Cyber Heroes

Chapter 443 It must be intentional

Sunset, beach, waves, hot sea breeze.

Xiangshan ran with his feet in the water that was about up to his waist.

When running in sea water, the body will experience greater resistance, and the muscles in the legs need to exert greater force to keep moving. At the same time, this also requires runners to focus more on "maintaining correct posture."

In addition, the buoyancy of seawater can also effectively reduce the pressure on the knees.

This beach was originally a resort beach under development.

This piece of land was cleared before Ogun fell. "Unknown rich people from the Russian Federation" spent huge sums of money to buy the development rights of this beach weeks in advance, and then evacuated the surrounding unrelated people. Then a "construction team from the United States" contracted the construction of this "resort". The construction team even has "partner companies" from the Republic.

At least that's how it looks on the surface.

So on the surface, this area does have some appearance. There is a very flat beach, and it is relatively long.

This beach is now also classified as a "blocked area". It was facing the huge "white tent".

After the secret level of Rama Project was gradually lowered, Xiangshan and the others were able to come here freely.

Three years ago, in order to drain the sea water in this area, a dam was built at the outlet of the bay. The embankment has not been demolished, so the waves in the bay are not large. Xiangshan can also train himself in this way.

It’s not easy running all the way here.

When Xiang Shan ran up to this point, his eyes were even a little dark.

The lyrics of "Existence wakes up/Limited regeneration/Consciousness を超えて戦いは続く (Beyond consciousness, the battle continues)" came from the Bluetooth sports headphones.

Xiangshan yelled and struggled to pull his thigh out of the sea.

This disrupted the rhythm of his breathing, causing Xiang Shan to almost fall over.

But Xiangshan slammed the floor of a small dock in front of him.


Take a sharp breath toward the mountain.

Only at this time can he seem to be able to throw away those annoying things.

After Xiangshan, several people patted the ground of the dock one after another.

This is the end of this movement.

"Ah!" Xiang Shan roared as if venting his anger.

There were eight people following Xiang Shan. Six men and two women, the majority of whom were from the United States and the Republic.

As if Xiang Shan had made a start, seven of the remaining eight people roared after "touching the line."

An African-American engineer from NASA gasped and said: "Director...are the standards for selecting scientists in the"

This guy was the one who rode with him in the car that day when Xiang Shan went to explore Ogun. He was also a good guy.

Recently, Xiang Shan called on everyone to exercise together, and this guy also responded positively.

Xiangshan sighed: "I... think... it should be? My alma mater... the sports club is quite... hard-core..."

"It's pretty good... although I also know a lot of guys who got into the Ivy League through... sports... but their professionalism is just... a little bit weaker... at least it shouldn't be as strong as yours."

David was speechless. He just said with difficulty: " time...don't call too high..."

"Hey, David, you are taller than Xiang... and Jessica looks much better than you."

"Sorry...I'm...below...your average..."

David calmed down for a while. He climbed ashore with difficulty, and then lay down on the dock like a seal, patting Xiang Shan on the shoulder: "Brother, you... I'm sorry, I'm slow, I feel like my leg muscles are taking up too much oxygen. , the brain can’t function... What should I say? Oh yes, you... forget it..."

David originally wanted to say, "You don't need to put too much pressure on yourself about this." He originally accompanied Xiangshan for two laps because he was worried about his friend's mental state.

He really didn't expect Xiangshan's sports to be so hardcore.

Xiang Shan waved his hand, took a few breaths, and then said: "I'm done exercising, and I feel much better. Those bad things will be over soon."

Another woman also said to him: "Professor Voigt has been able to participate in our research work through video conferencing. Everyone feels that things are going well..."

He waved his hand to Shan. He actually didn't want to continue talking about this topic on this occasion. Even if these friends mean well.

"But having said that, have you Beach Sports Enthusiasts Association evolved to... such a professional stage?" David tried to stand up, but found that his leg muscles were not working at all.

Xiangshan shook his head: "Where did this you remember Kanyuan?"

"The one who explored Ogun with you..."

"That day, I was shocked by Kanbaru. I felt the beauty of power." Xiangshan said seriously: "From that day on, Kanbaru has been one of my role models - at least I want to be after taking off the exoskeleton. Someone who can still look normal.”

"Ah, yes, the whole process of you and Voigt being weak was live broadcasted." The African-American guy nodded: "I'm very impressed."

"That's right."

"If I had such an experience, I would also work hard to keep fit."

Several other scientists who were present that day testified.

Xiang Shan laughed twice, pretending to be angry, and then he couldn't hold back anymore and laughed from the bottom of his heart.

"Maybe I'll go out in the next few days..." Xiang Shan climbed ashore from the sea. He felt as if his legs were filled with lead and said, "This kind of training environment cannot be found anywhere else. Of course, we must cherish it."

The group of people walked back talking and laughing.

Then, they saw a man squatting on the beach not far behind them.

When I got closer, I saw that it was Zhu Xinyu.

The girl wore a short-sleeved vest and a pair of shorts on her lower body, revealing her long, white legs. Her breath was messy, and she just squatted on the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiang Shan asked strangely, "Do you want to come to me if you have anything?"

Zhu Xinyu showed an expression of grief and anger and raised her right hand.

On my hand is an electronic bracelet.


At this moment, thoughts like "It's over" flashed through Xiangshan's mind.

He also has one on his hand.

The trigger was in his hand.

Zhu Xinyu cannot leave this device too far.

Under normal circumstances, he should hand this thing to another person in charge before exercising.

But while changing in the locker room, he was preoccupied with something else and forgot to take it off.

Zhu Xinyu looked at Xiang Shan and rolled her eyes upward: "You must have done it on purpose..."

Tips. Although Xiangshan is a fan of white noise, he likes to use passionate BGM most when exercising. The lyrics that appear this time are from the "Dragon Ball Super" episode "Ultimate Holy War"

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