Cyber Heroes

Chapter 457 Heart to Heart

Xiangshan always felt that Yawgmoth was very aggressive and had a ferocious nature in his heart.

It was obvious that they were just two modern young people discussing the frivolous topic of human destiny, but he still showed a "fighting" temperament.

Xiangshan unconsciously chewed the chicken bones in his mouth, took two mouthfuls, and then spit them out. He said: "But having said that, most intellectual property rights have a validity period, and they all have a deadline. In most countries, it will not exceed twenty years."

"How many twenty years can a person live in a lifetime?" Yawgmoth asked, "Isn't it a sin to delay the progress of human science for twenty years? Every moment is delayed for two decades. Ten years, isn’t that scary? You and I are only in our twenties, right?”

"Ah, that seems to be true." Xiang Shan nodded.

"Since the whole world has set a protection period for intellectual property rights, it means that humans can realize that the existence of this kind of thing is a fallacy - it will definitely hinder human progress." Yawgmoth continued: "However, This fallacy has not been eradicated! Not at all!"

Speaking of this, Yawgmoth was even more indignant: "In an era without copyright, humans were also working tirelessly to create great works. Because the benefits they could bring were not considerable, there was even less plagiarism."

"It is precisely because public knowledge cannot bring benefits, so people are not keen on making it public, right?" Xiang Shan expressed his objection: "In the era without intellectual property rights, medieval people would even fight for life and death for the general solution formula of the linear equation of two variables. It's a duel. According to this standard, after I finish studying junior high school mathematics, I will kill many classmates."

"Yes, this is also a problem." Yawgmoth suddenly declined, "In the final analysis, the modern scientific system is still the system used by the great nobles to train knights. The noble gentlemen initially needed scientists to add glory to them. Later, they needed scientists to prove something for them, and only later did they discover that scientists could bring them benefits. As you said...the reason why science was able to develop rapidly after the Age of Discovery was because it was closely related to the expanding empire at that time. ism stands aside.”

Xiang Shan also sighed and nodded heavily: "That's well said... Why didn't I think of that before? Scientists are actually a kind of feudal knight."

"And the 'war exploits' of these knight lords have to be paid to prove in order to be notarized." Yawgmoth said, "First of all, public institutions provide funds to research institutions for scholars to study. Then, when scholars publish articles, they have to give money to journals Pay the page fee. Then, if other scholars want to read it, or if scholars want to cite their articles, they have to spend money to buy them from academic publishers. Have you ever seen any knight-errant chop off the enemy's head and then cut it off? Only if you buy it from the War Supervisor can you claim credit?"

Xiang Shan laughed out loud: "Pfft..."

"Oh oh oh, you are discussing this sad topic..." David intervened at this time and put a dozen cans of beer on the table, then opened a can himself and handed it to Xiang Shan who had no wine at hand. Xiangshan waved his hand and declined.

David nodded: "Indeed. From this point of view, everyone is the most miserable knight errant."

"When it comes to cannibalism, modern humans are more thorough." Xiang Shan nodded: "Who is not a Don Quixote?"

Don Quixote, the protagonist of Cervantes's novel, is a young nobleman who went crazy reading novels about knights errant. He often fantasizes about being a medieval knight, and then calls himself "Don Quixote de La Man". but". During the two wandering adventures, the great knight made countless jokes, mistaking windmills for giants, inns for castles, convicts for persecuted knights, skins for giant heads, etc.

"That's so good." David sighed: "I just watched a documentary about Von Bryan when I was a kid...Oh, my God, aren't space immigrants the windmill giants of this era?"

Xiang Shan stared at David in astonishment: "Are you wrong about this? I thought humans could immigrate to Mars before I die!"

"Twenty-year-olds in 1970 thought the same way." David sighed.

"So this should be changed!" Yawgmoth slapped the table and said loudly.

Xiang Shan and David held Yawgmoth down to prevent him from continuing to do amazing things.

But it seems that for some reason, Yawgmoth is so excited now.

He said: "Besides, I have another idea... although... I don't know what to say."

"Huh?" David said, "You can tell me."

Yawgmoth took a deep breath: "I actually think that 'complete sharing of knowledge' has another meaning. The complete sharing of knowledge means the complete sharing of machines... It means the complete sharing of industries..."

"In this era, machines can already replace human labor in most heavy industrial production and repetitive tasks. However, the more roaring the machines, the richer the capitalists become, and the wider the gap between the rich and the poor. Machines... machines are too Important. However, machines can be private.

But why is the machine private? Why can only a small group of people own the property rights of machines? "

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "This logic is a little... roundabout?"

To be honest, he didn't understand.

He looked at David.

David nodded: "I probably understand a little bit."

"Because 'knowledge' is not fully shared, there are some things that only some people can produce. Others cannot benefit from studying the knowledge of the owner, nor can they use that knowledge at will. Yes, I know, this is not a 'machine' The only element that cannot be communalized', but an important one."

Yawgmoth looked up at the sky: "The raw materials for producing machines, those metals, are the products of star fusion and explosion. Metals are mined by workers, and through a plan planned by technology, become machines... Everyone should be able to Make those machines whatever you want. Everyone should have the right to do that."

Xiangshan narrowed his eyes: "Although I really want to say...'Manpower management when multiple people collaborate' is also a technology. But, you are generally right. Now those who are responsible for management have a say in distribution It's too big... Ah, no, those owners of 'property rights' can even outsource the only labor of 'management'."

Yawgmoth rubbed his eyes: "Yeah..."

Xiangshan suddenly patted Yawgmoth on the shoulder: "By the way, Yawgmoth, I actually have another idea here."


"Have you heard of additive construction technology?" Xiang Shan smiled and said: "Maybe it is a road leading to your dreams."

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