Cyber Heroes

Chapter 447 Necessity and Freedom

Zhu Xinyu held a sports drink and lowered her head in silence.

To be honest, this sudden kindness made her feel uncomfortable.

She always felt as if this guy was protecting himself intentionally or unintentionally.

But she didn't believe that such bureaucrats would have such unwarranted good intentions.

"Change the world..." Zhu Xinyu took the initiative to bring up this topic, "You seem to keep saying this."

"Oh." Xiangshan pointed to the direction of the sea. It was a huge white tent. Against the background of this building, the vast bay is as calm as an inland lake.

"This thing has the potential to 'change the world' just by its existence. Many people believe that as soon as the news of this thing is spread, human beings' concepts of society, the earth, and the ethnic group will change. This is not a science fiction movie .This is real."

“This place already contains the elements to change the world. The only question is ‘how to change’ and ‘in what direction’.”

"Do you want to change the world? In what direction?"

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "This question... I am not the king of the world. This cannot be done according to my wishes."

"You must have a desired direction after all."

"If I have to say..." Xiang Shan scratched his face: "First of all, it must be controllable and predictable. Unpredictable and uncontrollable social unrest will bring too great a risk."

Zhu Xinyu stared at Xiangshan: "Why won't there be a better tomorrow after the turmoil?"

"What if there is a dark future after the turmoil?" Xiang Shan asked, "Moreover, even if there is a better 'tomorrow', what about those who died 'today'? Are you going to say, 'For the sake of righteousness, this is a worthy death'?"

Zhu Xinyu pursed her lips. She really couldn't say such a thing.

"It is righteousness to sacrifice yourself, but it is shameless to ask others to sacrifice themselves. When you sacrifice yourself and ask others to sacrifice at the same time, it is kidnapping." Xiang Shan spread his hands, "'Avoiding risks' itself can be regarded as 'gaining benefits'."

"So you have to catch me?"

"That's roughly true. Who made you unlucky?" Xiang Shan said with a smile.

Zhu Xinyu felt that this guy's tone was too non-serious when talking about this topic. For some reason, the girl hoped that Xiangshan's tone would be somewhat apologetic. Her cheeks bulged slightly: "That's really..."

But in this atmosphere, there was actually no anger in her heart.

It's strange that this is the main culprit for losing his freedom.

Especially just now...

Thinking of this, Zhu Xinyu tightened her hands slightly and squeezed the sports drink can.

Xiang Shan thought for a while and said: "If there is anything else...well, I hope that the changed world will be closer to the 'Kingdom of Freedom'."

"'Free...Kingdom'?" Zhu Xinyu was stunned: "Is this some kind of weird suture government?"

"This is... a rhetorical method, a rhetorical method! Doesn't saying 'kingdom' mean that I am a lover of royal politics." Xiang Shan waved his hand in confusion: "How do you say this? You can't check it yourself?"

Zhu Xinyu immediately became angry: "Don't you know if I can give Brother Gu a try?"

Looking at the electronic bracelet on Zhu Xinyu's hand, Xiang Shan sighed: "I'm thinking about how to put it... There was a philosopher in the past who summarized the society in which humans lived in the past and present as the 'kingdom of necessity'. People's understanding of society The inevitability of history has not yet been understood and grasped, so human activities and behaviors have to be dominated and enslaved by this blind force, and they must work for survival. And the 'kingdom of freedom' is... Let me think about it, 'the kingdom of people's survival activities' The purpose lies in oneself, human development becomes the purpose, labor and all other human activities are to realize the inner needs of the subject himself."

Xiang Shan nodded, admiring his memory.

Zhu Xinyu looked at Xiang Shan's face and said after a long time: "Speak humanly."

"History is divided into two stages. One is summarized as the 'Kingdom of Necessity', and the other is the opposite, called the 'Kingdom of Freedom'. Understand?"

Zhu Xinyu nodded.

"The kingdom of freedom... can be said to be a kind of belief. Its status is equivalent to the 'other shore' in religion. But the difference is that this belief is based on rational analysis and has logical support. We want to believe that our 'other shore' is In the future. Understand?”

Zhu Xinyu nodded.

"Then, let's talk about our reality. In our current world, there are various unreasonable status quos. Most people have to work non-stop just to make ends meet, doing things they don't expect and have no expectations for the future. They can't Getting happiness from one's own work. This is not good. And we believe that in the future there will be a world like 'the other side'. The purpose of people's survival activities lies in themselves, and human development becomes the purpose. Everyone has it. They can understand the laws of history, obtain their own ideals, and then realize their own ideals. Everything they do is to obtain the highest sense of happiness. Do you understand?"

Zhu Xinyu nodded.

Like some kind of rodent.

Xiang Shan spread his hands: "Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Zhu Xinyu pouted: "I have seen very bad people. They are all around me. For his ideals, he can do very bad things and trample on others. His dream is to escape from the category of the lower class."

"I think the direction you mentioned is not realistic at all."

Xiang Shan put his hands on his knees: "So, little friend Zhu Xinyu, does the person you are talking about have no humanity at all?"

"How is that possible?" Zhu Xinyu sneered at this.

"I don't know who this person is, but this person is like most human beings. He has feelings for his relatives. He will be satisfied when he eats delicious food, he will drink water when he is thirsty, and he will be happy when he is praised by others..."

Zhu Xinyu interrupted: "None of this can compete with his desire for money."

Xiang Shan spread his hands: "Then why does he love money? Money itself cannot be eaten or drunk, and it will not praise you or communicate with you..."

"You can do anything with money." Zhu Xinyu said, "Money can buy delicacies from the mountains and seas, it can raise a harem, it can make people respect you and praise you. Even... just when he sees money flowing into his account, he will So happy...tsk."

Xiangshan spread his hands: "Then, why don't you like money? Don't you like delicious food? Everyone likes to eat delicious food. There is no physiology... ah, I'm sorry you are a minor, pretend I didn't say it. It's really dangerous, but I declare that I only responded according to your comparison - ahem, continue. You don't hate others praising you, right?"

"Then why are you different from the people you hate?"

I strive for...

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