Cyber Heroes

Chapter 811 Li Zheyuan

Li Zheyuan huddled quietly in the darkness. This is a dormitory for single workers.

The people living in this place are ordinary single workers. After the workers here take off their prosthetics after work, they use a prosthetic body less than one meter tall, which allows them to move around freely with their heads. They look like some kind of cartoon big-headed dolls.

Since the body is small enough, the space a person needs to allocate can also be very small. A small room can accommodate many workers with a shelf-like collective bed.

It's not abuse. In fact, the workers who live here can go out of the cabin to work in space. Their income is relatively high among the workers in Ur. There are still many workers in the city, and the transformation rate has not been reached. They can only work inside the city of Ur, and their work efficiency is even far less than that of workers with full transformation rate.

Many of these workers are veterans of the old Star Fleet. The original kleptocratic troops absorbed by the old Star Fleet came from the United States Navy Fleet. Some soldiers with sufficient seniority, even only thirty or forty years younger than Wu Zu himself, have experienced the changes from the "old generation" to the "present".

King Agni abandoned the old Sky Star Fleet and did not take any special measures to organize search and rescue afterwards, which also caused these people to completely cut off their "fighting" thoughts and become workers instead.

This group of people's ability to judge material conditions is naturally inherited from the old times.

It's not that they "can only stay here", but "they think it's better to stay here".

Compared with the waste products excreted by natural people's metabolism, prosthetic people do not have this trouble. The baseline person who has become a prosthetic Laman can only rely on electrical energy to move and cut off breathing. Problems such as smell and infectious diseases caused by "many people crowded together" do not exist for baseline people.

And such a low-level prosthetic body does not have such a keen sense of touch. The "sense of depression caused by crowding" does indeed exist.

But there is no problem entering the virtual world.

Rather than "living in a big house", the workers here prefer to set up their own local area network and rest online in their free time - don't forget that the founders of Ur City include several subordinates of the Fourth God of War. . The Fourth Martial God vigorously promotes the construction of online life and online culture.

As for the outside space, leave it to those children who need an activity space.

This is the hiding place Li Zheyuan prepared for himself. The lighting is dim, and the collective ex-soldier-turned-workers are quite exclusive. If someone rushes in and disturbs them, they will show hostility.

In this case, any mistakes in my performance will not be so eye-catching.

He had bribed maintenance personnel to modify the small piece of lighting in the hallway at the door and connected it to another receiving device.

If the light flashes for a long time and lasts for one minute, it means that your residence has been raided and the equipment at your residence has sent out an alarm signal.

He made this arrangement early on.

This is one of his many escape routes. After this incident, he couldn't go back to his previous life. He even prepared two escape routes. He has a false identity that he has been operating locally for a long time. In addition, this prosthetic body also has a secret key. He can find a businessman to help him smuggle to Mars.


"What a shame," he muttered.

Almost two hundred years ago. For the past two hundred years, he has been hiding in Tibet, not daring to stay in one place for too long - before this, he had not even lived in one place for more than eight years.

And he lived in Ur thirty years.

Thirty years have been enough for him to have a little sense of belonging to his "hometown".

——You can’t do this, Li Zheyuan...

He said to himself in his mind.

——It’s because of thirty years of peace that you developed a lazy mind and were targeted...

——Don’t be tired, keep fighting and overcome the suffering! This is your life creed, isn't it!

Li Zheyuan was born in Seoul on the Korean Peninsula. His family of eight lived in a small house of less than 40 square meters, with the windows facing the above-ground part of the city's subway. Every time a railcar passes by, it is extremely noisy.

After spending a short childhood, Li Zheyuan began his youth studying sixteen hours a day.

Among his four siblings, except for his eldest and most incompetent sister, all of them passed the college academic ability examination and successfully went to college. This made their home the envy of the entire neighborhood. Li Zheyuan is one of the best. He passed the exam in one try and was admitted to the top university in the country. He even got a direct offer from Harvard Medical School and became the disciple of the biologist Yawgmoth, the father of all machines.

If it hadn't been for that year, my sister who couldn't stand the pressure of repeating her studies committed suicide, maybe it would have been a perfect year.

Since then, Li Zheyuan has embarked on a life completely different from that of his brothers and sisters. They went to ordinary and excellent universities, worked for ordinary foreign plutocrats in their own countries, and lived ordinary lives.

After Li Zheyuan entered his mentor's laboratory, he successfully left a certain impression on Yawgmoth, who was still very young at the time, with a group assignment.

With this fate, he became one of the scholars recruited by Xiang Shan and became a member of the world's top consortium...

Ah, those were truly golden times. The country's plutocrats, whether they are setting off nationalist trends, holding high the banner of protectionism, or pushing for legal revisions, cannot stop Xiangshan and Yawgmoth's will.

Xiangshan is a genius. Through his personal interpersonal relationships, he was lucky enough to monopolize the "mining" of "immortality technology" - the process of extracting "knowledge" from "unknown mysteries" like "mining", was actually used by this enterprising person. There are also people with foresight who have grasped it. He does not monopolize knowledge, he shares it. But most of the talents capable of such "mining" are under his control.

Li Zheyuan watched how the plutocrats who had influenced his father's life gradually melted away in the face of Yawgmoth's magic power.

At that time, he even believed in Xiangshan's faith.

Thinking of this, Li Zheyuan couldn't help but grab his throat with his hands. Although this body does not need to breathe, as a former Homo sapiens, he has become accustomed to it.

In the darkness, this guy who was despised by everyone whispered: "I just want... I just want to live... It was Xiangshan who was wrong, it was Yawgmoth... it was those two lunatics..."

"They are the ones who opened Pandora's box. I didn't..."

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