Cyber Heroes

Chapter 754

In 1953, a young man in his twenties from the United States conducted an experiment with the help of his mentor.

He placed a large amount of methane, ammonia and other substances in a sealed device and continued to heat the water storage part of the device. The heated water vapor enters a bottle with a discharge device and a gas mixture that simulates the original atmosphere of the Earth. After this, the reacted water vapor will enter the condenser tube and be recirculated.

After such a device was simply cycled several times, amino acids for detection appeared in the device.

As a result, mankind confidently announced that it had initially solved the problem of the origin of life.

This is the famous Miller-Ule experiment - "Miller" and "Ule" are the names of the young man and his mentor.

This experiment is simple enough and elegant enough.

However, it's not that convincing.

As the moon landing project progressed, the theoretical basis of this experiment was also shaken-human beings suddenly knew that the moon was likely to have been part of the earth. This was confirmed later.

The "original environment of the earth" speculated by the Miller experiment did not take into account such drastic changes. The conditions set up in that experiment are questionable.

The Earth's original atmosphere may have been oxidizing enough to destroy the organic matter produced by the natural movements that Miller envisioned.

But it’s not like humans haven’t come up with new ideas.

For example, submarine volcanoes.

Undersea hot spring volcanoes will continuously erupt hot springs at hundreds of degrees. These springs contain large amounts of metallic lithium compounds. The temperature and pH of this hot spring are completely different from those of the surrounding high-pressure seawater. When the two meet, a strong neutralizing reaction occurs.

The hot eruptions form a loose and porous structure in the cold, high-pressure seawater. The diameter of those voids is comparable to that of cells.

Scientists speculate that it may be these rock pores that force the disordered water flow to flow in a certain order, and the reaction between hot springs and seawater is forcibly tamed. Undersea hot springs provided complex materials and energy for the first life.

During hundreds of millions of years of meaningless chemical reactions, a molecule was accidentally born that could use the simple organic matter around it to assemble itself in an orderly manner.

This is the origin of life.

This molecule expands itself bit by bit, incorporating more information into itself, and increasing the various reactions it can participate in...

Until eventually, together with the lipids attached to the rock wall, it formed the first cells.

The Emperor's "Rainbow Bridge" simulates this process. The artificial membrane board divides the hexagonal prism into two different areas. One side is heated, and the other side is close to the cooling equipment embedded in the "Rainbow Bridge" frame. Through clever design, water can flow on both sides of the foam board. Loop at a fixed rate...

Ah, of course, not all hexagonal prisms are like this. The foam sides of some hexagonal prisms are the positive and negative poles of the power supply. A weak electric field can flow through both sides of the foam board.

There are also foam structures whose refractive index is almost the same as that of the surrounding solution and are directly irradiated with low-intensity laser light. These parallel beams only hit the foam board and half of the hexagonal prism.

[Water collected from the asteroid belt, natural organic matter obtained from Jupiter and Saturn...] Zhu Xinyu said.

Yawgmoth asked: [How many hexagonal prisms are there? 】

[Numbers that are much more convenient in scientific notation. Zhu Xinyu said: [I haven’t seen the specific information, but generally it should be between ten to the thirteenth power to the fifteenth power]

Yawgmoth did some mental calculations and found that if he calculated at a higher level, the earth's water resources might not be as much as those of the Rainbow Bridge.

This order of magnitude is roughly on the same level as the number of stars in the Milky Way.

Each hexagonal prism is equivalent to a small planet with only one liter of water and a foam board. These small planets are rapidly simulating the evolution of life in an artificial environment.

The birth of life is completely an event of betting on probability.

Maybe it will appear the next day, or maybe it will appear a billion years later.

But "billion" is also several orders of magnitude away from the "little planet" in the Rainbow Bridge.

Xiang Shan is using violence and exhaustion to get through the sea of ​​suffering called "probability".

【So to...detect...ah...】

This giant structure was his idea. Xiangshan will only make this thing more perfect.

A laser beam can detect thousands or even tens of thousands of hexagonal prisms at one time. As long as one of these thousands of hexagonal prisms produces an interesting chemical reaction, it can be reflected in the monitoring data.

Laser detection of several different paths can easily determine the coordinates where life reactions occur.

This process can be done with drones and simple procedures. Xiangshan will always leave these repetitive tasks to machines.


The original Ogun still only brought an origin of life.

In Xiangshan's fictional history, "technological leap" cannot explain this thing anyway, so the remaining seven origins of life that have been exhausted over the past few years have been stuffed by Xiangshan into Ogun in the virtual history.

Yawgmoth stared at the Rainbow Bridge and didn't speak for a long time.

At the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Zhu Xinyu said: "Okay, you can't turn on the camera in the next section of the road. Bear with it, it might be a little dark."

Yawgmoth lost his sight.

The brain does not feel anything when it is disconnected from the machine. Yawgmoth felt that a long time had passed.

During this time, he should have experienced at least one transfer.

Finally, he heard Zhu Xinyu's farewell.

[Goodbye, you two. I can only help you so far. I have not obtained any authority in the Zion area, and if I continue to follow, I will be easily exposed. Bon Voyage. 】

[Xinyu...] Ingrid said: [You must take care of yourself too! 】

【Um. ] Zhu Xinyu said calmly: [I will never die before the camera records the death of the Liberation Emperor. 】

Yawgmoth said: [Goodbye. 】

Then, he fell into darkness again.

Maybe it’s the darkness that breeds fear. In the process, some doubts sprouted in his mind.

When he woke up again, he was already in a strange cabin.

A strange prosthetic put his hand on his chest and greeted Yawgmoth with ancient understanding: "Welcome, 'Healer'. Welcome back to the real world. I am the captain of this ship..."

Yawgmoth raised his arms. It was a pair of unfamiliar hands, bright silver light.

Yawgmoth, who had been hallucinating in 2077 not long ago, was in a trance for a moment.

And the man who called himself the captain was talking happily.

Yog looked out the porthole. In the direction of the sun, a huge black structure casts a huge shadow.

Originally, when Lao Jiu took the throne, the Rainbow Bridge in the main world would appear. It's a pity that it can only be placed here.

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