Cyber Heroes

Chapter 810 Father and Son

The "Second Airport Zone" is a port under construction that has not yet been opened. It is located slightly above the city of Ur. It is a narrow area sandwiched between two outer armors of starships. In the next fifteen years, the city of Ur will prepare to install aircraft fixed equipment on the outer armor of the battleship. In this place with extremely low gravity, the aircraft can be fixed upside down without any problems.

Of course, that's in the future.

As of now, there is nothing here.

Protector Ti was wrapped in a black robe, folded his hands in front of his chest, and walked nearby in a carefree manner.

Then, he slowly said in plain text on the public channel: "No need to hide it. Everyone's internal skills are pretty good. You can still judge whether the surrounding cameras are controlled and whether you are being monitored. You also followed me. It’s been a whole day, isn’t it?”

After several minutes, a hatch three hundred meters away opened.

The second airport area is not a completely sealed area, so entry and exit need to rely on the hatch.

Sandel came out.

Compared with when he was in the office, Sandelier is obviously a whole lot bigger now. He put on replaceable reactive armor, carried a large weapon in the shape of a lance, a missile launcher on his shoulder, and a sword-like weapon hanging on his waist.

Completely armed.

"Huh? Sandler's clone." Guardian Ti sneered: "I thought it would be Su Dingji or Carlson. They actually pushed you out."

Between words, he didn't take Sandelier seriously at all.

"Why can't it be me?" Sandelier asked. He slowly lowered his body, raised his spear, and took a stance: "Mr. Su and Mr. Carlson will protect the workers at the mine or other engineering areas according to the scheduled plan. Naturally, this is me."

Neutral city-states can gather some first-level heavenly warriors. And these first-level heaven warriors need to protect various positions. Whether it is a mining collection area located in the asteroid belt or industrial equipment placed elsewhere in the asteroid belt, they all need protection. In addition, they also need to guard against interstellar pirates and guard against undetected small forces of Protectors.

These few first-level heavenly warriors each have their own responsibilities.

Compared to the others, Sandriel was much younger and had more time to practice.

Behind Protector Ti, several rays of silver light began to flash, and the magnetic chain weapon was waving behind him with fangs and claws, like an animal threatening natural enemies. There are also magnetic link weapons that snake and crawl on the ground - this is to increase the contact area between the magnetic link weapons and the metal surface to gain stronger mobility.

"That's really a pity." Protector Ti said so casually on the surface.

Protector Ti was not as arrogant as he appeared on the surface.

A few hours ago, the envoy was the first to notice that the Six Dragons Cult troops were locked. Not just the large army, nor just the Guardians, but the vast majority of the people in their small team that captured Li Zheyuan.

"Another group" targeted them.

Protector Ti made a prompt decision and immediately left the team and went to another place, taking advantage of the opponent's preparations to invite a battle with the opponent's first-level master.

After all, this is a neutral city-state and the official base camp of Ur City. Here, Ur City officials can use various means to make various arrangements.

If they delay any longer, they might risk recalling the three first-level warriors who are still outside to encircle and suppress the Six Dragon Cult team.

At that time, Protector Ti can rush out on his own, but the entire team will definitely be annihilated.

Protector Ti also ordered the envoys to launch a surprise attack on the residence of Li Zheyuan, the great sinner, regardless of whether the plan was complete. It would be best to catch him in one go. If not, there is no need to stay any longer. The Six Dragons Cult team immediately evacuated Ur. city.

If it is impossible to evacuate by spaceship, try to remove your own head, control the prosthetic body and throw the head into space. Their intracranial equipment has a transmitter that will send out a signal six months later. The Six Dragon Sect's lurking local forces will take back their heads when the time comes.

And he himself walked directly through most of the city of Ur at the fastest walking speed and the shortest path to get here.

Ur City officials never expected that a battle between first-level heavenly warriors would break out at this location. They only had time to declare martial law, and there was no firepower position here that could break the outer armor of first-level heavenly warriors.

He did not underestimate his enemy, the "community of Ur".

However, when he saw Sandriel, he expressed contempt for this "individual belonging to the collective of Ur City".

Decades ago, he had an encounter with the old Sandler. That old man is not as good as him, let alone his clone?

Sandriel turned into a silver-gray shadow. Several rays of metallic "lightning" struck the man in mid-air, and the two were separated at the first touch. Sandler flicked the gun, stood behind Protector Ti, and said, "What a pity."

And Tihu Law said "Hey".

In the silent collision, a corner of Protector Ti's black robe was scratched and shattered, revealing half of his thick arm.

"It's a pity that I didn't kill you when you looked down on me the most." Sandler said: "I have to admit that you are indeed much better than me. But why are you two like this... Why are you here? What about the master who was sure that I was not as good as me before he met me?"

Sandriel still remembers the scene when his master handed the prosthetic body to him.

The master sighed at that time: "You have finally become me... Is there anything else you want to do? After changing into a prosthetic body, there are many things that cannot be done casually."

Sandler replied: "What I really want to do can't be done until I put on that prosthetic body."

The master silently patted his shoulder, and after a while he said: "The fourth Martial God once hoped that he would be the last Xiangshan. Everyone should be themselves, not the Martial Ancestor. However, he himself But he is the first human being to take the initiative to synchronize the personality of the Martial Ancestor through the Martial Ancestor's memory - I was once a subordinate of the Fourth Martial God, so I feel that I have no position to oppose this kind of thing... But watching you be born as my successor , I...I still hope you can do what you want to do."

Sandiel curled his lips: "Fish farming is not fun at all."

Old Sandelier was stunned.

"I tried, I don't want to be a zoologist at all." Sandler said: "You are the one. Now that you are retired, go to the research institute to raise fish and don't think about where to kill. I I just want to be the guardian of Ur City and gain the respect of everyone in Ur City."

The master and apprentice looked at each other. Old Sandelier laughed and patted his disciple on the shoulder without saying anything more.

"Congenital identical genes will not lead to completely identical thinking. The formation of the brain's neural network will be affected by nurture. A person who practices martial arts with enthusiasm, his martial arts skills are really not as good as those killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Are you a veteran? Not necessarily?" The missile on Sandler's shoulder was aimed at the guardian: "On the contrary, I am very curious, why do you two think that I must be inferior to my master?"

The gastroenteritis recurred yesterday and lasted until midnight. I'm sorry...

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