song "Farewell My Concubine" and walked into the metal aerosol.

"There are hundreds of beauties in the world/I only love the way I love you/No matter how different the journey is when we are sad to say goodbye/How many years of love have been ruined in a hurry..."

During this section of Singing to the Mountains, he captured the sound of a drone within the aerosol. They appear to be communicating using a special sonic signal.

I don't know what I'm doing.


Soon, Xiangshan stepped out of the range of metal aerosol.


In just a moment, Xiangshan realized something was wrong.

Opposite him was still metal aerosol. It's just that there is no metal aerosol in this area.

It's like the eye of a typhoon in calm waters.

magnetic field.

He seemed to have passed through some kind of magnetic field just now. Hartmann purposely used these special drones to map out an area free of metal aerosols.

A larger drone is suspended in the center... No, that's not a drone!

It was just a machine "designed" in the same vein as Hartmann's usual drones. That is the prosthetic body of a warrior!

The "drone" launched an internal attack towards Xiangshan!

Xiangshan immediately counterattacked. The drone was controlled almost instantly.

This guy's internal strength is definitely not weak. It should be the mechanical realm or the mathematical realm. On Earth, it can at least overwhelm a city.

However, he was actually sent here to die.

He threw his weapon towards the mountain again. The long stick penetrated the outer armor. Before the suspended body could fall, Xiang Shan jumped up and pulled out the biological brain.

However, an electromagnetic signal was transmitted.

Xiangshan looked up, only to find a data cable extending from a drone on the ceiling.

This data line goes deep into the aerosol.

Xiang Shan then looked around. After seeing the corpses on the ground, he immediately understood.

This is the method used by King Agni to identify "Xiangshan".

If this guy never sends out a "defeat" signal, it means that the internal strength level of the warrior who comes to die is very low.

And the "internal master suspected of Xiangshan" who fought with him on the solar system network could not be hacked so easily.

"You are really cruel, Hartman." Xiang Shan smiled.

This is the designated place.

The rest is just waiting for death.

Nothing matters anymore. It doesn’t matter if he is a man or a woman. It doesn’t matter if it’s to the mountains or to wish the rain in the heart.

The "doubts about self" that had entangled him throughout his life actually became worthless in the face of death.

All he knew was that he stood up for Zhu Xinyu this time - at least that's how it turned out.

"Xiang Shan in Zhu Xinyu's Eyes" finally did it.

Singing to the mountain: "You are the most important in my heart/Sorrows and joys share life and death/You exchange your tenderness for me/In exchange for my lofty sentiments/You are the most important in my heart/My tears are rushing to the sky/I will rule the roost in the next life/When I return, the setting sun is shining brightly …”

Even the sun's light cannot penetrate this thick metal aerosol.

But when the light of the naval gun shines, Xiangshan firmly believes that his "spirit" will shine even more brightly.

Except no one knows.


Doctor Hu's eyes once again flashed the brilliance of the naval gun that penetrated the sky and the earth.

"Kongsan Ren." The voice in his consciousness appeared again, "Do you have any clue about the news about the God of War?"

The man in black robe he saw that day flashed across the edge of Dr. Hu's consciousness, but he shook his head and said, "No."

He has achieved internal success and can already avoid all kinds of malicious monitoring and carry out limited thinking.

"It seems like he hasn't come to you yet." The voice sounded a little regretful.

Doctor Hu said: "It's you, why don't you come here at this time? I'm still being monitored by King Agni's disciples."

"They have all gone underground to encircle and suppress the earth-burrowing dragon. They cannot be found. I will sweep away some traces for you." The voice said: "You don't have to worry about this. King Tiexin's status beside King Agni remains. Above those incompetent disciples."

Doctor Hu was silent for a long time and then asked: "Are you... really the admirers of Wu Zu?"

"We worship the Martial Ancestor as the seeker and creator of truth." The voice said.

"You...are you really gathering for the Eighth Martial God to fight against King Agni?"

There was a smile in the voice: "Now that things have happened, what else can you say? Kongsanren."

Dr. Hu said nothing.

This mysterious force came to King Agni after he bombed the mainland with EMP. They claimed to be the scientific research knights who were damaged in that incident, and they planned to gather to take revenge on King Agni. Dr. Hu was so excited that he actually believed it.

But think about it carefully, this organization...

He sighed, stood up, and headed to his secret room.

But at the door of the secret room, he paused.

There are people inside.

Dr. Hu's breath became very sinister. He opened the door silently and pulled out the firearm he carried.

One was sitting cross-legged on his operating table, holding a two-meter-long sword in his arms.


Dr. Hu shuddered.

It was that person that day... No, it wasn't... There was a subtle difference in temperament... This... this was...

"Hey, Doctor Hu." Xiang Shan greeted him, "I'm in some trouble. I guess you must be relying on something to survive to this day. King Agni will be here soon. Help me. busy."

Just like eighty years ago.

Just like yesterday.

Dr. Hu knelt on the ground. If he could shed tears, he would have been unable to see clearly.

He nodded: "Old rules..."

Dr. Hu's time began to flow again.

The third volume, Who is sad for those who have lost their way, is completed

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