Cyber Heroes

Chapter 410 Xiang Shan’s Worries

After Babbitt chatted with Xiang Shan for a few words, they agreed on the next time to meet, and then left.

Xiangshan also got rid of Babbitt and contacted the knight he met who was messing with the Blade Gate, saying that he wanted to watch.

Babbitt readily agreed to this request. According to him, in this kind of Jianghu dispute, both parties are eager to have a third party witness. A great knight like Hero Nonem who can speak to the instant explosion single-kill king will definitely be welcomed by them.

Xiangshan was a little worried.

After Babbitt left, Xiaoba appeared in Xiangshan's sight again.

"I must remind you that this kind of Jianghu activities are of positive significance to Jianghu people." Xiao Ba said, "This is the game closest to 'actual combat' that those fledgling Jianghu novices can experience. In addition to No one will lose his life, and this kind of competition is very similar to actual combat. The opponent's information is not transparent to the participants - this is essentially different from the sparring between acquaintances in the sect. "

The external skill game in the situation of "I am familiar with the other party and the other party is also familiar with me" is different from the external skill game in the situation of "I am not familiar with the other party and I don't know whether the other party is familiar with me". Even if it is done by the same person, it is very likely that the results will be "completely different strategic choices in the two situations."

But warriors fighting in the ring don't have this problem.

Except for the newcomers who have just debuted, all the ring warriors have left many battle records.

And these battle records will definitely be studied by his opponents.

The opponent scheduled for the ring warrior's next stop will also study his past battle records.

Both sides fought with knowledge of the other's preferences.

——Of course, this cannot be said to death. There are also some ring warriors who are not keen on studying their opponents' techniques, strategies, and styles. But this does not mean that they have the noble spirit of traditional warriors. They are either too lazy to do research or use their brains, or they are too arrogant to bother understanding their opponents. Of course, it's also possible to be stupid and arrogant.

The knight must grasp the differences in this game.

In addition, there are also entangled interests in this kind of Jianghu dispute, and it is not a "it doesn't matter if you lose" situation like a competition between teachers and sects.

This also helps the new knights change their mentality.

"Native" nodded.

In fact, under this situation, what "Xiaoba" said was actually Xiangshan's brain extracting relevant content from the leftover memory that the Eighth Martial God had not fully digested, and then it was evoked and absorbed by Xiangshan's consciousness in this form.

What "Xiaoba" understands, "native" will also understand.

They are essentially the same person.

Xiaoba continued: "This is also a form of academic exchange. Knights also need this to understand the development of martial arts in the entire world."

Since a large part of "martial arts" is composed of non-declarative memory, the quality cannot be determined entirely by language.

Humanity has also developed science that specializes in martial arts.

However, the academic system of external skills also needs to be verified in practice.

Boxing principles constructed from a high theoretical level must be practiced to know whether they can be applied.

"It's just a bit emotional." "Native" sighed, "I'm a bit worried. Now this world is really... unfamiliar to you. Even more so to me. I don't know if it's because I'm not used to it... I'm really worried, what if this kind of thing causes unnecessary disputes? What if there's an overnight feud?"

"However, in the era of Lao Qi, there was not a single sect in the entire Jianghu... No, there was only one sect in the entire Jianghu that did not take action." Xiao Ba said: "Except for Zhu Xinyu's 'Turing Lineage', all the sects that exist on the surface are Everyone responded.”

In fact, Xiaoba wanted to say "all sects". However, in the legend of the Seventh Martial God, "Turing" never appeared from beginning to end, and there were no internal masters working alongside the Seventh Martial God who claimed to be "Turing's" disciples.

"Xiaoba" was very sad about this fact.

Xiangshan was very sad about this fact.

Combined with the limited communication between the Eighth Martial God and Zhu Xinyu...

I'm afraid she really hates the Martial God.

But in the world of martial arts, the "Turing lineage" is a mythical legend, a true hidden sect. It does not belong to the "official sect".

"Native" nodded.

But he still felt that it was not good: "In the story, the younger ones are beaten by the older ones. The disputes between the sects will escalate accidentally, and after the escalation, they will intensify each other... How do you say it? 'Chains of Hatred' ? Maybe it wasn’t there when Lao Qi was there. But what about now?”

If the sect system was formed between the Fourth Martial God and the Sixth Martial God, then in the era of the Seventh Martial God, it is indeed possible that the sect at that time would not have time to accumulate hatred.

But it's hard to say now.

Three years ago, Xiang Shan had this kind of worry when he heard about the "sect" system.

And now after hearing about the Jianghu tradition of "sparring", I can't stop thinking about it.

Xiaoba sat opposite the "native" perspective: "Worrying about this? I think it's quite unnecessary. How dare you say that you are young at heart? Isn't this the mentality of an old man who doesn't want to face new things?"

"Eh? Did you know that we were three hundred years old on the first day?" Xiang Shan thought for a moment, and then sighed: "I still feel that at this time, everyone should sit down and submit a report each to advocate their own needs for trophies... …”

Speaking of which, during the "Chivalrous War" period, how did the knights deal with this kind of thing?

It should be... the knights who have objections to the distribution of spoils should list their requirements for a specific loot in the form of a report, and then discuss the distribution of spoils under the auspices of a third party trusted by both parties, or in Voting takes place within the team to which you belong.

"Ah... Speaking of which, I seem to want to write an AI and then train it to arbitrate various application grounds..."

At this time, another conversation came to mind.

——Why is it so troublesome... I think we can set up a special agency.

-Think again, brother. I still hope that we can avoid creating a power core... Our goal is to remove the tyrant, take back the authority he stole, and then return it to the government of the people's choice. I don't want us to be the new government. What I need is the mature thing from the past.

——Many people think that we might be more suitable than those bureaucrats in the past...

--Do not make jokes.

Xiangshan still remembers that anger.

——What I said to Xinyu when I first met her decades ago. The world is not someone’s canvas and cannot be left to be painted by others, including us. The world can be restored, and it now still has hope of "returning to its old outlook", so we must make this our first goal!

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