Cyber Heroes

Chapter 599 Iron Current

As soon as Xiangshan and his team appeared in this base, a group of people surrounded them.

Xiangshan looked around. In addition to Yuan Wenren, Master Blackhand and Ji Anbang, there are about ten people here, most of whom are knights from the North.

Several of the prosthetics were relatively short, and they should be the earth-burrowing dragons that led them here.

Master Blackhand seems to have used the enzyme to repair the brain damage, and now looks a little sluggish. In a day or two, he will enter a stage of inexplicable excitement and emotional instability - somewhat similar to adolescence.

He stepped out from the crowd, bowed his hands to Xiangshan, and said: "I have seen the methods of the unknown hero. He defeated several Tiangang Disha in one night, and even killed a large city by himself. With this method, It’s not in vain that we came to support you.”

Xiangshan explained his plan when he evacuated from the Coast Mountains and separated from the main force.

The fact that Xiangshan and his party are standing here intact is a kind of proof.

"The mastermind behind the disaster in the Coast Mountains has too much time to take care of himself now." Xiang Shan said: "If you are bitten by King Agni's old dog, you can't escape without paying a price - that old dog can be considered quite a bit. A new tooth.”

"This is far from enough to cover the debt of the knights who died in the Coast Mountains. But we can still settle the debt slowly."

On the other side, Yuan Wenren pushed out a large storage box and said: "Senior, fortunately I have fulfilled my duty and brought this refrigerator back."

"The engineers in the Earth-Drilling Dragon have checked the parts that can be disassembled, and there is no room for installing a tracker. For insurance, they added an extra shell on the outside to shield electromagnetic waves. In addition, with the internal strength of their predecessors, they Most likely there is no way to manipulate the control module."

Xiang Yatou gently wiped the box and thanked everyone: "Everyone is so considerate."

The reason why the Six Dragon Sect envoy (Dai Jiutai'a) gave in in every possible way was because Shenyuan Yanye was going to pass through here. The Six Dragons Sect doesn't want to disturb Xiangshan about this matter. It seems that Kanyuan Yanye must have undertaken some important task.

No, now that I think about it, there seems to be another possibility.

Dai Jiutai can vaguely guess Xiangshan's identity, so he doesn't want Xiangshan to meet Kanyuan Yanye.

Just like Kan Yuan Yanye can recognize Xiangshan, Xiangshan can also recognize Kan Yuan Yanye. People who are successful in internal skills can "see" aspects of a person's personality from the subtleties of their behavior.

And if the "Martial God" knew that "Shen Yuanyan Ye was in the Six Dragons Sect", endless troubles would definitely arise.

Judging from the location where Jader met Kanhara Yanye, if Xiangshan rushed towards the place where the refrigeration equipment fell, he would definitely not be able to encounter Kanhara Yanye.

If at that time, Xiangshan requested the assistance of a sufficient number of knights and wandered the land in a "search" formation, it would still be possible to find Kanyuan Yanye.

And if Xiangshan asks some knights to help him get the refrigerator, he may also face a "short manpower" situation and be unable to find Kanyuan Yanye.

However, Xiangshan did not act according to Dai Jiutai's prediction.

He chose to directly attack the Youhe Knights and attack the Six Dragons Sect. At the same time, he lured Hartman's old dog into trouble, used Hartman's hand to thwart the Six Dragons Sect's evil plan, and at the same time used the Six Dragons Sect to draw Hartman's attention. force.

However, the single-killing king Jadel's accomplishments in "tracking" were indeed unexpected, and Xiangshan was lucky enough to meet Kanye Kanye in the end.

This battle can be said to be a "big victory".

Thinking of this, Xiang Shan looked at Master Black Hand: "Brother Black Hand, how is your brain damage?"

"Unknown hero, you are rich in pill-returning enzyme resources." Blackhand nodded, "I need some time to get familiar with the unfamiliar skills again. Two weeks, at best two weeks, I can regroup."

"Where's the lost prosthetic body?"

"Of course I remember all the design drawings of my martial arts prosthetic body." Master Blackhand said: "This is the base operated by Earth-Drilling Dragon. There is no shortage of metal, and the 3D printer is also professional."

This is the huge advantage of the cyborg warrior. As long as the biological part of the brain is not damaged, other parts can be easily replaced.

Xiangshan looked around again: "Where are the others?"

Ji Anbang, who had communicated with Xiang Shan, said: "Master Black Hand is already the most seriously injured among us. The one who is more seriously injured..."

He didn't finish.

But Xiangshan already understood what he meant.

Master Blackhand relied on his martial arts to last until the very end. By that time his life was hanging by a thread.

The other knights, who could not survive this stage, were at the end of their rope and were defeated by Green Forest.

"The heroes of the is the damage?"

Jader expected as usual: "Most of them are fine. But these are all the forces you can see."

Xiang Shan nodded and looked around.

He imprinted the images of these knights in his heart one by one.

He bowed in all directions and said: "I am very touched that you are willing to help me..."

Master Blackhand shook his head: "Unknown hero, this is wrong. After all, we are strangers. I only heard from Jadel that you helped Mr. Xinglin. Other than that, you are almost a stranger to me. We are not I'm helping you out of chivalry."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Yes. You all gathered here for the sake of chivalry. I am very grateful in my heart. But an accident did happen, and many friends were injured and died."

"Now, I want to emphasize one more point. My target is Paradox City. The Green Forest and the army that we defeated in the past two days are nothing compared to the defenders of Paradox City - the difference is It's like 'bytes' and 'programs' are the same. The danger in Paradox City will be a thousand times more dangerous than this time."

"The organization behind the disaster in the Coast Mountains, the Six Dragons Sect, has obtained part of my information when they fought against me. According to their power within the Sanctuary, they may at any time send someone The secret is revealed. By then, Paradox City’s defenses may even be strengthened.”

"This time, we don't have time to wait for more comrades, nor do we have time to rest and get into a perfect posture. We can wait for a week at most, or wait for the next sandstorm to start brewing - if there is still no sign of a sandstorm after a week, then we will We have to set off first, cross most of the North American continent, and wait in Paradox City."

"Brothers and comrades, you must think carefully this time. Don't get involved in such a dangerous situation easily with an incomplete attitude."

Master Black Hand thought about it and smiled: "It looks like I have to work harder to rehabilitate."

Someone else in the crowd laughed and said: "It seems that the performance in the Coast Mountains has made the unknown heroes a little disappointed with us."

"It seems that we have no choice but to go together - so that the unknown hero knows that we were just tricked by the people in Green Forest."

"If we are preparing to respond outside Paradox City..."

"This time we have to avenge our shame!"

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