Cyber Heroes

Chapter 399 Express Delivery and Push Hands

When Xiang Shan woke up, TX-0 still didn't give a direct reply. He still thought this was a terrible idea.

"Under the current conditions, it would be too reckless to rush into Paradox City directly." TX-0 said: "This is really not good. You should hide and save more prosthetics. Wait a little longer, Wait until the Paralympics start again.”

"Yeah, I know." Xiang Shan nodded.

The last Paralympic Games was held in South America. Bai Man originally planned to go to the venue one or two years in advance to conduct reconnaissance and arrangements, but after seeing the news of Tao Enhai's fall, he went anyway. The next Paralympic Games is only a few years away.

The defense level of Paralympic Games will not be higher than that of Paradox City. There are many athletes inside who can be targets. Although the prosthetics of those athletes are generally inferior, there are always a few parts that are very cutting-edge.

Of course, Bai Man didn't originally intend to rob the athletes. He wanted to find a way to assassinate the military attaché.

Xiang Shan said: "But for me, this is the perfect 'opening show', isn't it?"

"Opening show... do you plan to reveal your identity at that time?" TX-0 was a little confused: "But the God of War has a hard standard after all."

"The certification from Martial Ancestor's old friends."

"Yes." TX-0 said: "If you don't have the approval of Martial Ancestor's old friends, then you are just another 'crazy disciple who imitates Martial Ancestor'. And let me explain in advance, although my mentor has a close relationship with Martial Ancestor, But I was adopted by my mentor after the seventh Martial God. It’s useless for me to recognize you.”

Xiang Shan nodded: "Of course, of course. I don't expect you to give me a 'certification'."

"In that case, why don't you go find your old friends first?" TX-0 said: "Mr. Xinglin fell to the earth three years ago, and you were also involved. Then the Rubik's Cube Angel is probably also on the earth."

"Dr. Tao and Niya Gudi." Xiang Shan nodded.

"They spread the word, and then more people will be willing to respond to you."

Xiang Shan shook his head: "It's okay to talk about other things. But I don't really want to use the banner of Martial Ancestor again. At least not in terms of 'rescuing' the Ninth Martial God."

"Tsk, is the God of War always stubborn?"

"Yeah. Of course, I'm not completely inflexible. If there is really no other way, I will go find my old friends first. But since there is a glimmer of hope, then I hope not to rely on my 'past self'." Xiangshan said patiently explained.

"Hmm... But I'm also very curious." TX-0 whispered: "What is the state of your 'Xiangshan' self-perception... it's a bit hard to imagine."

Xiangshan smiled: "A-Ling, what are you talking about? Aren't you also a persona?"

"Hey, I'm different from you. My body, the so-called 'information source' individual, is still alive. I can link with him every once in a while to synchronize the experiences of both parties. This is obvious. Have you distinguished 'I' and 'not-I'? The individual source of information is the subject, the self here is the derivative, and both parties are a harmonious whole."

"However, your source of information, the Martial Ancestor Xiangshan... died more than two hundred years ago."

Xiang Shan shook his head: "'Xiang Shan' is not dead. Because of the vast number of people, 'I' have lived intermittently for two hundred years."

"'s really hard to understand."

After that, Xiangshan received a data package from A Ling, which included the major 0day vulnerabilities discovered by Turing as of two years ago, as well as Trojan plug-ins that had caused numerous infections.

"Of course these are not all." TX-0 said: "But it is not a trivial matter. Falling into the hands of ordinary insider masters is enough for many people to 'defeat the strong with the weak'."

Xiang Shan nodded and said seriously: "Thank you, A-Ling."

"No, this is where I'm going. Although I'm not sure if I can help you attack Paradox City, I can still help you with this little help."

After exchanging internal skills with A-Ling, Xiangshan changed his prosthetic body and followed Matsushima Hiro to the iron block style dojo.

Matsushima Hiro seems to have recovered from the shock of subverting his worldview. Even with Xiangshan's level of internal strength, there was no trace of wavering in his steps.

After arriving at the dojo, Xiangshan put on his standard hands and feet for practicing.

Matsushima Hiro took Xiangshan to the quiet room at the core of the entire dojo. He said to Xiang Shan: "At the point where you and I are now, pure competition of moves has become an instinct. To improve in this area, the marginal decrease is very large, and it is not very valuable. In this case, the flexible use of the environment , and the grasp of strength, may be more helpful. The former is not what arena warriors are good at, you can only find a way on your own. But for the use of 'jin', I think I can still provide some help."

Matsushima Hiroshi raised his arm and said: "This is the standard training arm commonly used in iron block flow dojos. It is basically modified from junk prosthetics purchased from outside. Its structure is very simple. There are two joints in the wrist part, each One joint can provide force in eight directions, a total of sixteen different forces. In addition, the wrist itself can twist 180 degrees, and the intertwining of these forces can be described as ever-changing."

Matsushima Hiroshi spread his fingers and said, "I don't know your level, so the first lesson will be like this. Come on, try to push my hand."

Xiangshan carefully looked at Matsushima Hiroshi's arm, then took a step forward, spread his fingers, faced Matsushima Hiroshi's palm, and pressed hard like this.

Push hands.

Also known as beating hands, rubbing hands, and shaking hands, it is a two-person bare-handed confrontation exercise in Tai Chi. It is related to Tai Chi routines in terms of body and function.

When two people push their hands, they are engaging in a game of changing "power" in an attempt to hit the opponent's center of gravity with force and quickly push the opponent down.

It's beautiful in theory, but compared to the fighting skills of natural people, it's not that practical.

Because natural people's conscious thinking may not necessarily be able to keep up with the nerve reflexes, and the nerve reflexes may not keep up with the muscles driven by the instinct of the motor center. The vast majority of people may not be able to use such perfect game theory in battle - or in other words, only a very small number of masters can do it in a battle against inferior players.

The imaginary scene of many traditional martial arts is "street fighting", and the goal is to "quickly knock down the gangsters whose skills are far inferior to your own in the street fight."

In the ring competition, "nerve reflex training", "anti-hit training" and most importantly "muscle mass training" are more important than those fantasy skills of power games.

However, modern warriors are Cybermen.

The Cyberman's output and ability to withstand attacks are determined by the prosthetic body. No training is required other than the technique of receiving the body.

Therefore, they picked up the game of "jin".


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