Cyber Heroes

Chapter 400 Chat Stream

"Pushing hands" itself is not a practical technique. It is nothing more than extracting the "center of destruction" and "exchange of force" from the boxing confrontation and existing it as an independent project. But in fact, the scope of "actual combat" is larger and broader.

Practicing push hands well is like a boxer jumping rope well. This can mean that this practitioner is "beyond ordinary people in some aspects", but it does not mean that this person can fight.

Martial arts for natural people should ultimately focus on aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and resistance training.

This is the so-called "strength of fighting".

Any practitioner knows the principle of "one effort can defeat ten levels".

If you are purely pursuing lethality, you should not practice empty-handed. The natural human body structure determines that "Invincible Divine Fist" cannot compare to "Introduction to Arms".

Even if you have practiced hard kung fu to the point where you can kick a bent iron pipe with your thighs, if the iron rod is bent, I will replace it with a steel rod, but if your leg bone is cracked, it will be cracked.

But the Cybermen are different. Cybermen do not have muscles that can grow with exercise, and most of their resistance to blows is determined by the outer armor materials and designers. So hard training is meaningless here.

As for Xiang Shan and Matsushima Hiro, their external skills have reached a state where they can freely adjust and release them.

"Push Hands" abstracts the "center of destruction" and "the game of energy" and sets up a separate project. Then the results of their training in this project can also be absorbed and understood by them and applied to all specific aspects.

There will be no "dead moves" and no inexplicable tricks.

Of course, the methods and rules of cyber push hands are very different from those of natural push hands.

After all, the "perfect" martial arts theory constructed by natural people relying on imagination cannot be perfectly applicable in the situation of cybermen. All martial artists who maintained old ideas were eliminated before the chivalrous war.

The palms of Xiangshan and Matsushima Hiroshi came together, and their wrists shook for a moment, and then actually formed a balance again. The palms of both sides became stable and slowly drew curves in mid-air.

But this move is not meaningless. Both sides are currently using prosthetic bodies for training. Most of them are standard, and the stands that can be used are limited and obvious.

When the palms of two people move to a specific position, one party's stance cannot be maintained. The posture in which he exerts force will be in an absolutely disadvantageous position.

At this time, that party will retreat or be pushed out by the other party.

At this time, the party that "retreats" is "slightly losing" according to the established rules.

Of course, since this is a training event, the confrontation is not that strong.

But now the Paralympic Games do have a separate event for pushing hands.

Matsushima Hong's eyes were vacant and he asked casually: "Is this also the countermeasure invented by Wuzu Xiangshan?"

"Hmm... In fact, as far as my memory is concerned, when Wu Zu Xiangshan first invented martial arts, he relied on the physics engine of the supercomputer." Xiangshan said: "Although the physics engine often produces very funny things. results, but when the function is powerful enough, the algorithm is complex enough, and the parameters are precise enough, it can be more like reality than reality.”

"Not really?"

"Well, in the beginning, everyone relied on already written documents to fight. At that time, the tyrant's army had very low individual combat capabilities, so there was no need to pursue the harmony of biological brains and algorithms like today's warriors. 1. It would be promoted very quickly like that. They probably didn’t expect it to happen now.”

"Is it...?" Matsushima Hiro suddenly exerted his strength.

Immediately take half a step back towards the mountain.

Then, the pusher continues.

"Thinking about it this way... we actually thought at the beginning that the internal strength of the 'Language Realm' is enough. There is no need to specialize the brain. Or, the Assembly Realm is enough. The bare brain of the Mechanical Realm can be used to control it. The level of the machine is terrifying. But what about now? The internal strength has developed beyond the 'mathematical realm'."

TX-0 also took over Matsushima Hiroshi's synthesizer and said in Matsushima Hiroshi's voice: "Yes, my master also said similar things...sometimes my mentor would wander around the world. We didn't know she was there. What are you thinking? Perhaps as her internal strength increases, part of her thinking has also become a program."

Matsushima Hiro shook his hand and took another half step back toward the mountain.

Xiangshan was silent for a moment: "Actually, machines may also be writing beautiful poems using 0s and 1s, but humans can't understand them."

"Do you think machines can have feelings?"

"'Emotion' is just a highly abstract training set for hunter-gatherer life. It is a set of information processing programs formed by natural selection. This is what evolutionary psychology studies."

"Then emotions are not noble?"

"That's not the case. Emotions are valuable, but there is currently no theory that can deny that machines are also qualified to enjoy this precious wealth." Xiang Shan said so bluntly.

At the same time, he pressed forward hard.

He felt that Songdao had revealed a flaw at this time.

Matsushima Hiro naturally took a small step back and regrouped. He seemed surprised.

TX-0 asked: "Hong, do you have any questions?"

Although he doesn't know much about external skills, he can still see the slightest flaw in Matsushima Hiro.

"An AI is talking to another person about whether AI can be independent, and that person is still..." Matsushima Hiro didn't know how to describe it.

"If AI has consciousness, then it really shouldn't be enslaved. But AI itself is programmed by humans with purpose. The 'Zero' in front of us has no qualms about deleting itself after the task is completed. Xiang Shan said: "Human beings will be confused about the meaning of their own existence, but AI will never be. If an AI makes a judgment to destroy human beings, it must be the programmer who is the creator who has instilled wrong code."

TX-0 asked: "So do you support AI independence?"

"Well, I even support the complete uploading of consciousness." Xiang Shan said: "Actually, there are only a few steps between the false personality covering and the complete uploading of consciousness. An artificial intelligence whose personality is completely created by humans is different from an artificial intelligence that previously had a living being. Brain, but now that there is no uploaded human being, what is the difference?”

Matsushima Hiro was silent for a moment, then pushed Xiang Shan away again: "You actually think so?"

"Why do you think I don't think so?" Xiang Shan said, "The person in front of you is one of the people who promoted the process of human prosthetics. I have always believed that the standard of natural selection of 'enough is enough' is far from It’s better to pursue a prosthetic body that reaches its functional limit.”

"The hands and feet can be replaced, and of course the brain can be replaced."

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