Cyber Heroes

Chapter 421 Ripples and Sparks

Xiang Shan never meant to look down on competitive martial arts. In fact, arena competition is often the place where warriors reach the highest rank.

The reason is very simple. The amount of battles and training experienced by warriors competing in the arena will be much greater than that of other warriors.

The so-called "kung fu" takes time to hone. You have to work hard to practice any kind of martial arts. A few months of training for a folk martial artist may not be comparable to a week of training for a professional athlete. For different people, "ten years of effort" and "ten years of effort" are different.

Amateur martial artists are no match for professional athletes.

But it is impossible for warriors who truly practice "killing skills" to experience such high-density and high-intensity battles. Because every battle carries extremely high risks. Even for professional soldiers who go to the battlefield, the frequency of combat and the amount of training are lower than those of professional athletes in the arena.

If we use the game as an analogy, the average street warrior may only be able to practice to level 20 or 30. Although they have some moves that attack vital parts, there are some "hand-stopping" moves that serve as high-damage skills. But a level 70 arena warrior can rely on his overwhelming basic attribute panel to dodge his killer moves, and then use non-lethal moves to have the final say.

Just like scientists use simplified models such as "ideal plane" and "ideal rigid body" to reason about some theorems, real martial arts masters will also try to figure out the principles of boxing from extremely simplified scenarios such as "ring battles" with artificially controlled variables. .

Learning some tactics, strategies, and techniques for those who fight in the arena in extreme situations is what Xiangshan did when he first created martial arts. He will now also learn boxing from Hiroshi Matsushima.

But the competition in front of him did make Xiang Shan feel a little... boring?

If we talk about the kind of arena competition that Matsushima Hiro participates in daily, it is a kind of pursuit of the ultimate in technology under that limited situation by simplifying the combat environment and limiting some offensive and defensive methods.

So the battle in front of us is to find a way to use the excess brain computing resources after limiting the upper limit of operations. Although this method can fully demonstrate the inheritance and transformation of boxing skills, the upper limit of the operation of a single group of "model duels" has also been greatly compressed.

This is a good teaching demonstration for young disciples.

They can clearly see the various strategies that these two boxing techniques can make in different situations and when facing opponents with "insufficient intelligence".

But Xiangshan's realm has long been above this.

In the fifth minute, he had already understood the "personalized settings" made by Takahashi Ziyi to Wu Zuquan.

Then, after another ten minutes, he roughly understood the design ideas and confrontation strategies of Ji'an Bang's unknown boxing skills. Judging from his special footwork, it should be a boxing technique for maneuvering in a small but flat environment.

In the old era, it should correspond to a place like "the top floor of the building".

Maybe it also came from Wuzu Xiangshan's design.

At this time, Takahashi Ziyi and Ji Anbang were still waiting for each other to make a mistake.

So Xiangshan focused part of his attention and started writing code in his mind.

Many disciples did not find it boring, but instead devoted themselves to it.

The duel between these two elders undoubtedly opened the door to higher levels of martial arts for them.

Suddenly, one of the disciples said "ah".

Brady turned his head and whispered: "What is it called? Don't you know you have to concentrate?"

"not me……"

The disciple didn't know what to say.

Just now, the drone he controlled silently deviated from the route. He issued the command quickly, but it took a while for the drone to respond, as if there was a bug in the program.

This was not a big deal originally, it was not a vicious BUG. Just submit it to senior brother later.

But his first reaction was the enemy's internal strength, so he instinctively called out. After attracting the attention of the senior brother, he found that the system completely obeyed his instructions and showed no signs of being invaded by internal energy. He felt that he was too worried, but it was difficult to speak out.

Brady turned his head and glanced at the competition field, and found that although the two warriors were distracted for a moment, Takahashi Ziyi did not suffer any loss. He then pulled the disciple aside and said seriously: "What's wrong? Did you feel something? Are there eagles and dogs?"

The disciple hesitantly expressed his worries and said: "Then Mr. Ai Tielang said that he was being followed by a ranger. So..."

"You have to be on guard..." Brady pondered for a moment. To be honest, he was a little hesitant.

The abnormality just passed away for a moment, and the junior brother could not feel anything strange after that. This may just be the daily life of an entry-level disciple. But the idea of ​​hawks and dogs causing trouble cannot be completely ruled out.

But if we stop the competition rashly now...according to the rules of the arena, it is possible to settle the competition results directly based on the current points.

Ji Anbang's points are slightly higher than Takahashi Ziyi.

This made him hesitate a little.

But at this time Yada Li's eyes also moved over.

Brady gritted his teeth and was about to speak.

But at this time, Xiang Shan suddenly patted him on the shoulder and said: "The reputation of the sect and the interests of the sect are not as important as the lives of the Jianghu comrades. I can see that you have made a decision, which is good. But remember to be faster next time. "

"How can you……"

Before he finished asking, Xiang Shan took out two short sticks from behind, connected them together, twisted and twisted them, and connected them into one.

"Anyway, let's separate those two guys first, right?"

With that said, he connected into Ai Tielang's simulation process, and then slowly walked towards the venue. His long stick touched the ground lightly, making a "ping" sound.

This seems to be a starting point.

Then, several figures separated from him, starting from this starting position, and expanded in all directions like circular water waves and ripples.

Iron Wolf originally thought it was a bit strange and wanted to expel this strange knight from the duel. but. He was horrified to find that the guy's internal strength was much higher than his own, and there was nothing he could do in the process.

But Takahashi Ziyi and Ji Anbang have different feelings.

Although Xiangshan is just like a gentle tap on the ground, causing ripples.

But the stick modeling coming towards them made them feel like they were facing a tsunami...

No, not just...

Each group of models feels like they are facing an attack from all directions. But each model faces a Xiangshan model two-on-one...

The virtual and real sticks separated the two people.

When he came back to his senses, Xiang Shan was already standing between the two of them, holding a long stick.

"I should be the center of attention now."

As Xiang Shan said this, his head tilted slightly.

Then, a cluster of electric sparks exploded in the distance.

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