Cyber Heroes

Chapter 456 Shared information

That should be in the Rama Project Park. At that time, there were still several months before "Zhu Rong" stole information.

David took a group of people to find a place to have a barbecue on the grounds of "connecting with each other".

Yawgmoth and Xiangshan are in a group. Mukayama places a large skewer of thick-cut bacon over the coals and grills it.

"Yog." Xiang Shan said, standing opposite Yawgmoth.

Yawgmoth wore headphones and shook his head while turning the barbecue, seemingly not hearing.

So Xiang Shan raised a big iron stick covered with chicken wings, placed it next to the oven and tapped: "Yog."

Yawgmoth pulled off one of his earphones: "Huh?"

"Ask you." Xiang Shan said, "I'm just curious, nothing else. You can just figure out the riddles yourself. It's... those things that the FBI accused you of... that..."

"Have you done it?" Yawgmoth stared at Xiangshan and stopped turning the barbecue in his hands.

Xiang Shan looked at the sky: "I understand. It's best not to say this directly, but... I'm just curious."

Yawgmoth asked, "What are you curious about?"

"It's just..." Xiangshan lowered his voice, "I'm just out of curiosity. What's the mentality of doing such a taboo thing?"

Yawgmoth rolled his eyes: "Haha."

Then, he turned the chicken wings, looked at the charred layer on the chicken skin, and then sprinkled a handful of red powder.

"Looking at other people's ideals with a curious mentality...don't you think it's rude?"

Xiang Shan said: "A little bit. But, I'm just curious."

Yawgmoth sighed and put his headphones back on.

After the meat was roasted, two other people replaced Xiangshan and the others. The two men also brought a large piece of beef with a special thermometer inserted into it.

Entire cases of beer and sparkling wine were opened and shared.

Xiangshan basically didn't drink, so he sat in the corner and tore into the chicken quietly.

Yawgmoth put the can on the top, picked up a chicken wing with his bare hands, took a bite, and asked, "Have you never done anything remotely trivial since you were a child?"

Xiang Shan smiled: "I'm in the materials and hardware business, so it's not too tricky, right?"

"There are a lot of tricks that can be done." Yawgmoth sneered and picked up a chicken wing at the same time. "Besides, I didn't do it to seek excitement. I had to do it."

"It must be..." Xiang Shan nodded, indicating that he probably understood.

"Nod your head." Yawgmoth said, "I think you obviously don't understand what 'must be done' means - knowledge must be shared."

Xiang Shan said: "Yes, because knowledge sharing is good..."

"It's not because 'knowledge sharing is good'." Yawgmoth retorted, "Only 'sharing' is fair. It is fair when knowledge is shared."

Xiang Shan nodded. Although he is proficient in antagonizing others, at this time, he usually agrees.

Yawgmoth continued: "I still don't understand why some people think that knowledge can be privatized..."

"It's not that we can't understand it. Only by allowing the explorers of knowledge to benefit from knowledge can we inspire those explorers." Xiang Shan said: "Although I don't want to admit it, the reason why science can develop rapidly after the Age of Discovery is Because it once sided with imperialism. It is precisely because knowledge can help empires expand and benefit, so humans will allocate resources in this direction."

"I don't deny that 'knowledge can be beneficial.' What I deny is that 'knowledge can be privatized.'" Yawgmoth's tone became a little fierce. "Private knowledge is the greatest evil."

He asked Xiang Shan a question: "What do you think knowledge is?"

Xiangshan swallowed the muscle in his mouth and held the chicken bone in his mouth: "This... this concept is very general and difficult to explain. I can say that 'knowledge' is a... means of production. Or, scientists and researchers' The fruits of labor'? This problem can be described from any angle."

Yawgmoth nodded: "Well, let me describe it in your language. 'Knowledge' is a special kind of production material. Its transfer should originally be very simple. In this era , often means that Ctrl+C is in Ctrl+V. This process can only involve the movement of a group of electrons within several crystals... There must be people who know this better than me, right?"

Xiang Shan nodded, this is the truth.

"Knowledge should be like this. With only a little resource, it can be copied on a large scale, and then play a role in every corner of human society and change the world. However, humans have imagined a kind of 'restraint' ', restricting this circulation - that is 'intellectual property'!"

Xiang Shan nodded, but still said: "Although I agree with this point of view, most people don't agree."

"Is the view that 'most people agree with' correct?"

"Ah... probably not." Xiang Shan scratched his head: "But things are like this sometimes. If everyone thinks it is wrong, then no matter how reasonable it is, it is really wrong. Moreover, I do know many people who think that scholars You can decide to remove your own achievements. Being willing to share is a great thing, and you should not be blamed if you are not willing."

"Ah, traitor." Yawgmoth said.

"But that's how humans are."

"This is wrong." Yawgmoth closed his eyes. "The miners mined the ore from the earth. From then on, the miners' labor was condensed in the ore that had no owner. Human beings have not occupied any atom of nature. , it just transforms existing things, and in the process adds a fictitious scale - value - to things."

"But knowledge is different. All knowledge is created by humans, from Thales, Democritus, Socrates to Plato, to Hashemu and Farabi in the tenth century, to Paracel in the sixteenth century. Seuss, Copernicus, Galileo...and then, all the way up to Isaac Newton, to Charles Darwin, before what we call 'science' became what we know today.

If a certain person wants to declare that a certain piece of knowledge is private to a certain person, then that person should first pay the usage fee of the pre-knowledge to all the sages for the process of 'reaching this result'. All presuppositions, all languages, and all paradigms he used are the knowledge of predecessors. "

Yawgmoth stared at Xiangshan and said, "What does it mean to create your own private property using things that others have given to all mankind?"

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