Cyber Heroes

Chapter 858 The Shooter’s Experience

That was a few days ago.

The shooter followed the pre-arranged direction and took the seabed to Southeast Asia. On the way, he unexpectedly met someone who was traveling alone.

The memory encapsulated in the database told him that this was most likely Yang Mengying, Lin Yu's daughter and Chen Feng's granddaughter. Sagittarius Xiangshan immediately followed him, wanting to find out. He had no intention of showing up at first, he just wanted to follow up and understand the situation. After all, there is the precedent of Shen Yuan Yanye. Two hundred years have passed, and no one can guarantee what the status of those knights back then will be now.

However, the highly reflective coating is still too unsuitable for hiding.

Yang Mengying discovered the prosthetic man near her. She first warned Xiang Shan not to get close, as she was doing something dangerous now, and then after a few seconds she made a "sudden realization" gesture and was surprised to recognize the prosthetic body.

At this point, Xiang Shan had no choice but to ask what the other party was doing.

Yang Mengying also evades this topic.

Perhaps it was this attitude that somewhat dispelled Xiangshan's suspicion.

The shooter did not leave immediately, but stopped and chatted with Yang Mengying for a while.

In the process, a group of masters with specialized underwater prosthetics have surrounded Xiangshan.

When Xiang Shan discovered this, he immediately chose to distance himself from Yang Mengying. But then, he discovered that the target of those mysterious enemies seemed to be Yang Mengying. Although he suspected that this might be a trick, the shooter still chose to help Yang Mengying.

then. He was attacked from behind by Yang Mengying.

After that, a guy with terrifyingly strong external skills attacked him from behind and suppressed him. Immediately afterwards, Kanyuan Yanye used internal martial arts on his AI.

After this, several of his processes were forcibly stopped.

However, when in Paradox City, when "Beta Sin" reconstructed the AI ​​of the Twelve Zodiacs, he also sealed several viruses he had recently written into the shooter. As long as they were connected to the shooter's system, these viruses would Uploaded to the intruder's body, hindering the operation of the chip and even causing damage.

This preparation curbed the possibility of Shenyuan Yanye reading the data of the shooter Xiangshan.

Those people seemed to be very interested in his data and did not destroy the prosthetic body directly.

It should be said that his restart speed was unexpectedly fast, and the opponent had no time to dismantle the body. And when it comes to torpedoes, they are reluctant to give up data.

Therefore, the shooter was hung below the submarine. This is directly opposite a group of torpedo launch ports.

The shooter cannot dodge the torpedo while breaking the chain.

At this moment, the shooter still has the ability to destroy the submarine. The power device he stretched out provided strong power under vacuum. If the reactor is fully opened, these vents can release quite terrifying power. In this viscous seawater, these forces will be absorbed and condensed by the water.

The high temperature creates a huge bubble, like a torpedo explosion.

Of course, a body moving at high speed in a vacuum cannot withstand such impact. The shooter will undoubtedly be torn to pieces. But the submarine above was not immune.

However, the shooter Xiang Shanshan did not do this. He didn't know if this group of enemies called the "Six Dragon Sect" only had one submarine. If he chooses this, it is really not cost-effective to exchange a top-notch machine body for such a relatively low-cost submarine, and it will not help the situation.

The shooter made a calculation based on the submarine's course, speed and his own prior plans. He believed that before Shenyuan Yanye completely cracked his own system, his own body might encounter these guys.

If this submarine also participated in the siege of the main body...

At that time, if we use the forbidden hand of Heaven and Earth, we might be able to turn the situation around.

——It seems that now...

The shooter glanced toward the distant location of the battle.

The light from the submarine shines on a warrior.

That is Xiangshan's true identity, the real Xiangshan.

"Let's see what happens..." the shooter thought.

He actually couldn't stay too long. Kanyuan Yanye may crack the backhand sealed in his system at any time and obtain the data that the Six Dragons Sect wants. No matter what the data is or what it is used for, the shooter has no intention of letting them get their wish.

The shooter looked at the main body and swung his sword angrily, repelling several incoming Six Dragon Cult warriors.

--not the right time yet……

At this time, a squid approached quietly. The pigment cells on the skin expanded and contracted, and a series of QR codes were painted in black and white.

This has been going on for several days. The shooter has realized that these calamari appear to be intelligent. And has a deep relationship with the Six Dragons Sect.

Speaking of which, he did remember seeing a few squid on the way here.

At that time, he was still happy that "there are such big wild animals in the ocean."

He now understood how he was locked.

In view of the fact that QR codes are basically unfriendly in this era, Xiangshan intuitively turned off his visual receptors at first, leaving the sonar system alone.

It is true that internal strength is a technology developed for the human brain. However, this does not mean that internal masters must perform Gu magic by themselves. They can leave QR codes in all kinds of unexpected places. If a well-trained squid memorizes many vicious backdoor command QR codes and reproduces them on its skin, it is also possible for warriors to be tricked.

This process is repeated many times. The shooter gradually observed that the squid seemed to be avoiding the Six Dragon Sect's sight. When it appears, it often needs other squid to shield it from the prying eyes of the submarine's camera.

And when members of the Six Dragon Cult approach, the squid will quickly shrink back.

It is still possible that this is a kind of acting, a designed plot - just like how Yang Mengying disarmed him before.

It's entirely possible for an enemy to use the same trick twice in a row.

But...this may not be necessary.

It is just an AI and it is difficult to update its own system by itself. Kanyuan Yanye will definitely be able to break through his system, it just takes time. The shooter can estimate the arrival time of the main body, but the Six Dragon Sect may not be able to. They are not necessarily in such a hurry.

But if they were really anxious and had to crack the system before encountering the main body... it would make sense.

After weighing the benefits and risks, the shooter made a decision.

When he encountered the main body and fought with the main body, Kanyuan Yanye read the QR code of the squid and communicated with these mysterious squids.

If the main body fails to gain the upper hand, he will definitely use the trick that will lead to death here. At this moment, Shenyuan Yanye could not distract himself from hacking him.

At this moment, the risk of "communication" is acceptable.

He wanted to see what these squids were planning.

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