Cyber Heroes

Chapter 409 Jianghu Disputes

"What's news about other knights? Tell me?"

Xiangshan showed interest.

"They can't be considered local." Babbitt said, "Those are two groups of knights from the north. They seem to be knights from two different sects."

"Sect..." Xiang Shan couldn't help but think.

This concept had not yet appeared in the era of "Martial Ancestor".

Although Wuzu Xiangshan created martial arts, he did not create any sect. Rather, he is the ancestor respected by all sects.

What he calls "hundreds of boxing techniques" are actually tactical processes and ideas for achieving different goals under preset different situations. These "boxing skills" were born and sublimated through the confrontation of computer deep learning under the huge computing resources of the old generation, and have continued to evolve over decades of practice.

In fact, few modern martial arts schools teach completely original boxing techniques.

Because when "Chivalry" was created, it emphasized the "sharing spirit of the Internet." Knights are always the weakest in terms of resources and manpower, so they must rely on the complete sharing of information to maximize their only advantage. If not, the knight is likely to be destroyed.

Xiangshan is against the "sectarian view".

Even when I first woke up and heard about the "sect", I was surprised for a while.

However, in the past two hundred years, many new types of boxing have been born, but the sects rarely have "unique boxing skills retained", only one or two moves at most.

Similar to the dojos in the city, the sect does not teach specific unique boxing skills, but provides systematic education.

The sect will instruct its disciples on how to choose the type of boxing that suits their preference from public martial arts resources and assemble a strategy group that suits their own personality. The sect will teach its disciples how to practice internal skills, how to identify enemies, how to hide themselves, and how to retreat and escape.

Of course, the most important thing is that the sect will teach its disciples what "chivalry" is.

In the era of Wuzu Xiangshan, there was no concept of "sect". The defeats of the second and third warrior gods made the knights realize that the social environment had changed and the methods of the past were no longer so effective.

And "sect" is also a form of "social group" proposed by the Fourth Martial God. During the chivalrous war, all knights gathered under one banner, and knights and knights were natural allies. The common goal of "taking back modern society" also makes them naturally have similar attitudes.

Furthermore, due to technical limitations, most people are unable to fight against the "tyrant". There were not many knights in that era who could stand up. Xiangshan can definitely unite them. Moreover, the battlefield at that time was mainly on the earth, and the information network could fully undertake the task of communication.

But after the Ascension War, the number of knights has increased and they are distributed throughout the solar system. Facing this collapsed society, the knights still need to persist in guerrilla warfare. In this case, they must have their own grassroots organizations.

In addition, there are also certain differences in the ideas and hopes of the "future" among the knights. At this time, putting differences on the table in the form of a "group" can help find consensus and resolve differences.

The camps that were forcibly knitted together would either slide in the most extreme direction, or fall apart with a complete skin.

In the era from the Fourth Martial God to the Sixth Martial God, the ecology of the "sect" officially took root in the world.

In the era of the Seventh Martial God, the sect also played the role of a grassroots organization, gathering the chivalrous power of the entire solar system.

The memory of the Eighth Martial God told him that the existence of this ecology has its own meaning.

Xiang Shan nodded: "Two sects, which two? Is there a red stone sect?"

"Oh! Mr. Nonem actually has such rich interpersonal relationships... I mean, does he actually have such rich knowledge?" Babbitt said: "Do you actually know the Red Stone Gate? So does the instant explosion single kill king. A resounding legend..."

"Oh, I have indeed seen it." Xiang Shan waved his hand.

"Yeah, but the two sects that appeared this time are not from the Red Stone Sect." He shook his head: "One is from the Northern Blade Sect and the Flash Sect."

"The one from the Flash Gate..." Xiangshan pondered for a moment: "Oh, I think I've seen him before."

Three years ago, he rescued several young vigilantes in Jayhawk City. There were two disciples of the Flash Sect inside. He remembered that the martial arts of this sect was mainly based on internal strength...

"Yes. My audience is a disciple of the Chaotic Blade Sect." Babbitt said, "There is a dispute between the Chaos Blade Sect and the Flash Sect. It seems that they intend to resolve it according to the rules of the martial arts. They said they want to have a fight. Ask me if you can go to the venue and live broadcast it.”

Xiang Shan was confused: "Wait a minute?"

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"There was a dispute?"


"Did you do it according to the rules of the world?"


Xiang Shan covered his head, even the solar panel hat on his head was crooked: "In order to avoid my misunderstanding, let me ask, how are the current rules of the to deal with this kind of thing?"

"This kind of thing?" Babbitt thought for a while: "According to what they said before, the Flash Gate and the Blade Gate teamed up to hijack a government transport aircraft in another city in the northwest, and captured some elites. resources. It's just that they had a dispute over distribution."

Xiang Shan asked tremblingly: "So, if Jianghu people 'have done something', will anyone die?"

"Ah, it's impossible." Babbitt said, "According to what I heard, this kind of competition strictly limits the upper limit of the output of the prosthetic body, prohibits all kinds of high explosives and powerful thermal weapons, and completely uses AR to simulate it. . If a life is really lost, then the main person responsible also needs to pay for it with his life."

Xiang Shan felt a little more relieved. But thinking about Babbitt's "romantic story", I couldn't help but worry again.

In the final analysis, Babbitt was still a broadcaster who mainly engaged in propaganda, not a real knight.

There might be some deviation in his understanding of the world.

Xiang Shan said: "By the way, it should be common to have problems with the distribution of spoils. How can we hurt the peace over this matter?"

"Maybe..." Babbitt thought: "The entire world is relatively short of resources, especially the special resources that require a higher level of technology to produce. There are not many opportunities for knights to come into contact with such resources, so naturally they have to compare... …Who has the right to use those precious parts?”

"After all, those valuable parts can only be of maximum value when placed on the knights with the highest martial arts skills."

Xiang Shan was slightly startled.

He remembered what a person said to him many years ago.

Public and private intentions are not always clear-cut.

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