Cyber Heroes

Chapter 712 The Ninth Martial God [Part 4]

"Universal solution" is always more difficult than "targeted purpose".

"A treatment that targets one type of cancer" is easier to research than "a treatment that works against all types of cancer."

On the premise that the side effects and efficacy are similar, "drugs that can only kill a few pathogens" are more likely to appear than "broad-spectrum antibiotics."

The technology that "can act on anyone and restore the damaged neural network" is naturally countless times more difficult than the technology that "transforms the neural network into a specified structure".

In fact, the "problem" faced by the Eighth Martial God is simpler than "transforming the neural network into a specified structure".

For the Eighth Martial God, this "designated structure" has a blueprint and clear data.

He himself is.

This is also the reason why research on the Eighth Martial God has advanced by leaps and bounds. The leader of the Hospital Knights named King Yi Emery needs to consider many things, but the Eighth Valkyrie only needs to consider "how to use virtual brain circuits to make the average person's neural network 'more like themselves' as a whole."

If Xiaoba hadn't had the memory of the Eighth Martial God's final treatment of his traces, he might have accepted this explanation.


"I am very sure that there is no data left in the outside world for the research on the virtual neural circuit of the Eighth Martial God." Xiaoba judged this way, "This theory is completely logical, but the starting point is problematic. Since the starting point is problematic, how can something like this happen? A logical answer turns out to be illogical.”

【really. ] A new idea intervened in his thinking process, [The story of the Ninth Martial God is a complete lie. 】

Then, another memory emerges.

With the help of the underground forces he developed on Mars, Xiangshan came into contact with an organization that had long existed.

That was during the period of the Sixth Martial God.

At the end of the Fourth Martial God Era, three low-level officers were inspired by the Fourth Martial God and wanted to become knights. But as King Agni blew up the space city of the Fourth Martial God, this idea was cut off.

As time went by, these three friends gradually became mid-level officers. During the Sixth and Seventh War God periods, mankind rekindled the craze for chivalry. These officers also took advantage of this trend to develop chivalrous strength among the grassroots soldiers, and developed several comrades below the same rank.

These people look forward to the day when they travel beyond the asteroid belt.

However, that day never came.

This force is part of the Planetary Defense Force and is responsible for operations on the surface of rocky planets and small icy celestial bodies. It belongs to a different order of battle than the space fleet and the gas giant planet fleet. In the orbit near Mars, they do have a small fleet of their own, but the main functions of this fleet are only orbital bombing, orbital landing and transportation.

The insufficient number of giant battleships makes it difficult for this small fleet belonging to the planetary defense force sequence to compete head-on with the real space fleet.

It is precisely because of this that they were supposed to land on the Jupiter satellite group late in the war.

However, the Seventh Martial God and other chivalrous forces were able to forcefully hold back enemies that were dozens of times more numerous than themselves outside the asteroid belt. At the critical moment, the Protector even tried to cross the ecliptic plane for support, but was still defeated by the super long-range light beam.

Until the seventh Valkyrie died in battle, the Protector failed to successfully cross the asteroid belt.

However, the Seventh God of War cannot penetrate into the asteroid belt. The Asylum's firepower is too great. If the White Ship Yi Cong escapes from the "geographical advantage" of the asteroid belt, they will only be wiped out in a short period of time.

During this period, King Agni was stationed near the asteroid belt for a long time, and traveled to and from the orbit of Mars on a daily basis.

Therefore, this team that was originally scheduled to revolt in front of the formation failed to respond to the righteous act of the Seventh God of War - because the commanders of this team judged that as long as they raised the flag of rebellion, King Agni would kill them all in an instant.

After the defeat of the Seventh Martial God, chivalrous power once again declined. The strength that this army had gathered was therefore unstable, and people's hearts were scattered, which led to many things. In the end, a considerable number of officers and soldiers had to leave the army, become knights, and then gradually disappear behind the desert.

This includes the first three people to be inspired.

But within this force, the main part that had been severely damaged lurked and continued to smolder.

Until another Xiangshan was born.

[There is no such thing as a sudden defection before the formation. ] The Ninth Martial God said this, [I have been active in that army. It started as a "private salon" for officers, and then became an underground concert with soldiers as the main body. After the military police were replaced by my own people, I even held several semi-public concerts in their internal "disconnected area"...]

[At the beginning, most of the soldiers didn't realize what I was singing... They just haven't been exposed to other music... At least they haven't been exposed to mature music, at most primitive songs at the jingle level. So they are happy too. Then, they vaguely understood that because of the underground organization's long-standing trend of creating things, they began to understand each other tacitly. 】

[Until one day, I met a person who called herself Ingrid Granat. Although I can't see any trace of Ying Jia in her body at all. But this is not difficult for an expert to do. You know, since the talent points are not on the computer, Yingjia's internal skills cannot be compared to the old dog and Xinyu, nor can they compare to Tolia (note, Anatoly's nickname). But in terms of the expansion of Saussure's domain, she is even stronger than these guys. 】

A new memory emerges. Carrying the musical instrument on his back, Xiang Shan came to a semi-artificial underground cave. Some fun-loving scientific knights expanded and fortified the cave, and there was no monitoring system or wireless network. This is a hangout for underground singers in the neighborhood.

If it weren't for broadcasting, Xiang Shan would also like this place. Sometimes he listens to others singing, sometimes he thinks about it, and sometimes he sings it himself.

Something called "culture" is brewing in this quagmire.

At this moment, a man followed Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan originally wanted to get rid of the stalker, but the other party's ability exceeded Xiangshan's imagination. Xiang Shan tried several times to no avail.

After the man realized Xiang Shan's intention, he quickly forced Xiang Shan into a small alley.

Then, this person called herself Ingrid Granat, and she just wanted to talk to him about "culture". This guy said that he is looking for a way to reshape culture and reshape common understanding.

Although in Xiangshan's eyes, this guy looks very much like a young man who was born in the past few decades, has an indifferent gender consciousness, and does things carelessly. But Xiangshan realized that this was what Ingrid would do.

So he hugged his old friend.

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