Cyber Heroes

Chapter 480 Just...suddenly

The cadres of the Knights of Youhe personally made the registration. Two apprentices were even given leave in the past few days, allowing them to wander in the cyberspace by themselves.

It's absolutely too real to be truly recorded.

Even if King Zhengtian or even the inspection team of the Father of All Machines came to investigate, there would be no problem.

But Tianmeng Tianying and the others' focus is obviously not here.

"That's not what I meant." Tianying's tone was very unkind, "You guy... we are obviously asking you why you obey the government's wishes."

"You can understand this place as an opportunity that I stole." Tianjixing said: "Is there any reason why I can't steal the government?"

"No one will trade the location of the village with the government." Tianmeng said: "Our biggest need for building a village in the green forest is concealment. If it is not concealed, a few rounds of space-based weapons can wipe out the village. Therefore, except for 'for now In addition to the one-and-done deal to relax surveillance, you must have made other deals with them to keep them from bombing this place."

"Indeed." Tianjixing nodded: "There can be a green forest here, but there can only be one green forest, and the team size must be under a certain limit. But originally we planned to put a server here and slowly build a private network That’s all.”

"Are we going to be dogs and attack other green forests?" Tianmengxing said in a bad tone, putting one hand behind his back.

This is already the starting point for a close-quarters gunfight.

Tianjixing nodded: "Anyway, those local little green forests have no common memory with us and have nothing to do with us. You don't care about their life or death..."

"We are not dogs!" Tianmeng was about to pull out his gun.

His focus has never been on "encircling and suppressing Green Forest" but on "being a dog" - Green Forest killing Green Forest is also a part of Green Forest's daily life, and no one cares about this.

"It's best to think clearly before you draw your gun." Tianji's tone was still calm, "Just because I didn't plant a poison in your body doesn't mean I haven't mastered the spell for you."

Tianmeng didn't care and pointed his submachine gun at Tianji: "There is also the so-called 'Encirclement and Suppression of Knights' team building activity... is also part of the deal, right?"

Generally speaking, Green Forest team building does not have such hard-core activities. People usually bring recording equipment that records emotional nerve impulses and pick a small town to kill people and set fire to - and it's best to choose one that has lost the protection of civilization.

"Killing knights in a strange environment" is too dangerous.

Tianji said: "Ah, that's not the case. I got information from them. I knew there were a few knights operating nearby, so I decided to kill them. There happened to be few towns around here that had lost their asylum. We had so many green forest tycoons, so we just robbed them. A freight vehicle can't play a 'unifying' role, right?"

This is indeed not a task sent by the government.

The "Saint Aunt" of the Six Dragons Sect was about to arrive, so he decided to kill this group of knights to prevent the knights from causing a big incident, and then let the patrons increase pressure in this area.

If there were no such group of knights from the North, he would lead people to search the mountains and find local martial arts sects, earth-burrowing dragon communities and the like, and kill them casually.

Anyway, I want to kill.

But we just can't tell these green forest brothers that this mission has anything to do with the government. Green Forest is naturally rebellious. They refused to do whatever the officials wanted them to do.

"It's best this way." Tianmeng stared at Tianji and said, "If I find out that you have other know, some of us have already died at the hands of knights."

"Except for the two Tiangangs lost when hunting Black Hand ND Haoyan, the rest are only Earth Evil levels." Tianji There will be changes. If you want to bury a knight of Blackhand Haoyan's level, the two bottom Tiangang stars will be very profitable."

"And by joining forces to kill such a powerful knight, we become more like a collective, right?"

"I just hate you being like this! I hate it so much!" Tianmengxing said loudly: "You have such an attitude, you don't treat those who have shared your memories as brothers! You always look at gains and losses in such a rational way! It's unpleasant! "

Tianji was very surprised. He turned his head and looked at Tianmeng, very surprised: "When you sent Tiansu to the south here three years ago, you must have thought the same way!"

"Boshu was in pain at the time! He had just become Green Forest and was very conflicted, so he also needed to do something. Then for some reason, he wanted to come here. I let him come!" Tianmeng said: "I will tell you It’s different. I enjoy doing things!”

Tianji fell into deep thought.

In order to prevent himself from sinking too deep, there is a special independent chip in his prosthetic body that inhibits the generation of fighting impulses. And he often uses Huandan enzyme plus personality data stored online to reconstruct neural connections. All this was done with the help of others, so his green forest attributes were not as strong as outsiders thought.

Of course, even ordinary people like him would not be able to remain sane after reading the collective memories of ten different cottages.

Tianji also acted like this after going through arduous training based on the cognitive science achievements of the Six Dragons Sect.

He felt closer to the perfect green forest.

But the Jidao Consensus Therapy also made it impossible for him to ignore the opinions of these brothers.

The guys do have a common memory,'s really hard to understand the brothers' thoughts.

Tianji sighed: "No one will die anymore. The strongest Black Hand has been beaten to half a disability. The rest are chasing those knights and are currently forming an encirclement. In a few days, we will set off. Black Hand Hao Fire cannot escape.”

"It's best this way." Tianmengxing still stared at him.

"There won't be any surprises." Tianji was so sure.

With that said, he continued to sit down and looked at the construction site below.

Tianmeng turned his head and walked back.

Just then, a signal came in.

Tianmeng looked at it and saw that it was Dihuixing, who was also one of his subordinates.

He was very unhappy, so he answered the call and said, "Dihui? What do you want from me?"

However, a few words appeared in front of his eyes.

[Is your name Tianmeng? 】

At this moment, Tianji suddenly stood up.

At that moment, he felt an inexplicable feeling.

--No no no no……

Death seems to be all around us, pervasive.

This is a power I have only experienced during training.

Tiexin Dharma King's first-level internal strength.

Without any time to think, Tianjixing picked up the sniper rifle at hand, aimed at the antenna 200 meters away, and shot it.

When the signal was disconnected, chaos fell below.

Before Tianjixing could breathe a sigh of relief, the sound of steel falling to the ground came from behind him.

When he looked back, he saw that Tianmengxing had fallen directly to the ground.


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