Cyber Heroes

Chapter 626 Another part of the tragedy

Lu Xuanyu was stunned again. He said: "Those retired armed police and soldiers, the number of people they have killed together is not as many as that kid has killed? This... what kind of child is this? How is this possible?"

Xiang Shan lowered his head and his tone became a little sad again: "I actually told you the first half of this story."


"Remember that small African country called Selukaimidom?" Xiang Shan whispered.

"Ah..." Lu Xuanyu thought hard for a moment, and then asked uncertainly, "Is it that...that..."

"The country where the massacre occurred." Xiang Shan said: "Two hundred years ago, the colonists divided the local people into two different ethnic groups, Haua and Zima. Then the two ethnic groups continued to accumulate conflicts, and then they finally broke out some time ago. Yes. I had a friend who happened to be doing fieldwork there. And then he got involved and died. That’s the part you know.”

Lu Xuanyu nodded.

"Then, there is one more detail that needs to be added." Xiangshan said: "My Japanese friend in Selukaimidom did not wander around in the fields. Considering the situation in that country, he was there at the time The investigation was conducted in a refugee camp set up by the United Nations. In theory, it is relatively safe."

"The refugee camp, even though it sounds like a 'camp', is actually quite large, larger than some villages and towns. There, my friend accidentally rescued a child. Although the locals were very dissatisfied with the 'foreign races' around them, 'The attack was ruthless, but he didn't particularly hate Europeans and Asians. And the kid also repaid his kindness, so he wanted to repay my friend."

Xiangshan put his hands around each other in front of him a few times: "Anyway, after all kinds of things happened, my friend and that kid can be considered familiar."

"When my friend first saw the kid, he was being chased by a group of kids. He ran very fast and the other kids couldn't catch up with him. At that time, the Japanese student next to my friend sighed, 'Okay Fast' (ha ya i). Then the kid thought that the gringo was calling him in a weird way again. My friend's student originally called him this 'very fast kid', but when he saw this If he responded to the name, I thought he accepted the 'nickname'."

"He didn't have a name before. His Haua parents were killed in conflicts a few years ago, when he was still young, and he later forgot his name. He has used several names, all different." The code name given to him casually by "Commander" and "Comrade-in-arms" is not a serious name."

"Later, when he was doing fieldwork with my friend, he also learned a little bit of Japanese. My friend knew the whole story at that time and saw that he liked the nickname 'ha ya i' (so fast), so he gave him the nickname 'ha ya i' (so fast)" I gave it a formal name called 'Falcon' (ha ya), the Chinese character is falcon, which means falcon. My friend seems to like this kind of thing in their culture... Anyway, he said to the kid that he hopes this name can give What kind of luck does he bring?"

"Then, on that day, Zima organizations rushed into the refugee camp and massacred the refugees. The refugee camp was expanded several times in a hurry, exceeding the size that the peacekeeping forces could maintain. At that time, the United Nations peacekeeping forces The troops were engaging in firefights with militants at the other end of the refugee camp, so my friend asked this fast kid to find the peacekeepers while he tried to protect some children... Anyway, he died in the end."

"Finally, according to my friend's will, his prosthetic body was donated to our company to carry out scientific research activities. As for his last unorganized manuscript, part of it was sent to his own institution, and part of it was given to another friend of mine. In order to obtain this bequest, we ran to collect his body, and then we met the kid. He was crying profusely and said he was willing to die at the hands of my friend's relatives."

"Yawgmoth felt that this kid was pulled out of hell by our friend, and he should not be thrown back to hell, so he insisted on bringing him back. The kid has been here for a while, and he behaved before It’s pretty good.”

Xiangshan rubbed his face with his palms.

At this time, Florence walked in. She said to Xiang Shan: "Good news, we have found the falcon."

Xiang Shan rubbed his head: "What's the reason this time?"

Florence shook her head: "It's not clear yet. Falcon's English and Chinese don't support him in expressing things that are too complicated. We have already informed Ingrid to take a look." After saying that, Florence took another look. Lu Xuanyu's bare feet: "I think... maybe it's post-war PTSD? You know, that's the one..."

Lu Xuanyu looked at his feet, scratched his head and said, "It... seems to be said that this is a project invested by the military. But..."

"Many technologies of this prosthetic limb, including balance control algorithms, are interoperable with the exoskeleton." Xiang Shan shook his head: "Then when no one is controlling it, the powered exoskeleton can also form a four-legged automatic tactical platform, which can transport some luggage. some type of……"

Lu Xuanyu exclaimed: "You still sell arms?"

Xiang Shan rolled his eyes: "Do trucks count as arms? Exoskeletons can help people with limited mobility live independently, and four-legged delivery robots can also play a huge role in disaster areas with complex environments. But now customers have demand. We don't even By directly producing these military vehicles, we are providing technical support to a state-owned enterprise in the north."

"At this stage, this type of technology is mainly used in riot control and disaster relief. Peacekeeping forces are also widely used, especially robots that can be remotely controlled. They are very popular and have saved many lives in disguise." Floren Si explained, "When the peacekeeping forces intervened in the civil war in Selukaimidom a few years ago and tried to mediate, such robots using non-lethal weapons widely appeared on various battlefields. It is not surprising that Hayabusa has seen them."

Xiangshan muttered: "Can non-lethal weapons also cause PTSD?"

"Boss, you haven't been to a real battlefield." Florence reminded: "If you don't know what people have to face on a real battlefield, you shouldn't expect everyone to be equally strong."

At this time, Ingrid pushed the door in holding a crying dark-skinned child. Falcon sobbed and kept explaining something in some dialect.

Ingrid learned this language from the notes left by Kanbaru-san. This was the last thing Kanbaru-san was investigating.

Ingrid smiled apologetically at Lu Xuanyu.

Xiang Shan frowned slightly. It seemed like it took him a while to regain his normal expression. He asked: "What's going on?"

In order to avoid being sensitive to real events, and to avoid being "inconsistent with the history of this world line", we do not use real place names and ethnic names here. Instead, we use the ethnic names made up in the "Undifferentiated Engine", and some of the names used in the transliteration are used. Changing the relatively small characters to more popular ones is a kind of tribute.

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