Cyber Heroes

Chapter 481 No overnight grudges

Tianji now only feels lucky to survive the disaster.

For myself and for Tianmeng.

The peerless internal power just now was just a tentative attack. In such a short period of time, no matter how powerful the internal skill master is, he can't win with one blow, not to mention it is from a long range.

However, he also knew very well that if he had only fired a few seconds late, things would have been completely different.

Once the expert on the opposite side realizes that this is a green forest private network with no interface to the external network, everyone will die.

Dharma King Tiexin is also an extremely master. If you don't have enough inner strength, you won't be able to work around King Agni.

If you want to talk about it, Dharma King Tiexin’s internal strength ranking is probably in the top dozens.

But the "top dozens" of Tiexin Dharma King are much more valuable than the "number one in internal strength" of Tianjixing.

Tianji is just the number one on the regional list of "Earth's Green Forest Tiger List", which is limited to the earth, and only to the green forest people with the lowest gold content.

But King Tiexin is competing for ranking in the list of eight planets, satellite cities of dwarf planets, deep space stations, and all humans in the far-solar frontier plus one.

The reason why it is the vague "top dozens" is also because masters of internal skills are good at hiding information. For example, no one knows how many people there are in the legendary "Turing lineage".

And what is displayed in those few seconds is not necessarily the enemy's full power.

It should be said that the unknown enemy is guaranteed to have the same level of internal strength as King Tiexin.

It is definitely not something that the current Tianji can fight against.

Even if he didn't want this green forest vest, he couldn't do it even if he used the full power of "Tianji Sanren" to risk the fate of being ruined.

——Who is it...

He just felt dizzy. Seeing Tianmeng fall down, this was the only thought in his mind.

Human beings need resources to practice internal strength.

Computing resources, network resources, technical information, drugs...

Each item is strictly controlled.

Especially in this place on earth, this "fiefdom" of King Agni.

A master of internal strength does not just sit behind closed doors and meditate alone. He needs to use drugs and deepen his interaction with computers.

If you don’t use supercomputers or special-purpose computers from time to time, you won’t be able to use the stolen resources.

Therefore, if masters of internal skills want to advance, they have to surf the Internet frequently.

But the network in this place is subject to the strictest surveillance.

When your internal strength reaches a certain stage, your activities on the Internet will be very frequent.

At this stage, he will almost certainly be intercepted and killed by King Agni or his assistants.

It is said that decades ago, Dharma King Tiexin would occasionally help to cover up and let go of those masters of internal energy who revealed their secrets.

But that doesn't work at all. Even if he could hide it for a while, those internal skill masters would be noticed by other monitors or King Agni himself.

This brings certain risks to the latent work of King Tiexin.

No one on earth can develop internal skills at the level of mathematics.

And what just happened... was even faintly above the realm of mathematics!

——From outside the earth? A master of Turing's lineage? This kind of knight can also...

——But, in recent years, besides Tao Enhai, who else...

Tianjixing threw aside the sniper rifle in his hand in a daze, and slowly walked towards the sky.

He whispered: "Still alive..."

Tianmeng didn't move, as if he was dead.

Tianji kicked him twice: "He should not be dead. I struck in was just a tentative attack."

"Tentative..." It took Tianmeng a while to regain control of the speech synthesizer. He whispered: "This... this... ah..."

"What just happened?"

"Exploratory attacks...DOS...squeezing resources...and then...overloading..."

After a while, Tianmeng reluctantly sat up and said: "The firewall... should have filtered out... most of the... malicious... indeed... tentative..."

It just wasn't long enough. Similar risks have been considered when designing brain-computer interfaces. It's not easy to burn a baseline human's brain by overloading the hardware.

Tianji had cut off the internet just now, so the worst outcome for Tianmeng was to replace the motherboard, and he wouldn't die just like that.

Tianji looked at Tianmeng: "The attack just now was aimed at you. It seems that he caught someone and then used that brother's communication hardware to take over. The reason why he waited for your response was to confirm that you were using Is the communications hardware embedded or separate?”

The so-called "separate" refers to traditional smart terminals such as mobile phones and tablets. "Separate" mainly refers to "physical isolation". Those terminals even include those embedded in the body, but require manual operation and cannot directly input and output through nerve signals. These gadgets are not as capable as implanted devices that can be connected at a moment's notice, and the types of information that can be interacted with are relatively small.

But it can filter out some internal attacks.

If the enemy answers the call with a mobile phone, neither "Turing" nor "Agni" can directly overload him.

But at this time, they can also activate the hidden backdoor through a sound wave or special image.

The "curses" mastered by these veteran guys are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"That knight's internal strength is extremely terrifying. Do you have any clue? Why did he attack you first?"

"I don't know..." Tianmeng struggled to stand up. Tianying couldn't see it and held her hand.

"Think carefully, who could this person be?" Tianji said: "His internal strength is the only one I have ever seen in my life, and it is definitely not something that can be produced on Earth. But his priority is not to attack me as the founder of the Juyi Association, but you. ...What grudge do you have against him?"

"I don't know." Tianmeng spoke more eloquently. He seemed to have deleted some junk files, and then restructured some of the firewall and security application codes. He stood up slowly and said: "But, that guy is provoking... He wants to kill me... He killed our brothers..."

Tianjixing Dahao: "Don't go crazy, that guy is very strong..."

"So you don't have to take revenge?" Tianmeng pointed his gun at Tianji, "I can give in to other things. But... in this matter, we are still brothers... just be more relaxed!"

Tian Ji

"At least... take a look." Tianmeng said, "If he breaks through to the first level of heaven and earth... I will leave immediately and fully support your... King of Heaven plan... But now, take revenge!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Wait for me to reinstall the system and reconstruct the firewall..."

"Not enough!" Tianji shook his head, "If you really want to take revenge, then replace the entire motherboard, replace all the hardware that can write information, and overhaul the firewall."

"The probing attack just now has pretty much exposed your base. You might have been poisoned by something. You must replace them all."

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