Cyber Heroes

Chapter 426 Request

Thermal noise is the noise caused by passive components in communication equipment such as resistors and feeders due to the Brownian motion of electrons. It exists in all electronic devices and transmission media. It is the result of temperature change and is also a manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics.

For conventional large computers, thermal noise is just a little bit of noise generated when the machine is running and will basically have no impact. However, for quantum computers, it is a natural enemy.

The more sophisticated something is, the more susceptible it is to influence.

Just like electronic components cannot withstand the radiation that living organisms can withstand.

Thermal noise, which is just noise to electronic components, can also cause huge disturbances in qubits.

Things like qubits are simply too small and too precise.

Therefore, if you want a quantum chip to operate, you must keep the qubits at a temperature where they can work.

But it's hard. The energy level of the qubit causes it to be severely disturbed by thermal noise generated by temperatures above 300mK. In the beginning, for quantum computers to operate, these quantum logic gates had to exist in an environment close to absolute zero.

Millikelvin-level operating temperature is one of the biggest constraints on the development and application of quantum computing.

With the development of technology, humans have begun to look for ways to make quantum logic gates work at higher temperatures.

Researchers in materials science and condensed matter physics will study how to reproduce the superconducting phenomenon at higher temperatures, and then complete "high-temperature superconductivity" [high temperature here generally refers to 77K, which is above minus 196.15 degrees], and then Then look for ways to create superconducting quantum logic gates at this temperature.

Researchers in computing science and applied mathematics have been trying to create a new algorithm that can allow programs to run in an environment where "every logic gate is not absolutely reliable and can go wrong at any time."

In Xiangshan's era, most of the computing resources of the quantum chips he used were actually used for self-correction against noise.

Only a two-pronged approach can allow quantum logic gates to operate at ambient temperatures close to liquid nitrogen.

"80K, that's really good." Xiang Shan said with emotion.

A long time ago, Xiangshan used quantum chips that relied on laser cooling, and also used quantum chips that relied on dilution refrigerators to maintain them.

Of course, these devices are no longer easy to use now.

However, if it is only 80K, it is not difficult to achieve. Small refrigerators using helium working fluid are a very mature technology.

He really remembered Xiang Shan.

But the only problem is...

There may not necessarily be room inside his prosthetic body.

Xiangshan did not expect that he would encounter a quantum chip now, and he did not consider it enough when designing the prosthetic body. Although it is not impossible to change, the layout still needs to be changed.

The most critical part is heat dissipation.

The essence of the refrigeration system is to consume the heat of the target space through cooling, or to export the heat from the target space - of course, the difference between these two perspectives is not very big. Because according to the second law of thermodynamics, the heat emitted by the refrigeration system must be greater than the heat it consumes in the target space.

In other words, if you want to maintain the low temperature of the chip, you have to continuously discharge heat.

And there is already a fission furnace inside his body that continuously produces high temperatures.

If the number continues to increase, the concealment of the body will become a big problem.

Xiangshan didn't want to be targeted by such a pediatric method as thermal imaging.

Of course, there are ways to avoid this kind of thing. For example, waste heat in the body will be temporarily stored through certain substances with extremely high specific heat capacities, and then concentratedly emitted when exposed.

But this method also has its limits.

If your prosthetic body is unable to move due to overheating, you will lose more than you gain.

Xiang Shan looked at the storage container the size of a mineral water bottle in the palm of his hand and pondered for a long time, almost forgetting his surroundings. It wasn't until Takahashi Ziyi reminded him that he came back to his senses and said, "I was so surprised to see this thing. I forgot about my surroundings for a moment."

"It's human nature." Takahashi Ziyi said.

Xiang Shan nodded.

But Ai Tielang was still in a state of shock.

"Rangers...are easy to kill..."

In the eyes of ordinary knights, rangers are considered to have extremely terrifying martial arts skills. Apart from the Lord Protector who is already standing in another world, these hawks and dogs are the most vicious. Iron Wolf is no longer afraid of a single ranger, but if several rangers come together, he will still be in danger.

But look at this senior’s handiwork...

These fifteen isotope batteries seemed to have been seized in the same battle.

And at least twenty or thirty rangers participated in that battle.

——It was about three years ago... At that time, many knights were together... Maybe it can really be done...

Ai Tielang thought so.

Xiang Shan put the quantum chip away and patted his shoulder: "Come on, Comrade Lao Ai. When are we free, are we going to go for a walk in the wilderness?"

"Ah...but I..."

"Oh, there are rangers chasing you behind you." Xiang Shan nodded: "I can help you with this. As a reward, I can use the isotope battery on the ranger. What do you think?"

The implication is that if there are other trophies, he doesn't need them.

Among the local rangers on Earth, the assembly rate of phonon knives is not even 5%. This is in sharp contrast to King Agni's subordinates who have an assembly rate of phonon knives of more than one third.

Xiangshan didn't think the rangers could contribute any good materials other than isotope batteries.

Ai Tielang was overjoyed and said: "How can this be so embarrassing...this..."

It seemed that after meeting this old man, they were no longer able to speak.

Xiangshan hugged his chest: "Well, I feel sorry for you, it's okay, it's okay. In fact, I also hope that all my colleagues can help me."

The thought "Sure enough," flashed in Takahashi Ziyi's mind. She cupped her hands to Xiang Shan and said, "Senior, if you have any requests, you can just tell me. As long as I can do whatever I want..."

Xiang Shan stood up: "No, actually I don't expect you to throw your life and blood for a few batteries. It's really just a small favor."

"I plan to find time in the next few years to go to Paradox City. Of course, I don't want to die, I still want to come out alive. I even want to bring the Ninth Martial God out with me."

"However, the legion guarding the Ninth Martial God in Paradox City will not be distracted, because there are so many of them, and they only need to focus on the small area of ​​​​the Ninth Martial God. And the number of people is everything. The natural enemy of martial arts.”

"So, I just ask you all to stand outside Paradox City for a while while I rush into Paradox City."

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