Cyber Heroes

Chapter 627 The regretful person

The child named "Falcon" couldn't say too complicated things in English or Chinese yet. He just wiped his tears and explained something in their language.

Ingrid listened patiently and occasionally asked a few questions.

Xiangshan folded his arms and just waited.

It took a long time for Ingrid to piece together the cause and effect of the incident.

This matter is purely an error.

Falcon has been taught since he was a child that the Zima guys are not human beings. They are closer to those gringo war machines - things that have legs and can walk, made of gringo magic. The Zima tribe must be monsters made by similar magic. Otherwise, they would never have committed those atrocities against the Haua tribe.

The Zima guys must be cruel monsters created by similar evil spells.


Do not believe the cries of the Zima people, do not believe their pleas for mercy. That's just a disguise these monsters put on to survive. They don't have complex emotions like humans at all, they can only pretend,

Falcon has been taught this way since he was a child.

Of course, before that, an Asian told him that things might not be like this.

And he was willing to leave his motherland and come to this place just to see the "world" the gringo told him.


Ingrid touched the Falcon's head: "He saw witchcraft that he had never seen before. Although guns and cannons are also a kind of foreign witchcraft in his opinion, and powered exoskeletons are also a kind of witchcraft, but this Witchcraft reminds him of bad things..."

Lu Xuanyu took a deep breath: "So he wants to kill me? Huh?"

Ingrid pulled Falcon back two steps, shook her head and said: "No, it was this scene that reminded him of what he was taught when he was a child, and then triggered his bad memories. I think that aggressive behavior was not his intention. , he’s just… so good at this kind of thing.”

Lu Xuanyu shook his head: "This is very problematic!"

Falcon suddenly took two steps forward, then bowed fiercely and said in unskilled Chinese: "I'm sorry!"

Lu Xuanyu couldn't tell whether this guy was sincere or pretending. He actually wanted to beat the kid, but he clenched his fists and then unclenched them again.

Xiang Shan asked: "Then why did you cry again? Was it pain? Or something else?"

Falcon chattered to Ingrid again. Yingjia was startled, and her eyes turned red.

"What's wrong?" Xiang Shan asked hurriedly.

Ingrid sighed: "His crying has several meanings. For the first time, he realized the value of this kind of 'witchcraft'... He and Yog had seen Mr. Lu in the hospital bed before, and knew that Mr. Lu had previously He finally realized what we 'white wizards' were creating. He understood the significance of our work. Then, he suddenly thought of Kanbaru. Yog once also described it to him, saying that Kanbaru's work, Also part of a campaign to support prosthetics... He suddenly realized how meaningless Kanbaru's death was."

"Then, he still felt disgusted with himself. Just now, in a panic, he attacked Mr. Lu's vitals without thinking. He realized that he was actually still the bad guy who killed people at will on the battlefield, no different from the person who killed Kanbaru. "

Xiangshan probably froze for a moment, then leaned down and patted the child on the head: "It's good to realize that you were wrong. It's just that you were too cruel just now. You must not do this again in the future. You must apologize properly."

Falcon turned to Lu Xuanyu again and bowed to the end: "I'm sorry."

Lu Xuanyu clenched and released his fists, then waved his hand: "Forget it. This time I forgive you."

It took the kid some effort to understand. At this time, Xiang Shan said: "After you are forgiven, what do you say to the person who forgives you?"

Falcon suddenly realized it and said: "Thank you!"

At this time, Yawgmoth also came over. He seemed to have just finished work, and there was a tired look on his face.

He said to Lu Xuanyu: "Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry. My adopted son almost hurt you..."

Lu Xuanyu couldn't harden his attitude towards Yawgmoth. He waved his hand: "No need to talk about this. It's fine."

Ingrid led the falcon to Yawgmoth: "Okay, you go."

Just before leaving the house, Falcon began to tremble without warning. Yawgmoth only glanced at him twice and led him out.

Lu Xuanyu couldn't help but said, "Is there something wrong with that child?"

Xiang Shan shook his head, sat back on the table, and his face became gloomy: "You know, Selukaimidom is quite suitable for the growth of some... plants containing addictive ingredients. Then, some warlords will also use these types of plants. They use methods to control their subordinates, and they even control them layer by layer. Fortunately, their purification technology is about zero."

Lu Xuanyu was shocked: "There is also drug addiction... Isn't this too dangerous?"

"It's okay." Xiang Shan did not dwell on this issue: "This place has relevant qualifications and can store many drugs with psychoactive effects. It is not difficult to find a drug that can be used as an alternative maintenance therapy."

Alternative maintenance therapy is a method of treating drug or alcohol addiction using alternative medicines. For example, many countries now provide methadone to drug addicts to gradually wean them off heroin.

Lu Xuanyu looked at Xiang Shan in shock again.

Xiang Shan shook his head: "This is not surprising. Many drugs called drugs are excellent anesthetics, or can play an important role in brain-related research. We have applied for the qualifications for storage and use Yes. We have also made special applications for matters related to that brat. Besides, this may not be a problem in the future."

Lu Xuanyu was puzzled: "Addiction will definitely last a lifetime, whether it is physical or psychological..."

"Old Lu, where do you think 'heart addiction' exists? In the soul?" Xiang Shan shook his head: "It may exist in the way of thinking, in memory. But 'way of thinking' and 'memory' are the same. Found in the connections between neurons in the brain.”

"Imagine, you know that chewing a certain kind of grass feels good, and you know that you used to chew that kind of grass, but you forget 'specifically how good it feels' and 'how to feel good', and you will still have the so-called mental addiction. ?"

Now that things have happened, Lu Xuanyu is no longer surprised. He just nodded in admiration: "So that's's really amazing."

"The almighty Yawgmoth has one more motivation to conquer the 'Returning Pill Project'." Xiang Shan shook his head: "Speaking of which, Lao Lu, would you like to go out for a drink together tonight?"

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