Cyber Heroes

Chapter 425 Quantum Chip

Xiang Shan tapped his stick lightly on the box.

The box was an ordinary box, except that the panel was a little thicker.

The contents inside the box were anything but ordinary.

There are thirteen or four isotope batteries stacked in it that can make ordinary martial arts people fight for it. Each one is in complete condition and even has a few connecting parts that have been torn off.

It looked like it had been violently torn down.

And on top of the neatly stacked batteries, there was half a head.

This design style is subtly close to the type commonly used by Jianghu people, but it can also make people feel clearly different. Between the "maverick hero" and the "official".

"The Life-Chasing Ranger..." Ai Tielang sighed: "This..."

This is the head of a life-seeking ranger, half in half. At that time, the three rangers were not taken away by the wave of Xiang Shan's sightings. They may have downloaded other patches in addition to the government's "standard configuration", so they were resistant to the "curse" Xiang Shan chose at that time. Two more of the three life-chasing rangers had their heads damaged in the fight, so Xiangshan pulled out the third person's motherboard and skull, intending to keep it for further study.

And this thing did not spontaneously ignite immediately. It seems that this is not some kind of "new design that is still a secret project" that resists Xiangshan's choice. It may be an unnecessary patch package that the government itself does not pay attention to, blocking his curse.

Xiang Shan brought this thing back to study it.

In addition, there are some phonon knife blades, just piled up in a mess.

Even Ji Anbang, who had always been calm, was dumbfounded and said: "How...why are there so many? These are...all...batteries?"

"Well, it's what you think of." Xiang Shan nodded, "The isotope battery can continuously provide energy for ten years. With this thing, we can continue to operate in the dark, further reducing the logistics requirements."

Xiangshan dared to just bring some spare hands and feet and ride a motorcycle out this time because he had a fission furnace and no longer had to be limited by solar energy. As long as the loss of parts could keep up, there would be no problem. Three years ago, he needed a large vehicle and solar panels on it to provide energy and supplies.

This kind of continuous energy greatly improves the knight's mobility.

It is precisely because of this that the government would rather allow giant vehicles that cannot be hidden to carry reactors to charge soldiers equipped with lower-performance batteries, rather than equip them to grassroots soldiers. Although the government now fully has this resource, the mobility of grassroots soldiers is already high enough. Improving the mobility of grassroots soldiers is useful, but the value is very small and the marginal reduction is too large. In contrast, the potential risk of "a knight getting this battery" is even more terrifying.

Only rangers with high martial arts skills and the ability to hunt knights one-on-one were allowed to be equipped with isotope batteries.

Cold-blooded rangers and life-seeking rangers usually act alone. The Ruthless Ranger is responsible for integrating the troops through the intelligence transmitted by other rangers, while the Iron Hand Ranger is good at internal skills and looks for traces of knights in the online world. These guys are hard to kill. Also, they rarely get together.

When a dozen rangers gather together, they can even wipe out many sects.

"It's unmistakable. The specifications of these isotope batteries are almost the same..." Takahashi Ziyi adjusted her prosthetic eyes and scanned several exposed product numbers: "Even the batches are close. Is this on the same production line... or From the moon?”

"How is this done?" Ji Anbang looked at Xiang Shan: "This is too... no..."

He meant to say "unrealistic." Unless they are strong men who have transcended the first level of heaven and earth, no one can fight against an entire squad of rangers. As we all know, the Rangers of the Moon are the elite among the elite - after all, the Ranger system was created by the Vulcan King.

Xiang Shan said: "They are just the rangers under the direct control of the kings. They just happened to meet them. There were originally more, but my kung fu has not been perfected yet. Many isotope batteries were damaged in the battle."

Xiang Shan said and clicked on the box: "There are a total of fifteen isotope batteries in it. I have to keep a few for use. I can give you eight isotope batteries to exchange for that quantum chip."

Miniaturized high-performance isotope batteries are close to the technical level of quantum chips. Both are devices that are difficult to manufacture in Jianghu, but have different directions.

The manufacturing conditions for quantum chips are even more demanding. It is difficult for knights to manufacture them themselves. The output of the entire Jianghu is obviously insufficient, and they must be snatched from the hands of eagle dogs. As for the isotope battery, the raw materials are controlled by the eagle dogs, and there are still ways to get some raw materials from the earth-burrowing dragon.

Therefore, it is reasonable to replace several isotope batteries with one quantum chip.

Moreover, isotope batteries are more suitable for these middle-level warriors than quantum chips.

Takahashi Ziyi stood up and said: "Senior, your offer is too generous."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Is this a deal?"

Takahashi Ziyi glanced at Ji Anbang. The two exchanged several thoughts at high speed using infrared communication. Then the two left separately, seemingly to contact the sect.

Soon, they were back again.

"Okay." Takahashi Ziyi did not hesitate anymore.

"Can you show me the goods first?" Xiang Shan said.

Takahashi Ziyi nodded, the armor plate behind him opened, and a cylinder popped out. The cylinder is about the size of a mineral water bottle and is made entirely of steel.

"There is liquid nitrogen inside, please be careful..."

"I know." Xiang Shan asked: "What are the parameters of this thing? How many K can it run in?"

K, Kelvin, is the thermodynamic temperature scale or absolute temperature scale. A temperature change of one Kelvin has the same magnitude as a temperature change of one degree Celsius, differing only in the starting point. Zero degrees Celsius refers to "the freezing point of water at one atmosphere of pressure," while zero Kelvin means "absolute zero." 1K means just one degree above absolute zero.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the operating environment requirement for quantum chips is 4K, which is -269.15°C. If the temperature is slightly higher and the radiation is slightly stronger, the ambient background temperature will interfere with the fragile qubits, and the chip will be easily damaged.

"Ah, this chip can operate at a high temperature of 80K, which is minus 193.5 degrees Celsius. It is a relatively advanced process." Takahashi Ziyi said.

Xiang Shan nodded: "It's not bad."

To be honest, compared with the quantum products he has used in the past, which generally have operating environments below 20K, it is really quite good.

"Then, the next question to maintain such an environment in the body."

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