Cyber Heroes

Chapter 374 Harder than iron and stronger than steel

"So, Miss Zhu, have you ever changed the world before?"

Facing Xiang Shan's question, Zhu Xinyu smiled and said, "Now we are going to change the world."

Xiangshan crossed his legs and asked, "That means you have no relevant experience?"

"If you have no experience, you can't resist?" Zhu Xinyu stared at Xiangshan: "When a person faces a knife-wielding gangster, he must resist. Will you tell the victim, 'You have no experience, so don't resist'..."

"Yes." Xiang Shan nodded: "The advice given by the police usually includes 'money is external' and 'don't anger the gangsters, protect yourself', right? Rebellion is indeed reasonable, just like eating. But eating is also You must pay attention to balanced nutrition and don't overeat. Du Fu died after eating roast beef after being hungry for too long. Do you think it is wrong for the poet to eat beef? In the same way, the evil that created this world must also pay attention to it. Only the method will work, and only if the method is right can you succeed.”

Zhu Xinyu closed her eyes: "I won't argue with you. As a person with vested interests, you will be able to find thousands of reasons to oppose the rebellion. It's meaningless. You can't see the blood and tears of the people at the bottom."

"Those with vested interests..." Xiang Shan rubbed his neck. If I have to say... As a native of Peiping, his college entrance examination scores are indeed pitifully low. In a sense, this cannot be denied.

But this reaction was regarded as acquiescence by Zhu Xinyu. She said: "Looking at how young you are, you can hold an important position in such a project united by many big countries. There is a lot of energy in the family, right?"

Xiang Shan said: "Probably... the time, place and people are favorable."

"Hmph, people like you..." Zhu Xinyu gritted his teeth.

Xiang Shan sighed: "Okay, since I have to say this, then I will admit it."

A confused voice came from Xiangshan's headphones. Colonel Lei said: "Director Xiang, please pay attention to your can easily trigger..."

Xiang Shan took off his headphones openly.

Even Hartman's eyes widened, as if he thought this was outrageous.

Xiangshan turned his tablet screen downwards and placed it upside down on the table: "Hello."

Zhu Xinyu opened her eyes, not knowing why.

"Except for talking directly to me, no one else here understands Chinese." Xiangshan said in Chinese specifically, "So what I say to you now are all words that only we know."

If possible, he would rather use an accented dialect. But he is from Peiping.

Of course, what Xiang Shan said was also a lie. His headset cannot be the only monitoring device in this room. Even if he took it off, he just couldn't hear what was being said outside. But he does have the authority to do so.

After all, he is the top person in charge here. Although no one will not listen to him, he will not listen to anyone who wants to.

Moreover, in joint operations with the Republic, it is impossible for other major countries not to prepare agents who understand Chinese.

But Zhu Xinyu still didn't react.

"I've already revealed my identity to you, so I'll just reveal a little more." Xiang Shan said, "This time to arrest you. Almost all the five permanent members of the Security Council have been dispatched. The armies of all NATO countries have begun preparing for war because of the agreement. . In order to avoid that terrible intelligence leak, everyone was even prepared for the worst possibility—that is, nuclear weapons."

"And this terminal is connected to the command systems of various armies."

"Don't worry, the military command system is not as impregnable as you think. Most of the military personnel responsible for electronic warfare are also human beings. Just because they are human, they may not be able to exceed the upper limit of the 'Vulcan'. The person next to me hacked into it easily. The Pentagon. The reason why ordinary hackers cannot attack military networks is because there is a physical barrier between military networks and civilian networks."

"But now, this is a terminal connected to the military networks of the five major countries, and a legal account with military command authority. As long as you extract the highest authority while those guys don't react, you can briefly control the entire world. Most of the world’s armies.”

Zhu Xinyu's eyes widened: "What...what do you mean?"

Xiangshan continued: "Of course, the army will soon realize that there is a problem with the source of the order. However, as long as a small part of the army does not recognize it and actually executes the false order, the 'war' will become real. You can even There is an opportunity to forge the launch instructions of a nuclear bomb. As long as one nuclear bomb hits the target, the history of the world will be rewritten."

Zhu Xinyu sneered: "How is it possible... How can the launch of nuclear weapons be so casual..."

"It's more casual than you think. That intelligence has such magic power, it might lead to global turmoil." Xiangshan continued, "'Preemptive military action' - what do you think?"

Of course this is also a lie.

The governments of major countries have blocked the information on "Ogun" because this information may have an unpredictable impact on the outside world and trigger social unrest. But the launch of nuclear weapons will not only cause social unrest. No one will use nuclear weapons to cover up the news of "Ogun", just as no one will drink poison to quench thirst - maybe there is in history, but the "poison" must also be made slightly colorless and tasteless. Only fools drink "poison wine" that is at least thicker than sesame paste.

However, Zhu Xinyu obviously has a huge distrust of the outside world, and will speculate on those big countries and consortiums with the worst malice.

She actually wavered.

Of course, if she thought about it carefully, she would definitely think it was too outrageous. So Xiang Shan didn't give her time to react and said directly: "Of course, you can also use this terminal to plant various Trojans and bury various backdoors in the military networks of various countries. I just cut off the monitoring. Don't tell me If I don’t tell you, no one will know what’s going on here. As long as your backdoor is ruthless enough and advanced enough, you can even threaten us to let you out.”

"Well, of course, you may also be beaten to death by us on the spot. After all, this risk is also the price we have to pay to change the world."

"Ah, of course, of course. There will always be resistance. If you get the authority to use nuclear weapons, you may have to destroy the capitals of each big country first, and then blow up a few densely populated cities. In this way, you can basically disintegrate the big countries. Some people have the will to resist.”

Zhu Xinyu trembled and said, "You are just lying to me. I won't be fooled."

"Yes, I'm just lying to you. This is just a test. You can think of it this way." Xiang Shan slowly slid the tablet towards Zhu Xinyu, "I'm betting that you are kind enough and you won't pick up this terminal. Might as well." Imagine, what if this is true? But if you really take it... I can only count on Mr. Hartman next to me to be powerful enough."

Zhu Xinyu pressed her hand on the tablet and said, "I...I don't want to use this...ah...this..."

Xiang Shan said softly: "This is the fastest and most direct way to change the world. You can rewrite this unfair world in an instant. Since you are the highest level hacker, from the moment you pick up that terminal, we will only It means that you have done something wrong. You may be killed by us on the spot. As long as you can escape from here alive, you can become the uncrowned king of the world."

"You can instantly destroy all forces that may resist you, you can rewrite the human map at will, and you can shape the world according to your own wishes..."

Zhu Xinyu trembled: "I have never thought of this..."

"If a society will be defeated by its temporary false information, doesn't it mean that its peace is false? If this 'false peace' is crushed, the world will be reborn." Xiang Shan said with a hint of tone. He joked: "Tempering improvements are meaningless. While you are tinkering here and there, the cruel strong are still depriving the weak, and the mediocre weak are still supporting this crime. Every minute and every second Someone is being victimized, and someone is falling into the abyss every minute and every second. Now, you have a chance to completely change everything..."

Zhu Xinyu's breathing began to become rapid. Xiang Shan didn't give her a chance to think about various clues, and his expression and tone were too lifelike. The girl slammed the table: "I have never thought of such a thing! You... you are simply..."

Xiang Shan glared back unceremoniously: "Isn't this what you want? 'Advance regardless of all odds'! This is exactly what you are pursuing. You only need to eliminate the capitals of several countries and eliminate military command centers at all levels. , eliminate some hidden bases - this process may cause the death of hundreds of millions of people. But as long as you prove your determination to 'despite everything', then people will compromise with you first. These small costs are not a return. Not to the point of ‘everything’?”

Zhu Xinyu wanted to retract her hand as if she was electrocuted. But Xiang Shan grabbed her hand and pressed it on the tablet: "Come on, let's move forward!"

"That's enough!" Zhu Xinyu almost cried.

Only then did Xiang Shan let go of Zhu Xinyu's hand, then took back his tablet and looked at Zhu Xinyu like this.

The little girl wiped her tears, was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "Actually, you were lying to me just now, right?"

Xiang Shan smiled: "It is impossible to have such an outrageous terminal that can directly connect to the systems of all countries' armies. However, your thinking is true. I do hope you can realize one thing. If you are allowed to use such power to Change the world directly. You'll only do worse. The world is not your canvas, you can paint it however you want. If you really have the power to paint on it - I mean, if you You used your technology to steal this power, do you know what people usually call such people?"

Zhu Xinyu looked at Xiang Shan silently.

But Xiangshan hummed a song: "Unity is strength/Unity is strength/This strength is iron/This strength is steel/Harder than iron/Stronger than steel/Fire at Fascisti/Let everything..."

"That's enough." The girl lay on the table.

Xiang Shan smiled and said, "Do you understand where you went wrong?"

"Shut up. I don't want to listen to you."


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