Cyber Heroes

Chapter 422 So terrifying

When walking out towards the mountain, Babbitt was completely stunned. He didn't expect that his friend would suddenly cause trouble at this time.

Although Hero Nonem is also a hero, but...but...

On the other side, Yada Li almost screamed.

He actually wanted to pull Xiang Shan back, but saw that Ai Tielang didn't move, so he was half a beat slow.

And Brady wanted more. He couldn't help but guess whether the eagle dog who acted in secret could be the "Hero Nom" of unknown origin.

But he suppressed this doubt.

Then, everyone saw an incredible scene.

The strange knight who suddenly entered the field used one starting move as the core and made many different moves. Every move suppressed Takahashi Ziyi and Ji Anbang who were fighting.

In the eyes of these disciples, the ensuing battle is like some kind of joke...

That guy won every stop.

Every modeling and every change of his moves clearly and clearly solved the battle between Takahashi Ziyi and Ji Anbang, just like the feeding moves prepared in advance.

This means that no matter how Takahashi Ziyi and Ji Anbang change their tactics, they will definitely be separated by him, and there is no other possibility.

This is fake.

But many disciples had to admit this absurd possibility.

Because the calculation of this kind of combat is finally presented on the model, it needs to be approved by both the participants and the middleman.

In other words, both Ai Tielang and the two fighting men believed that this strange knight's moves could indeed achieve such an effect.

More importantly, for this kind of battle, both parties will agree on the simulation parameters of the model in advance. In other words, they lost to this knight in such a way under the exact same hardware conditions.

This is not the case...this is not the case...

Many disciples didn’t even know what to say.

Then, I saw him turn his head slightly for no reason.

Then, in the direction of his gaze, a group of sparks suddenly burst out.

Xiangshan was not idle. He rotated his body and swept the long stick, thus lifting the brazier prepared by Babbitt. The brazier was forced to fly high, drawing a bright curve, and landed at the place where the sparks exploded just now.

When Xiangshan turned around for the second time, he also threw an iron-hua bomb.

Then, he put the stick on his shoulders and turned his back to where the brazier fell.

Then, a bright flash appeared behind him, like some kind of stage effect.

In the last moment, the brazier landed first. The carbon fiber materials originally piled in the shape of a campfire were evenly spread on the guy's body.

Although carbon fiber materials burn very slowly, they do release thousands of degrees of heat.

Tiehua landed next. In mid-air, Tiehua exploded, forming a small metal haze.

The carbon fiber flame then ignited the metallic thermal agent.

The thousands of degrees of high temperature released by the metal thermal agent directly acts on the guy's outer armor, and at the same time fully ignites the flammable carbon fiber.

"If it's just for a moment, the thousand-degree heat will not pose a threat. But burning like this... everything inside is probably gone." Xiang Shan said.

"Ah...this..." Ai Tielang was stunned, "this..."

Ji Anbang said: "Senior suddenly made a shocking move just now to ensure that he would look here and then use the witnessing technique?"

"Correct answer." Xiang Shan nodded: "Not bad, not bad."

Xiangshan just discovered the guy lurking in the dark. But he didn't "see" the guy emitting electromagnetic signals. The knights also prepared a place where the network signal was not very good. That guy didn't send information to the outside world in real time.

It's just that it's a bit difficult for Xiang Shan to control that guy instantly before he sends a signal. In front of everyone, he couldn't disappear without disturbing his own people - after all, everyone was a prosthetic with a high transformation rate, and the excuse of "going to the bathroom" was useless.

He must ensure that the other party's eyes fall on his side, and then he can use "witness" unexpectedly.

And first of all, you need to let the whole audience notice you naturally.

"Appearing as a saint in front of others" is naturally a good choice.

Takahashi Ziyi can understand these. But she didn't understand one thing: "Senior, you didn't even look over there,"

"Oh, I was bored just now, so I took a look at the LAN of your drone." Xiang Shan turned to look at the disciples of the Luan Blade Sect: "The optimization is so-so, but the security is too poor. I just said I spent a few minutes writing a patch for you and left it on the drone’s storage hard drive. Remember to install it yourself. I also wrote a note so you can learn by yourself.”

"Ah...ah?" The disciple nodded blankly.

Xiangshan did use these drones to look around just now. The hiding technique of the touched eagle dog is actually quite good. This garbage dump is also mainly made of man-made garbage, which is close to the style of prosthetics. Those disciples didn't notice. But Mukayama's inner strength is stronger, his brain is more powerful, and he is more sensitive to graphics.

So he saw this guy in disguise.

In order to ensure that he didn't kill the wrong person, Xiang Shan specially used the "curse" given to him by A Ling when he witnessed it.

That is a special vulnerability that only government firewalls have. Knights will all choose martial arts firewalls, and even write some patches with their own personal style to match their own internal skills. The curse that targets the loopholes in the government's firewall will not harm the knights.

Then there was that ball of electric sparks.

After Xiangshan controlled the guy, he directly asked him to open the heat dissipation vents all over his body and caused an overload and short circuit.

Ai Tielang then pointed to the mountain with a trembling finger.

A normal warrior would be wary of witnessing this move when approaching an enemy. But the eagle dog looked at Xiang Shan unprepared. The reason is not difficult to guess. He misjudged his opponent's level.

He saw that Xiang Shan's external skills easily suppressed two knights, and then classified them into the level of knights from the Flash Gate and the Blade Gate. He felt that if a knight at this level was so strong in external skills, he might not be able to practice internal skills well.

However, this is obviously not the case for Xiangshan.

His external skills are better than those of Takahashi Ziyi and Ji Anbang. It's not "stronger", it's just a huge difference.

And his internal strength...

The sudden sudden appearance just now...

"This..." Ai Tielang said in a daze: "Is that... a ranger just now?"

"It's probably not the tail you brought, Lao Ai. You guys fought for a while before you touched it. It might be a policeman." Xiang Shan said, "We'll find out if we go and see."

His figure was erratic, and he walked unhurriedly to the gradually extinguishing fire, then used the stick as a knife and swung it to strike.

The outer armor, which had deteriorated due to high temperature, was directly cut open.

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