Cyber Heroes

Chapter 445 Situation

The female scholar named Jessica was a little angry: "This is so unfair to Voigt. That is not the same protein at all, it is an enzyme with a similar structure and the same function! They are not even homologous genes. Expression! If you study carefully, you can find the differences in the sequence..."

Zhu Xinyu froze slightly.

She knew the name "Voigt".

Not only did he know, it seemed that in the last moments before he was caught...

"There are indeed many enzymes with similar structures and the same functions..." Xiangshan sighed: "But the enzyme in Ms. Niyaguti's paper contains a special amino acid. I have searched all over the human academic world for that amino acid, and only one can find it. Appeared in two papers. You know what that means, right?"

Amino acids are a general term for a class of substances. As long as an amino group and a hydroxyl group are connected to a carbon atom and there are no invalid bonds, the substance can be said to be an amino acid.

There are hundreds of naturally occurring amino acids alone. And I don’t know how many synthetic ones there are.

However, there are only 21 kinds of α-amino acids that make up the human body.

But among bacteria, there are really many types of amino acids.

There are many amino acids unknown to humans in eubacteria.

Not to mention Archaea.

This is also normal.

The discovery of a never-before-seen amino acid in a rarely studied Archaea species is not surprising.

This is not disruptive work.

And "alien creatures have amino acids" is not a particularly strange thing.

Because carbon is a very stable substance with a high elemental abundance. The same goes for nitrogen and oxygen. Not to mention hydrogen, it is almost the most abundant element in the universe.

Therefore, amino groups composed of carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen, and hydroxyl groups composed of hydrogen and oxygen are very common.

The conditions that bring these things together are even more common in the universe.

In 1953, American chemists Harold Urey and Stanley Miller conducted the famous Miller-Urey experiment. They built a controlled, sealed system that simulated the conditions in Earth's early atmosphere. Two chemists introduced hydrogen, methane and ammonia into the experimental setup and then released an electric spark.

In this experiment, they obtained a large number of organic compounds. Among them, 2% are amino acids.

Although more and more biologists believe that the energy that ignited the initial power of "life" was not a spark, but an undersea volcano, the Miller-Ule experiment can also show that the conditions for the origin of life may not be as complex as human imagination. .

The properties of carbon atoms are certain.

It is also possible that amino acids that are very close to the Earth appear on extraterrestrials. This may depend on conditions such as the spectrum of the star where alien life originated and the magnetic field of the planet.

Of course, the probability can be said to be quite small.

However, now, in human society, there are only two projects that mention an identical amino acid.

This amino acid is also folded into two proteins with very similar structures and functions.

The people in charge of these two projects also have a relationship that is constantly being sorted out and messed up.

"Oh my's not like you don't know the working process of 'Orunmila'!" Jessica covered her forehead and shouted.

"However, even among us, at least half of the scholars said that 'it cannot be completely ruled out that it comes from the same material' - because everyone knows the working process of 'Orunmila'." Xiang Shan shrugged.

"That's a kind of...scholar's rhetoric! Scientific rigor. At this time..." Jessica almost yelled: "At this time, everyone should have a clear stand...a clear stand..."

"And the very troublesome thing is that there are many people who don't like Mr. Yawgmoth. They are from the United States. Some government departments in the United States have always regarded him as a thorn. He also refuses to deal with people he doesn't like. Guys cooperate. You understand, right?"

"That's them idiots! As long as they have worked with Voigt..." Jessica's voice gradually trailed off.

"You will find that he is a hot-tempered bastard? He is cynical, jealous, and quite irritating?" Xiang Shan laughed out loud.

"Okay, I admit that Voigt is not a good person sometimes." Jessica looked at Xiang Shan, "But there is no doubt that he is an excellent scientist. This project needs him."

"I believe in this judgment." Xiang Shan nodded, "And I also hate unjust cases. Whether it is based on personal philosophy, work needs, or friendship, I don't want the worst to happen. But right now, we can't come up with strong representations. Material."

Jessica added: "For now."

"At the moment." Xiang Shan said, "But the problem is with the 'now'. We may not have much time left. At this time..."

Shrugged towards the mountains.

Jessica patted her forehead, indicating that she needed to go back to work.

"Okay, don't be too tired. Have a good sleep after exercising and think about the rest tomorrow." Xiang Shan said, "At this time, I am really looking forward to Yawgmoth's ex-wife suddenly jumping out to hold a press conference. It would be better to say that if she doesn't hold a press conference, she might be controlled by someone on the grounds of 'revealing secrets'."

The cause of the incident was that Zhu Xinyu leaked the contents of Yawgmoth's unpublished research. This is a very serious time, because it may reveal the fact that "aliens are actually in Southeast Asia", which will then cause uncontrollable social impacts.

At this time, the official response is actually "uncontrollable" or "unpredictable".

The more that Ms. Niyaguti kept silent, the more uneasy the members of the Security Council felt.

And if she accuses this thing of "plagiarism", it will be easier to operate.

Maybe that material will get into the eyes of more scholars, but she herself became the person who "didn't judge that the material came from extraterrestrial sources." Only then will Xiangshan and the others get a chance to talk. If there is dialogue, there will be room for mediation.

If Nia Guti and Yawgmoth are willing to work together to release some "clarification information" to "reverse" and eliminate the social impact, then everyone will be happy.

But the only thing that worries Xiangshan is that Yawgmoth is being targeted by the FBI for no reason. His past resume is indeed quite unrestrained. If his ex-wife is also an extreme person who wants to reveal secrets if she disagrees with her, then it will be over.

Another female scientist offered to send Zhu Xinyuhui dormitory. Zhu Xinyu said she still wanted to stay here for a while. The female scholar also had something to do, so she left early.

Xiang Shanxun felt a little embarrassed and wondered if he should find someone else to hand over the electronic bracelet.

Zhu Xinyu was silent for a moment and asked: "Is this fault?"

My brain hurts all day long...

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