Cyber Heroes

Chapter 446 Xiang Shan’s Strategy

Xiangshan felt that the girl's momentum suddenly weakened.

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "Your fault... Well, this is really a complicated issue."

The corners of Zhu Xinyu's mouth trembled, as if she wanted to say something, but she swallowed it several times.

Xiang Shan turned around, found a place to sit down, rummaged through his bag, found a small can of sports drink, and handed it to Zhu Xinyu.

The girl sighed: "I really don't know who Ms. Ichigo is in reality."

Xiang Shan nodded: "She is a woman..."

"Huh? Judging from this name, we can basically guess that she is a female..." Zhu Xinyu wrung her fingers: "No man would be called 'Strawberry'."

"The Chinese characters for '一期', 'ichigo', and '一号' can all be pronounced as Ichigo." Xiangshan said, "It would be rude to assume a person's gender just by hearing their name."

"Huh?" Zhu Xinyu felt that her three views had been challenged.

Xiang Shan smiled. He could actually understand Zhu Xinyu's thoughts. Zhu Xinyu didn't want to betray her past friends, so she didn't want to explain anything. However, at least after these days of getting along, she was willing to believe the words of many scholars of the Rama Project and their judgment that "Yawgmoth Voigt is innocent."

Zhu Xinyu doesn't want to see any unjust cases happen.

She wanted to remind Xiang Shan in a subtle way.

At this stage, the proportion of men in academia is still higher. Because of social education from childhood, it is more difficult for women to dig deep and delve into a narrow field. In most industries that require depth, women are relatively scarce. Naturally, according to the proportion, there are even fewer people who can reach the top level.

Those who can enter the scientific research industry are basically the pinnacle of the professional field, those who stand on the edge of the known fields of mankind and face the unknown world.

With the "female" clue, we can focus on a few suspects.

The name "Ichigo" has long been seen by Mukayama and Hartman, so... a little reminder, it shouldn't be considered... betrayal...

Zhu Xinyu was a little uneasy.

But Xiangshan seemed not to accept Zhu Xinyu's kindness at all. He folded his hands in front of his chest and said: "The name itself cannot determine the gender of the holder, not to mention it is an ID. Maybe the friend you know is not even Japanese, he is just a person who likes Japanese animation. The male of the United States. This is not a 'direction' or a 'clue' at all. And there is someone else responsible for this matter. Someone else is slowly tracing it - well, aren't you thirsty?"

Xiangshan shook the sports drink in his hand.

"I've been holding it for a long time."

Only then did Zhu Xinyu take the drink and pull it away.

After the strenuous exercise, she was indeed thirsty.

After taking two sips, she looked at Xiang Shan again.

In fact, she can tell from some language habits that the friend with the ID name Ichigo is indeed Japanese. But Xiang Shan seemed to have blocked the possibility of her opening her mouth. Xiangshan didn't want to catch anyone.

Xiang Shan actually has no ill feelings towards Zhu Xinyu and her friends.

A group of young people who want to change the world.

He didn't dislike such people at all.

In Xiangshan's view, Zhu Xinyu's mistake was that "he was working in the wrong direction." But if the direction is wrong, it can be corrected. In contrast, "not realizing the existing mistakes", "seeing them but turning a blind eye", "being aware of them but refusing to change" are more terrifying.

Under normal circumstances, he would not object to such a person. If the situation were different, maybe he would be willing to provide a little convenience for this kind of person.

As long as what they steal is not a special situation like the Rama Project that may trigger a worldwide social phenomenon.

Of course, this is not the only reason for Xiangshan not to take action.

The reason why Xiangshan stood aside was to create the most beneficial situation for "his side".

In the final analysis, the reason why the information about Project Rama cannot be leaked is because the fact of "existence of aliens" may trigger global social unrest. However, the information Zhu Xinyu stole is still not enough to prove that "there are aliens here."

Just some "code that is very regular but does not run on any known hardware" and "a very strange protein that does not look like a product of the earth."

Except for Zhu Xinyu, no one even knew that these two things came from the same place.

The chances of others thinking of "alien" are quite low.

The former can be said to be "some experimental new technology", and as for the latter... didn't the latter discover something similar in a paper by a biologist who studies earth creatures? It is entirely possible that this is a product of the earth! It’s just that the production area is a bit remote! It’s normal for there to be organic macromolecules that humans have never seen in the corners that humans can’t reach!

After Zhu Xinyu was captured, Hanuman's team underwent an adjustment. The "Zhurong Incident" has been resolved. During this crisis, the Rama Project Park has passed the most difficult period. Xiangshan's "wise decision" in solving this incident was indeed "highly praised" on the surface, but the "scientist's professionalism" he showed also made others afraid to support him - several of his Each decision looks like a "mad scientist".

Xiangshan is still the leader of Hanuman's group, but his authority is still limited to the group, and he cannot command any soldier outside the park.

Things like "recovering secrets" and "searching for specific objects" are not Xiangshan's areas of expertise.

Therefore, this is not the scope of Xiang Shan's responsibility, and Xiang Shan will not get any credit for his advice on this matter.

On the contrary, if this matter really reaches the hands of Yawgmoth's ex-wife, and the woman really thinks it is plagiarism and "seeks a solution," he will have a chance to intervene in the matter.

——Ah, isn’t this way of thinking quite bureaucratic...

Xiangshan sometimes feels awkward with himself.

Although after catching Zhu Xinyu, he had judged that "this group of people cannot piece together the truth." But he himself feels that he is a bit bureaucratic and "ignores the overall situation in order to gain political achievements."

But at the same time, he really felt that the ending he planned was the one that everyone was happy with.

That's a world where no one gets hurt...well, a world where no one gets hurt except Zhu Xinyu.

Thinking of this, Xiangshan felt a little sorry for Zhu Xinyu. But on the surface, he still said: "What you have to explain is almost done on the plane. No one will force you to answer the remaining questions. I don't think your ideal of changing the world is wrong. It’s only the way it’s done that’s wrong. There’s no need to beat yourself up on this one.”

"Change the world..." Zhu Xinyu repeated it in a low voice while holding a sports drink.

I'll try to make adjustments in the next few days and resume updates...

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