Cyber Heroes

Chapter 753

After learning that "The Liberation Emperor forced the border forces to cancel the interstellar migration plan," Yawgmoth realized one thing again.

It was not Xiangshan who liberated the emperor.

The liberated emperor was not the same Xiang Shan.

For the Emperor of Liberation, "peace", "stability" and "efficiency" were above all else.

For the Liberation Emperor, "development" itself is the meaning. The purpose of development is development. Even if humans are to be sacrificed and dedicated to "science and technology", it is still worthwhile. Humanity exists to develop.

Over the past two hundred years, little by little changes have made Xiangshan's goals and methods completely different.

From "development for the sake of mankind" to "humanity survives for the sake of development".

While Yawgmoth was thinking, light appeared directly in front of the spacecraft. Soon, the light source became bigger and bigger.

[Exit No. 3 of the "Guardian Area". 】Zhu Xinyu said: 【You can go out from here and pass through the Bifrost to reach Eden. I temporarily changed the workflow for one of my drones. You will transfer at the edge of "Eden". In "Zion" you can meet up with the Borderers. 】

[Team? 】Yawgmoth was a little happy: 【Did you call in? 】

[Uh... Okay, you are too optimistic, Yog. ] Ingrid sighed again: [That's for trade... You may understand it as... tribute. 】

Yawgmoth thought he heard wrongly: [What? 】

[Of course it’s not called “tribute” in name, but everyone knows what it actually is. ] Ingrid said: [Of course the Liberating Emperor will not let go of the work ability of the border people... In the past few decades, the border people have used various data to exchange resources with the Liberating Emperor. Literary and artistic works, digital modeling, genetic data, scientific research data, anything can be used. Of course, the border people were not qualified to negotiate with the liberating emperor. 】

[But Xiangshan also knows the principle of fishing without exhausting the lake, so so far, his treatment is quite... fair. 】

Zhu Xinyu sneered at Ingrid's evaluation: [A sale that only one party can set the price for is unfair. 】

Yawgmoth felt unreasonable: [Didn’t he destroy the border people’s immigration fleet? Isn't this a great feud? 】

[Border people also have to live. 】 Ingrid said: 【Jupiter and Saturn with large amounts of nuclear fuel, rocky planets with abundant solar energy, and asteroid belts with rich mineral resources and low mining difficulty, all have troops stationed by the Liberation Emperor. If the border people don't want all of them to hibernate, they have no choice but to accept the deal to liberate the emperor. Moreover, if it weren't for this deal, we wouldn't have a chance to save you. 】

Yawgmoth was a little depressed: [Damn...this...this can still be won. 】

【able. 】Zhu Xinyu’s answer was decisive.

[Can we still win with such a disparity in fighting power? 】

【Of course. ] Zhu Xinyu said this: [A tyrant may not be defeated by external forces, but his biggest enemy is himself first. 】

[The Liberation Emperor’s resource consumption to maintain the illusion is rising year by year. An awakened person can consume a lot of his computing resources. A vulnerability that is too late to deal with can trigger a chain reaction among the crowd. And those "limited researchers" he specially banned can even generate new neural circuits again and again in the confrontation with the seal to bypass the mechanical restrictions and become awakened and destroyers of the system again. 】

[The Liberation Emperor must rely on technological breakthroughs again and again to maintain this state. 】

Yawgmoth thought: [Then, he only needs to freeze part of his brain...]

——No, this is the only thing Xiangshan won’t do.

The Emperor of Liberation no longer fought for humanity, but for development, and would rather sacrifice humanity to "development"...

Then he will not stop developing. Because that's his goal now.

To freeze part of the liberated emperor's brain is to force the liberated emperor to deny his current thoughts.

How much Xiang Shan loved mankind in the past, how obsessed with efficiency the current Emperor of Liberation is.

[The Liberating Emperor must rely on continuous technological progress to offset the rising costs of rule. Those nameless beings who serve as parts that make up the Emperor's personal machine are unconsciously undermining the rule of the Liberating Emperor. Zhu Xinyu said: [What we have to do at this stage is to constantly steal brains like yours and destroy the scientific research plan to liberate the emperor. 】

[The Emperor of Liberation just updated some information on the fantasy world today and went to inspect it himself. It was precisely because of this that Zhu locked the address he visited and sent me there. ] Ingrid said: [Xiang Shan has very high authority. And he was emperor for two hundred years. In his subconscious mind, all humans should have "that attitude" - you know what I mean. It is precisely because he visited that address that the virtual space specific to you was greatly distorted. Xiangshan quickly noticed this, so he left directly. And I will guide you to further awakening. In order to counter your awakening, the system will apply for more computing resources, and we will monitor the sudden increase in computing resource demand in nearby areas to find you. 】

[But before Yingjia connected, you had already broken through the system's limitations several times. 】 Zhu Xinyu smiled and said, 【Liberate the Emperor... Haha. Okay, take a closer look at Yog. We are about to enter the Rainbow Bridge area. This will be the last thing you see before you leave. The camera will be turned off after entering "Eden". The following area may be interesting to you. 】

[Aegis, Bifrost, Eden...these are all messy place names. ] Yawgmoth sighed, [His naming taste is still so bad...]

While the three were talking, the spacecraft turned and flew into a patch of light.

What is reflected in the camera is light...huge light...

Everything above, below, left and right was filled with rainbow-colored light. Light and shadow flow up, down, left and right. Extremely dazzling.

——The naming taste is bad, but it is quite vivid...

Yawgmoth asked: [What is this? 】

[Each unit of this thing is a hexagonal prism, supported by the most transparent material, and the refractive index is almost the same as the internal solution. 】Zhu Xinyu said, 【Inside each hexagonal prism, there is a dense porous foam made of polymer materials... Most of the voids inside have diameters close to the average diameter of biological cells on Earth. The liquid is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, methane, ammonia, inorganic salts and other substances. Then, some of the hexagonal prisms are directly irradiated by laser, some of the hexagonal prisms have current continuously passing through them, and some of the hexagonal prisms are directly heated by electricity...]

[It is said that this is something dug out of your brain. 】

This giant building actually exists in the main world line, but the Emperor of Liberation built more of it.

I originally planned to let it play the main story first, but it turned out that there was really no chance to plug it in the last volume.

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