Cyber Heroes

Chapter 373 Crazy Girl

When Zhu Xinyu woke up in a daze, she felt a sharp pain in her cheek. She opened her eyes and found herself in a strange room. This room is very strange, the walls are surrounded by blue velvet filled with soft material. There was a table in front of her, neither high nor low. It was difficult for her to hit her head on the table.

Zhu Xinyu felt something on her face, and she touched it. That should be some kind of fixture. Zhu Xinyu wiped her saliva with her sleeve. She was still a little confused, but she realized something was wrong.

This outfit is very big, and it’s a military uniform...

——But fortunately no one saw me drooling while sleeping...

"I'm sorry, they are indeed a little too rough. But this is also to prevent... suicide?" A voice came from the other side. It should be for yourself.

But the reason why Zhu Xinyu didn't see it clearly was because...

She is highly myopic.

The girl narrowed her eyes and said angrily: "Who are you? What does preventing suicide mean?"

Something slid along the table in front of him. Zhu Xinyu could barely see that those were her own glasses.

Zhu Xinyu picked up her glasses. Only then did she notice that she had a pair of handcuffs on her hands. At the same time, her feet were also cuffed to the chair.

The person who handed him the glasses was a young man. He was wearing a crisp suit and looked very formal. Beside him, there was a slovenly blond man tinkering with a computer.

Zhu Xinyu recognized it, it was his computer.

She wanted to roar, but the moment she opened her mouth, she was interrupted by severe pain, and the roar on her lips turned into a whimper: "Uh...what..."

"They think you may be a well-trained agent sent by a hostile organization who will commit suicide at a critical moment. But the order they received was to 'capture alive'." The strange young man used Zhu Xinyu's words The native language explained: "They treated you according to this standard, so they dislocated your jaw immediately. Although the doctor put it back on you, the muscles and ligaments were inevitably injured. You have been there for quite a while. There is no time to bite tougher food..."

Zhu Xinyu slammed the table angrily: "Who are you? You are illegally detained..."

"No, this operation applies to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2900 (2027), which grants the United Nations Security Council's Coordinating Committee on Security and Relations with Extraterrestrial Space all the necessary powers to "act with the Committee for the Coordination of Security and Relations with Extraterrestrial Space" Hostility, extraterrestrial space piracy and information piracy, terrorist activities, 'implementation of 'pre-emptive military operations' in non-member states to prevent such acts, and you happen to have all three, 'Zhu Rong'." said the young man.

Zhu Xinyu calmed down. Since the other party mentioned the name "Zhu Rong", it meant that she was indeed exposed. His computer was snatched away while it was running. There was a lot of evidence in it that he was "Zhu Rong". It was meaningless to deny it.

Zhu Xinyu looked at Xiang Shan: "Who are you? A lackey of the United States?"

"No, I represent the United Nations Office for Project Services. Let me introduce myself. My name is Xiang Shan, from the Republic of China. I am currently a staff member of the United Nations Office for Project Services."

Zhu Xinyu frowned: "Project Affairs Agency? That...what is it? What..."

"An organization that 'provides solutions to issues such as peace and security, humanitarianism, and development to help people build a better life.'" Xiang Shan nodded.

Zhu Xinyu's eyes widened: "Are you talking nonsense? The United Nations...will the United Nations rush into a sovereign country to arrest a person? And a 'preemptive military action'?"

Isn’t the United Nations that meaningless organization that generally does not allow unrestricted retaliation when peacekeeping troops are attacked by local armed forces? How could you be so brave?

"There is indeed no precedent." Xiang Shan nodded and admitted: "But this is a special incident. The Security Council's temporary decision - well, I also think it is a bit unconventional. Including linking an organization like ours to the project Office or something. But this is indeed an international project. If it succeeds, it does hope to help mankind build a better life and achieve peace and development. After all, this is also an unprecedented special project. After all, rules also serve people. "

"Ah?" Zhu Xinyu looked at him.

Xiangshan's words just now revealed key information. This was not done by one country, but by the cooperation of many big countries.

--but why……

"'Zhu Rong'...or Miss Zhu Xinyu. You were arrested on suspicion of stealing confidential United Nations documents."

"The United Nations..." Zhu Xinyu said: "When did I steal the data of the United Nations? Ah..."

"It seems that you have an impression." Xiang Shan smiled: "Let me introduce myself. My ID in the 'Risk' community is Ramanujan."

Zhu Xinyu roared in a low voice: "It's are here for that hard-to-interpret data!"

At this time, Hartman raised his head. He couldn't understand Chinese, but he could still understand the pronunciation of "Ramanujan". He mistakenly thought that this was the self-announced home time for the "netizen meeting", so he said: "Hello, 'Zhurong'. My ID is Agni."

Zhu Xinyu was stunned for a moment, then immediately cursed: "Stooge!" She looked at Xiang Shan again: "You also said that you are not a lackey of the United States..."

"Mr. Hartman is a special technical talent from the United States supporting our working group. After all, you are indeed very skilled. It is still difficult to find you." Xiang Shan said: "This is reasonable, right?"

Zhu Xinyu opened her mouth wide, but didn't say anything.

"You have made a big mistake, Miss Zhu Xinyu." Xiang Shan said: "If the information you stole is spread to the outside world, it may cause unpredictable social unrest, cause a huge economic earthquake, and then impact people's livelihood, and even cause Large-scale turmoil. Therefore, various countries are consciously restricting the dissemination of relevant intelligence. But due to an accident, you stole intelligence from the core of this project - this may be the most dangerous intelligence in human history... "

Zhu Xinyu said: "What is the information that my virus sent it a nuclear weapon? No, there is also a biological it a biochemical weapon?"

Xiang Shan's hand knocked on the table gently: "Miss Zhu Xinyu, please take a look at your position. You have stolen very important information, so now you have been designated as the 'most dangerous terrorist in history.' In the minds of major powers, your danger level is close to that of Japan. Since you are operating as an individual hacker, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the most dangerous terrorist in human history."

"It's just that your punishment has not yet been decided. This matter is too involved and cannot be tried by any country's judicial body. Someone has proposed that you be sent to The Hague. You will board the International Criminal Court in The Hague. In the dock. If this suggestion is true, then you will become the rare anti-humanity who has been in that dock in his personal capacity."

Xiangshan said so much, just to intimidate the girl. But I don’t know why, the more he talked, the more the girl felt “elated”.

But Xiangshan still said: "It's just that the 'Rama Project' is very confidential, and even the International Court of Justice in The Hague cannot easily participate. The judge who will try you and your defense lawyer need to be carefully selected. And before that, you There is another option..."

Zhu Xinyu smiled, showing her white and small front teeth: "But, I refuse."

Xiang Shan frowned: "You haven't heard me finish yet."

"No matter what you say, I will reject it." Zhu Xinyu smiled and said: "Unprecedented? Harmful? I can't ask for it."

Zhu Xinyu stood up, put her hands on the table, and leaned forward to approach Xiang Shan. She whispered: "You know what? I have always believed that if 'revealing the truth' will destroy something, it only means that that thing is based on falsehood and is vulnerable."

"If the truth will cause that thing to be destroyed, then let it be destroyed! Humanity will be reborn in the fire!"

Xiang Shan said: "But the laws of nature do not guarantee that human beings will survive forever. A fire may burn the old and allow the new to grow, but it may also burn the new and the old together..."

"Are you the legendary reformist?" Zhu Xinyu looked at Xiang Shan coldly: "Or is it more excessive? Do you think we are in an ideal country now?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "Not at all, but..."

"There is nothing good about it." Zhu Xinyu said categorically: "Lukewarm improvements are meaningless. While you are tinkering here and there, the cruel strong are still depriving the weak, and the mediocre weak are still helping the poor. A crime. Someone is being victimized every minute and every second, and someone is falling into the abyss every minute and every second. Before the world gets better, they have already tasted hell. Your improvements are just easing the contradictions. , delaying change that actually solves the problem.”

Xiangshan grinned. What this girl said is a good idea, but there seems to be something wrong with the practice.

Zhu Xinyu seemed to be reciting a long poem: "For a long time, everything I have done has been to change the world. What you said about 'there is another option' is nothing more than 'eliminating influence', 'revealing accomplices' and 'please plead guilty and get peace" '—just like that dog."

Zhu Xinyu finally pointed at Hartman. In order for Hartman to understand, she specially changed into English.

But Hartman was not angry, but smiled in a friendly manner.

"Isn't this the 'opportunity' I've been looking for?" Zhu Xinyu's expression was enthusiastic: "I don't even know what your plan is, and I don't know what the data is. But... this must be an unfair fate for me. It’s done!”

She almost cried.

Hartman shrugged: "Boss, this girl is completely crazy. Let's apply for a psychiatric ward for her."

Xiangshan ignored Hartman and asked Zhu Xinyu: "So, Miss Zhu, have you ever changed the world before?"

Double update

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