Cyber Heroes

Chapter 420 Ideal Model

If two people are evenly matched in terms of strength, endurance, perception, and ability to resist blows, and can deal with each other's punches in a rational manner, what will be the effect?

There is no doubt that it will become "idealized action design".

In fact, that's it. Many action movies and kung fu movies will intentionally or unintentionally weaken the power of both offense and defense, and even out the gap in physical fitness and reaction. In reality, if a physically weaker person receives a punch from a stronger person, that person will fall into coma. But in the movie, even if a martial artist is beaten to the point of vomiting blood by someone who is much stronger than himself, he can still continue to fight without taking it seriously.

This "fragility of the human body" will only be shown when a master fights against miscellaneous fish.

Problems that are not visible on the surface, such as fractures and fractures, can also be ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

Muscle fatigue and damage will also not be reflected.

Action actors only gain the strength of their characters for a few minutes after long filming hours and injuries.

In this ideal situation, the attacks of both warriors can be reacted to, defended and neutralized by each other.

In this situation, those who are good at staying close will never be able to get really close, those who are good at kicking will never be able to find the ideal angle for kicking off, those who know how to box will be dodged by all powerful punches, and weapons aimed at the vital point will definitely be blocked by weapons. Block.

In this case, if you want to decide the winner, you have to wait for one party to make a mistake.

The AR models of Takahashi Ziyi and Ji Anbang express this kind of battle.

Waiting to make mistakes, in a sense, if a boxer wants to win in actual street combat, he has to wait for his opponent to make mistakes. But the difference is that in street fights, brave and ruthless people who lack training often make what would be considered "low-level mistakes" in the eyes of masters in their first move.

But the point is, not everyone can catch this bug.

This is also the core application scenario of many traditional martial arts - catching mistakes made by people whose skills are far inferior to one's own in street fights.

But for masters, this time of "waiting to make a mistake" is lengthened.

The baseline human nerve signal transmission speed has improved again compared to the earth's native vertebrates. The intervention and processing of intelligent systems have once again accelerated the speed of thinking.

Even most attacks are performed by virtual models.

Since the power of the prosthetic bodies was limited, the two of them just made a starting gesture, and then used their movements to indicate possible changes during the fight.

There are a number of virtual models floating around the two of them, fighting with the boxing paths conceived by the two. As the arbiter, Ai Tielang provides calculation power and uses his own martial arts consciousness to make judgments and corrections.

Different boxing styles have different variations. Under normal circumstances, people can only choose one change of move.

But in this kind of competition, the warrior can choose several variations of moves at the same time and execute them with different virtual models. And when the other party sees their moves, they will naturally show different changes. These changes will be implemented by new models.

Although it was two people fighting, there were more than ten groups of offense and defense involved.

Of course, the confrontation of these virtual models is not unlimited. The human biological brain is limited, and computing resources are also limited.

And once a person cannot hold on in a "confrontation of virtual models", or judges that the offensive and defensive mistakes of this group of models are too great and is at a disadvantage, he can admit defeat in "this game".

In this case, the opponent will naturally score one point.

Yes, of course this "literary battle" has point system rules.

But this does not affect the enthusiasm of the audience at all.

"Okay!" "Master, uncle, good boxing skills!" "A beautiful palm!"

In an instant, the disciples on both sides couldn't help but roar.

Babbitt was startled and said: " this competition so good?"

Although he is just a broadcaster, Babbitt also practices martial arts. In his opinion, the level of top martial arts competitions in the Paralympics should be higher.

Xiang Shan said: "This is... this is an idealized offensive and defensive design. This is equivalent to taking apart the various changes, offensive and defensive ideas, and core essence of a boxing technique and putting them in front of these disciples. These two guys took the initiative To limit the output of one's own prosthetic body, one has no choice but to invest the excess neural network computing resources into this simulation, dismantling 'a complete master' into 'many people with high levels but not so high that they are incomprehensible. '."

Moreover, ring martial arts like Matsushima Hiro reach the pinnacle of specific techniques, but are out of the scope of what these martial artists use every day.

Xiangshan can now understand why such discussions are said to have the flavor of "academic activities".

These are two people who are not very familiar with each other, discussing "the choice of offensive and defensive strategies when facing unfamiliar martial arts."

Ideal combat doesn't mean it can't be used. Although "a spherical chicken in a vacuum" is a simplified ideal model, this model can still deduce some truths. People who have mastered the calculation of a spherical chicken in a vacuum can also continue to add restrictions to calculate the inconsistency of motion in thin air. Rules chicken. As conditions are added, the model will surely get closer to reality.

Only by mastering the "ideal offense and defense" can you find "the moment when you can implement this offense and defense strategy" in practice.

This is to resolve disputes in the martial arts world, and at the same time to improve the level of the martial arts practitioners themselves, and to educate those disciples with lower martial arts levels.

Takahashi Ziyi's fists are majestic. Although the movements are vigorous, they are not violent. The overall balance of the body is difficult to break, just like an iron block - it is the very common iron block flow mecha steel fist, and based on this Completed personalized adjustments to one's own way of thinking and personality.

Ji Anbang's boxing skills are even more biased. He always has one hand tightened to accumulate strength and is ready to strike at any time. He only uses one hand to intercept Takahashi Ziyi's hard punches. But the hand that accumulated power always made Takahashi Ziyi wary.

Although Takahashi Ziyi could briefly gain an advantage in a direct fight, Ji Anbang could always punch Takahashi Ziyi when she was chasing him, destroying Takahashi Ziyi's advantage.

Even if the points are carefully calculated, Ji Anbang is always one or two points higher than Takahashi Ziyi.

But in Xiangshan's view, this is not necessarily a matter of the level of external skills. The level of external skills between the two is actually between the two, with Takahashi Ziyi being a step above. It's just that Ji'anbang knows how to allocate the computing resources of his brain better, and knows how to abandon games where the disadvantage is too great.

After understanding this, Xiangshan understood that this was also a competitive competition under rules.

The two warriors' prosthetics were also dueling at a limited speed. But most of the time they just use gestures or movements to indicate the way they might punch.

Everyone is waiting for the moment to decide the outcome.

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