Cyber Heroes

Chapter 598 Xiang Shi died that year

This was something I found out later.

In subsequent experiments, Yawgmoth's plan led to sporadic deaths in primate experimental animals. These death cases were basically due to the fact that the brain transformation speed was too slow and could not keep up with the progress of the body transformation.

But these are just sporadic accidents.

Most primates can survive this period by relying on ordinary cooling methods.

The problem lies in only two aspects.

The first point is that the cognitive ability of apes is far lower than that of humans. Even if there is slight damage to the higher parts of the brain, it will not be noticeable for a while.

And the second point...

As a top geneticist, Yawgmoth ignored a physiological perspective.

The complexity and power consumption of the human brain are much higher than those of ordinary primates.

Humanity has paid too much for this brain.

Human babies must be born underdeveloped. If the baby waits until the brain is fully developed and the skull is completely closed before birth, he will inevitably get stuck in the birth canal. Compared with many animals, full-term human babies are "premature babies."

Even so, human female childbirth also bears extremely high risks.

It's all about this brain.

The heat dissipation capacity of the human brain is only "sufficient", but it has not considered dealing with the task of "baseline conversion".

In this transformation surgery, the difficulties that other primates can barely overcome are real obstacles for humans.

The neurotropic virus Yawgmoth originally prepared was a herpes virus. Herpes virus has an affinity for skin, mucous membranes and nerves. One virus can transform several different tissues and is relatively safe.

He didn't have such a creative plan as rabies at the beginning.

But later research showed that reducing the power of rabies is the right answer for humans.

"I can only say that it's really lucky." Xiang Shan thought about it.

Modern science has broken down to this level. Top geneticists like Yawgmoth also make mistakes where they can be avoided.

Scientific research activities are no longer something that can be done alone.

"It's not easy to recruit that team. How much time wasted on me..."

"I also need to help him finish the whole thing... Tsk. Speaking of which, I was the one who used this incident to build momentum and package it... Damn, how many good things did I make up for that bastard?"

"However, only by building momentum can the Ethics Committee... tsk..."

Many memories from his youth were rolling through Xiangshan's mind.

This movement made both Kane and Jardel wake up. Kane asked: "Unknown hero, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. I remembered something unpleasant."

Kane scratched his head: "I see you are quite happy."

Xiangshan was silent for a moment: "Have you ever had this kind of experience? You risked everything just to save a guy's life. Then many years later, he became an enemy."

Kane shook his head and then nodded: "You ask me to tell was decades ago when I was a child. I was still young at the time, and our elders sponsored a knight to rebel and become an officer. And he led people to destroy our community.”

"Decades ago? Before the Eighth Martial God?" Xiang Shan nodded: "I heard that after the Seventh Martial God, no Martial God was born for a long time, and people in the world were quite confused."

"But that's not the reason for him to retaliate for kindness." Kane was a little angry. "His outer armor and other things are all provided by us. There are also various rare metals and so on. What's the result?"

He glanced at Xiang Shan again: "If you ask me, you shouldn't have saved that bastard at that time."

Jardel wanted to curl his lips downwards. He vowed that when he returned, he would install a prosthetic body on the lower part of his face that could output expressions—even abstract expressions.

The solo killer knows the true identity of the unknown hero. Now his mind is filled with questions of "Who is that guy?"

Xiang Shan thought for a moment and laughed out loud: "If you think about it carefully, in that case, he would have become the number one knight in ancient and modern times, and I would have become a reactionary figure. It's inappropriate, it's inappropriate. It's a loss."

Kane was angry: "The knight! The knight deserves to be betrayed, right?"

"No one can predict the future. It is enough to make a clear conscience choice at the moment." Xiang Shan said, "Besides, the Ninth Martial God also had another army defecting in front of the battle. The government will also accept betrayal."

Kane nodded: "That's true."

Xiang Shan thought: "The officer who betrayed you..."

"He died when the Ninth Martial God liberated the earth." Kane said.

Xiang Shan nodded: "That's okay - by the way, where are we going?"

Kane compared the recorded data of the flatbed truck with the estimated action plan and said, "We'll be here in a few hours."

Xiang Shan nodded.

Not long after, they reached the end of the tunnel. There is a hole vertically above the end of the tunnel, which looks like a natural crack in the ground. A small amount of sand and dust leaked out.

Several people put on camouflage nets and climbed up.

The camouflage net that the Earth-Drilling Dragon had hung near the exit was filled with dust. Soon, several of them got out of the ground.

This place has been separated from the encirclement of King Agni.

Xiangshan glanced far away and saw a drone in the distance.

After thinking for a moment, he slowly pulled out a gun-like thing.

This is a signal transmitter that can send a small beam of signal to the drone at a fixed point.

The frequency band of this small beam of signal is close to that of satellite signals.

Signals in this frequency band can penetrate the ionosphere. Knights rarely transmit signals in this frequency band themselves, and they might be detected by satellites.

But if your marksmanship is good enough, you can use this method to accurately "snipe" drones.

Kane found this thing in the underground stronghold. This kind of gun-shaped signal transmitter can only be regarded as a "household magic weapon". The cost is very low, and most people don't like it.

Xiangshan used this thing as a reminder of his own martial arts skills.

But unfortunately, when the drone aimed at the mountain, it flew into the distance and quickly fell below the horizon.

Xiangshan put away the transmitter and said: "It looks like they are surrounded by protrusions. Let's go."

The three of them moved on and came to the beach.

Then, just dive into the sea water.

They have almost no need to breathe.

Of course, generally speaking, it is necessary to replace the prosthetic body when going into the sea. Many martial arts, including Xuanwu Zhen Gang, are difficult to perform in the sea. And the resistance of sea water is much greater than that of air.

There is also a small part of Martial Ancestor's martial arts that is specifically used in the underwater environment. .

But this time they were not fighting at sea.

After walking for a while under the sea, the three of them arrived at a secret door.

Walking inside, you will arrive at another underground base.

Xiangshan met Yuan Wenren and Master Blackhand here.

There is a sentence in Xiang Shan's chapter, which is taken from General Chen's evaluation of rescuing Mr. Chang himself.

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