Cyber Heroes

Chapter 737 Burn my broken body [Part 5]

The patron's military formation also undergoes special drills. All their mid-level and lower-ranking officers checked their watches from time to time. Before a mission begins, almost all low-level officers leading a squad are assigned a "pace sheet" from an offline AI.

The pace of each individual team is even and rhythmic. For prosthetics, this is a very simple thing. They can maintain the "completely consistent" pace and rhythm until the end.

But the steps of most teams are staggered, with different cycles and different timings. Over a wide area, an approximately average effect is formed, and the vibrations on the ground will cancel each other out. Just relying on the sound will make people's feelings confused.

But among the harmony that resembles white noise, there is only a "disharmonious" sound that breaks through.

The ninth Martial God followed this discordant sound and moved forward.

A loud roar came.

"Cancer" failed to persist in the confrontation area.

Hundreds of ropes were mounted on the drone and rose silently into the air, forming a vertical blockade. These drones reach a slightly higher altitude than metal aerosols. There are densely packed drones in the sky that serve as ultrasonic emission sources and ammunition carriers, and even travel as "suspended landmines" to block the three-dimensional movement space of the God of War. So this small team is not so conspicuous.

Similar to the "anti-aircraft balloons" in World War II, this kind of thing is also designed to fight high-mobility targets. Due to the emergence of high-altitude bombers, the air force's combat altitude continued to increase, so anti-aircraft balloons gradually disappeared after World War II. However, warriors maneuvering at high speeds on the ground have reborn weapons similar to air defense balloons.

The "Cancer" had no sonic radar, and the rope attached to the drone was too thin, so he didn't notice it at all and crashed into it.

The powerful impact is transmitted directly to the drone through the rope. These ropes were hung on the prosthetic body of "Cancer" and were directly torn off the drone. The drone was directly torn to pieces by this huge force.

But this is just the beginning.

The moment the drone was torn apart, an electrical signal was activated. The capacitors at both ends of the rope are directly discharged, and the artificial muscle fibers woven inside the rope contract instantly. According to the principle that "objects will fall towards the lowest energy posture", the rope automatically forms a kink.

This thing will only be triggered when it is hit at high speed, and when the soldiers are marching, it is just an ordinary hanging rope - this is a weapon specially designed for warriors.

This rope has an inner core made of alloy braid, with artificial muscle fibers and carbon fibers woven into the middle, and the outermost layer is composed of countless tiny scales with an internal structure close to diamonds. If you use the outer skin of this thing as a file or sandpaper, it can scratch even the most advanced alloys. And this material provides unparalleled friction.

"Cancer" froze at this moment.

The sound of "click" appeared immediately. "Cancer" reacted immediately and tried to break free. It was the capacitor that supported the contraction of the artificial muscle fibers. Judging from the quality of the rope, this thing cannot sustain contraction for a long time. Just hold on for a few seconds...

But where are the few seconds of free time on the battlefield?

When the surrounding soldiers heard the movement, they immediately took action. Several thicker cables rose from a position ten centimeters above the ground, and then pressed towards the "Giant Crab" - it was clearly a wired cable used by the troops for communication.

These cables are also ridiculously strong in order to avoid being cut easily. For the government, these resources are nothing.

And this approach has also led to the development of different uses for this thing among the war formations.

Several cables pressed on the "Cancer". Subsequently, more junior military attachés sent out sonic signals, calling their comrades in code to join them quickly. New cables were connected to both ends of this cable, and the connection points were accelerated by an alloy structure. More teams joined in.

Dozens or hundreds of people gathered together to fight against the "Cancer".

"Cancer" knows something is wrong. The strength of the automatically contracting cables on his body dropped slightly, and the vector jet on his body was turned on directly. The remaining joints on "Cancer"'s body worked together.

Then, in the explosion-like movement, hundreds of soldiers were thrown high into the sky.

This is the power of top prosthetics. The reactor inside the "Twelve Zodiacs" is even more efficient and powerful than the nuclear-powered ships of the early 21st century. Although many joints and parts of the prosthesis rely on magnetic levitation and have no actual contact, the energy utilization rate is not very high. But the most advanced prosthetics like the Zodiac can drag ancient aircraft carriers.

The crowd that was thrown high into the air rushed into the air, even out of the range of the metal aerosol. A few unlucky ones even triggered drone "aerial mines." The shock wave and flames cleared away some of the nearby metal aerosol.

"Cancer" clearly saw that between the flying soldiers, two senior military attachés holding phonon knives were rushing over.

"Cancer" no longer hesitated, and gathered all the remaining strength in his body. At the same time, he opened all the vector jets on his body, including the hidden nozzles. Fusion reactor metabolites are ejected directly from hidden vents.

Xiangshan was instantly accelerated to an incredible speed. He surpassed the reaction of a senior military attache. The impact angle on his shoulder hit the enemy's neck, half of his head was smashed directly, and the remaining half of his head was thrown high.

Unless the opponent's biological brain has been modified to the same extent as the Speed ​​King, it is basically dead.

Then, Xiangshan crashed into the crowd. The explosions were in a line.

When the second military attache caught up, "Giant Crab" had been scratched several times by the phonon knife, and his outer armor was in tatters. He even managed to maintain his appearance only by the ropes that restrained him. "Cancer" roared loudly, and at the same time turned around and ran towards the senior military attache.

All the hidden missiles in the senior military attache's body were fired, but Xiang Shan took off his outer armor and threw it out. Amidst the explosion, a zodiac with only a skeleton approached the senior military attaché. He intercepted the opponent's slash with his left hand. While his left hand flew up, he held down the opponent's head with his right hand and hit the enemy with his abdomen.

The heavy bullets fired from behind actually became thrust at this time.

In the last few milliseconds before the fusion reactor lost reaction conditions, the "Cancer" pressed the military attache's head into a ball of nuclear fuel that was undergoing a fusion reaction.

Then, the ensuing rocket bomb blasted the "Giant Crab" into a pile of parts.

When the Ninth God of War heard the last roar of "Cancer", he knew that one of the twelve zodiac signs had disappeared.

However, "Cancer" has accomplished its strategic goals excellently.

Because the "Cancer" made too much noise, the pressure on the Ninth Martial God and Xiangshan was much less. Although many people have noticed that "the teammates around them suddenly disappeared", people a little further away can't tell the difference between this side and the "Cancer" side, thinking that everything is done by the Cancer alone.

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