Cyber Heroes

Chapter 711 The Ninth Martial God [Part Three]

The Eighth Martial God was born in the "volunteer team" of His Excellency Wang Yi Emery, and has followed the research progress of His Excellency Wang Yi Emery for a long time.

The Knights Hospitallers led by His Excellency King Yi Emory would have been a strong group on earth - if it hadn't been so severely injured by King Agni eighty years ago, and then King Agni had several waves of cleansing. If the fall is too serious, this knighthood may now be eligible to add a "holy" prefix.

It can be said that His Excellency Wang Yi Amory is definitely the kind of character who would rather eat his own shit than let King Agni smell the stink.

But then again...

In fact, it is not too unfair for His Excellency Wang Yi Amory to be treated like this.

The Eighth Martial God's technology of forcibly inputting personality masks and implanting false personality masks into other people's brains is based on the "virtual brain circuit" of His Excellency Wang Yi Emery.

The injustice of His Excellency Wang Yi Amory is that King Agni does not know this.

But now, Xiang Shan feels that this point needs to be discussed.

Eighty years ago, in order to help Zhu Xinyu get rid of King Agni's pursuit, the Eighth Martial God took the initiative to kill Tao Zang on behalf of him and take his own life.

Before he died, he also left a little evidence on the alien server, proving that Xiang Shan was stealing the secrets of several knights.

The amount of data is very small, so I tried my best to make it look like "you can clean it up in a hurry".

Moreover, there are a lot of these data that are used to confuse the officials and mislead their thinking.

"Virtual brain circuit technology should basically stay on the earth's servers." Xiao Ba said, "Wangyi Amory did research on the earth with the highest overall population density, and the data was still there before being synchronized to Mars. There is no need to upload the stuff I made myself after stealing the relevant research to Mars. Then, I don’t think any relevant data can survive the EMP storm like 80 years ago.”


The Eighth Martial God pondered for a moment: "This research knight is lying. If Lao Jiu is a fake personality mask born based on my technology, the AI ​​architecture should not be like this."

While Xiangshan was having an inner conversation with himself, more memories were evoked and entered the surface of his thinking.

That was what happened after the Ninth Martial God left the mysterious scientific research knight.

Xiang Shan embarked on an adventure. In the following years, he was doing two things - improving himself, and collecting information that could support the scientific knight's statement.

At the beginning, Xiangshan was active as a broadcaster. Mars also has an ionosphere, allowing broadcasting. The complex characteristics of Mars cities make it more difficult to be a broadcaster.

Coupled with the phenomenon of scientific knights privately funding cultural activities, Mars can be regarded as a mixed bag, which is very suitable for the activities of people like Xiang Shan.

Practice, sing, surf the Internet.

Except that he will publish some rebellious content, just like many civilians on this planet.

He gradually returned to some external skills. At the critical moment of life and death, he even miraculously reawakened his inner strength. He slowly built a new firewall and prepared an invasion path.

It was during this process that Xiangshan realized that the scientific knight still described his state very accurately.

There is indeed a remnant of the biological brain in his prosthetic body. He can feel those nerve impulses and can even make changes to these things by relying on the enzyme. However, this creature is too brain-dead.

A considerable part of his mind is electronic equipment. At least half of his soul exists in the computer.

It is precisely because of this that his martial arts progress is slow [compared to the individual source of information, that is, Martial Ancestor Xiangshan himself], and his internal strength is sometimes ineffective.

However, maybe it was a gift left behind by the unknown singer, or maybe it was a skill born by chance.

Xiangshan has a stronger talent in multi-line control.

All he had to do was embed a newly written task manager into his consciousness.

Since this mind is completely artificial, it is not shackles by human instincts. Even if the perspective, prosthetic form, field of view, information processing methods, etc. deviate from the natural state of the human being, he will not feel the slightest discomfort.

Therefore, after realizing this, Xiangshan adjusted his training plan.

The control of drone swarms and the control of polymorphs have become his main training objects.

This was the "military martial arts" that he disliked the most in the past.

However, he did so thanks to another skill of his.

Xiangshan felt that his eloquence was inexplicably good.

Although in the 1920s and 1930s, Xiangshan always regarded himself as a nerd and a nerd. But his communication skills are far higher than the average person. Especially after becoming the director of the research institute under the United Nations International Project Office, this skill has been greatly improved.

In the future, he will be able to deal with the market and the international political situation, and this factor will also be in it.

Of course, objectively speaking, the main reason why Superman Enterprise is so defiant is that the "capital" discovered by Yawgmoth is too strong. But no matter what, Xiangshan's decision-making ability, courage, vision, and communication skills are already very powerful without holding back in a confrontation of this level.

After becoming a knight, Xiang Shan's "instigation ability" has also been greatly improved. Although Yanye had been assisting at that time, he himself was also a guy who could fan the flames and ignite the world.

Xiang Shan, who was on Mars, found that his skill had improved again.

Xiangshan didn't notice it at first. But he soon found his audience growing at an unexpected rate. As long as he explains his views in public, he is sure to win applause.

Gradually, he formed a "behind-the-scenes force".

There are also many of his allies among the scientific knights.

With the help of these collaborators, the Ninth Martial God continues to obtain more parts, making the battle formation he controls even larger.

With the help of these people, he also successfully found the "original confidential information" described by the mysterious scientific research knight.

Ten years ago, the man known as the "Eighth Martial God" secretly conducted a series of research.

However, this illegal access seemed to have triggered some preset mechanism. That data was quickly offline. Later, King Agni even visited Mars once.

Fortunately, the scientific research knight group rejected King Agni, so he did not stay long.

Fortunately, Xiang Shan used his inner strength during this period and wiped away a large number of traces.

This chivalrous force lurking on Mars was preserved.

But it was precisely because of this that Xiangshan understood why he was born.

"If you don't seek a general solution, but just calculate a target...well, that's it."

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