Cyber Heroes

Chapter 736 Burn my broken body [Part 4]

Xiangshan easily filtered out the voice of the Ninth Martial God Twelve Zodiacs from the background sound - for him who had acquired the memory of the Ninth Martial God, this was equivalent to "his own voice".

Different from ordinary internal warriors, in order to cooperate with the personality cover of the Eighth Martial God, he also specially practiced the skill of "connecting with the memory in the hard disk". For him now, the difference between "memory recorded in the hard drive" and "memory recorded in the biological brain" is very small.

Therefore, he already knew the information conveyed by "Taurus" and "Virgin".

He said to the Ninth Martial God: "We can't do this anymore. There is an idea that is particularly troublesome. I'm going to blow him up, otherwise you won't be able to hold on until the entire city's civilians retreat."

As he spoke, his body surface released more intense metal aerosol, and then he charged quickly.

The ninth God of War immediately gathered the sword in his hand and charged in the same direction with the "giant crab".

The so-called "idea sticks" refers to the senior officer who uses Gangqi martial arts.

In the battles of modern warriors, "intelligence" and "tactics" are of extremely high importance, and "right time and place" are also indispensable, followed by "resources". For a long time, Xiangshan has been at the "absolute advantage of intelligence". His opponents dismissed him as a "common rebel" and completely misjudged his danger. But he can rely on a higher level of internal strength to forcibly steal more data.

But in Paradox City, with the Ninth Martial God, everything was reversed. Lao Jiu has been studied over and over here for sixty years. All the configurations of Paradox City are aimed at Lao Jiu. The phonon knife, which has a ridiculously high installation rate, allows anyone to fatally wound Lao Jiu.

Moreover, Lao Jiu still uses a cosmic prosthetic body.

If it were in a cosmic environment and the equipment of both sides remained unchanged, then even ten or twenty times more Paradox City troops would be useless. These military forces cannot move freely in space at all. The Twelve Zodiacs can completely transform into a slaughterhouse assembly line and kill the entire Paradox City army in a short time.

But this is on earth. Lao Jiu is wearing a highly specialized prosthetic body for corona warfare, which is simply a burden.

There is no ultrasonic radar, and even hearing may not be possible.

In the metal aerosol, the twelve zodiac signs are like a blind man with his eyes open...

Well, maybe a little better than a blind man with his eyes open.

Strictly speaking, they do have a usable perception - the perception of magnetism.

The sensing part in the Gangqi Martial Arts system can generate a weak current when cutting the magnetic induction lines and convert it into a special "tactile signal". This was originally intended to better control metal aerosols. If you don't sense your own magnetic field, but sense the magnetic force of the outside world while moving - that is, the hostile Gang Qi martial arts user, it is not impossible.

But few do.

Moreover, the Ninth God of War and the Twelve Zodiac are not equipped with complete Gangqi weapon systems.

Gangqi is the enemy of military martial arts, but Baiji Dianyan is an extremely standard battle formation martial arts.

The complete Gang Qi martial arts system would interfere with Lao Jiu's own command.

The Gangqi weapon system of the Ninth God of War and the Twelve Zodiac can only open a single magnetic levitation mirror from the front - to be precise, diagonally above the head.

The complete Gangqi martial arts system used by Xiangshan will only interfere with the flow of signals.

Therefore, even if the Twelve Zodiacs can sense the magnetic field of Lian Yunhui, they can only sense an extremely vague direction - by analogy, it is like seeing it from the corner of the eye, and it is difficult to analyze the specific position information.

Currently, there is only one user of Gang Qi martial arts in the Sanctuary army.

As long as this person is killed, Lao Jiu can open up the situation.

Xiangshan opened his arms, and thicker metal aerosol sprayed out from his elbows, then rolled back and attached to his outer armor. The thin metal aerosol around him was also a bit troublesome for Xiangshan. In Xuanwu Zhen Gang·Snake Style, there are several moves including the Poisonous Dragon King, all of which are meant to take advantage of the "priority judgment mechanism" of human beings' instinct for "elongated reptiles" to squeeze out the opponent's limited brain computing resources. The only move that uses large metal aerosol clumps to move is the "Big Body Dragon King" move.

The low visibility caused by thin metal aerosol greatly limits the effect of the "magnetic field three-dimensional flower" activity.

The "Star Chip Rotation Skill" focuses more on rough control over a large area and is mostly used in large-scale firefights on frontal battlefields, while Xuanwu Zhengang focuses more on fighting small groups of elite enemies. This difference in strategy groups stems from the differences in personal experiences between David and Xiangshan. In the early assassinations, David often served as the frontal fireman, while Xiangshan was responsible for the deep beheadings.

The Stardust Rotation Power is more suitable for use against large-scale enemies.

In addition, Xiangshan must emphasize that the Stardust Rotation Skill is not complicated to master. The computing resources it requires are only about one-tenth of Xuanwu Zhengang, making it a kind of Gangqi martial arts more suitable for novices. However, if you want to go further on the road of Gang Qi martial arts, it is inevitable to switch from David's Star Spinning Technique to his Xuanwu Zhen Gang.


Since we can't take advantage of this instinctive fear now, we might as well not take advantage of it.

As the high-concentration Xuanwu Zhengang around Xiangshan shrank and expanded, the surrounding soldiers felt that their eyes suddenly turned gray and they could not see anything. At this time, most soldiers will instinctively attack straight ahead.

And Xiangshan will make a diving movement, curling up his three-meter-tall body to an unbelievable level, lowering himself down to bypass the obstruction of the opponent's weapon.

The body technique drives the metal aerosol, and the metal aerosol envelops the air. The abnormal news generated during this process caused most of the soldiers to temporarily lose their judgment.

Afterwards, he turned towards the mountain and struck out with lightning speed. When the heel of the palm hits the back of the opponent's head, it will also release an electromagnetic pulse. Even if the opponent is not paralyzed by his iron palm, the electromagnetic pulse is enough to destroy the electronic equipment in his skull.

Metal aerosols cannot protect against such zero-distance electromagnetic pulses.

With a gust of wind, a row of soldiers fell. The soldiers on their left suddenly lost the "upstream" signal and immediately "replenished" their positions over there. However, flaws in the formation will inevitably occur during movement.

The Ninth Martial God did not let go of this flaw, and immediately followed up, breaking up the team that made up the team.

He almost lost all sense. However, the ninth Martial God did not panic. His code didn't call the "panic" instruction.

He only needs to follow the direction of the discordant wind in front of him, and he will be able to behead that "pricking enemy".

I was shortlisted for the Galaxy Award. Although it is unlikely that I will win the award in the end, I am still very happy.

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