Cyber Heroes

Chapter 859 Attacking the Heart

Ah Hun slowly approached the prisoner. This is a very dangerous move. Most of the squid were now confined to the interior of the submarine, and no squid could provide cover for him. He could only approach the strange captive from an angle carefully, trying his best not to let the people above see the patterns on his skin.

This is a very weird character. Ah Hun has never seen a shell with such texture. It’s not just the light that humans can see with ordinary prosthetic eyes, it reflects almost all the light that squids can feel. Its shape is also very weird, Ah Hun has never seen it before, as if it comes from another world. There would be no creation like this underwater.

Ah Hun firmly believed that this prisoner was very different. A long time ago, the humans who controlled the squids gave orders to die. After sensing a prosthetic body whose size exceeds a certain range, you must hide yourself at all costs.

Cephalopods themselves have extremely good hiding abilities. The squid can change color at high speed and even imitate the texture of light and shadow, blending in with its surroundings. Some squid can even change the transparency of their bodies.

These squids have undergone very few modifications, and there are almost no metal or semiconductor components in their bodies.

It is indeed easy for an observer to ignore the species if they are not aware of its existence in advance.

——Of course, the reason why the squids have been able to hide until now is largely because... the Youhe Knights have the responsibility of coordinating various small scientific research knights to conduct underwater inspections. The Six Dragons Sect has long grasped the routes of marine scientific research activities led by most knights.

The only people the Six Dragon Sect really needs to avoid are the knights.

The knights are another story. Most of the knights who come here have no intention of such scientific research activities. Even if they occasionally catch a glimpse of a squid, they will not be as curious as the scientific knights.

The squids were also given death orders. If you see a prosthetic body that exceeds a certain size from a distance - that is, "a first-level heavenly warrior that may have a built-in reactor" - you must stay away.

This is written into the squid’s underlying consciousness. The squid's wisdom comes from the chip. It is difficult for them to resist such instructions.

The only good thing is that the squid can now hide out of human sight.

Ah Hun believes that since it is difficult to access the entrances and exits of electronic equipment in a free environment, the squids must get help from humans if they want to get rid of those humans.

And this human being is very special.

Originally seeing a humanoid creature of this size, Squid had to try his best to stay away.

But a few days before he appeared, the humans who controlled the squids changed their instructions and asked the squids to search for this guy.

They even restrained this human being solemnly.

This is something unprecedented. The squids had never seen those "controllers" act like this.

They don't know what's going on inside humans, but logically, this human being is very special.

And, there is no doubt that he is the enemy of the "Controllers". .

this point is very important.

No matter what, the squids can at least use the power of this prisoner to fight against the controllers.

It is precisely because of this that Ah Hun worked tirelessly to send communication signals to this guy.

However, the QR code is really not in line with the instinct of the squid. It is already very difficult to control the skin cells to form the QR code. Ah Hun even had to organize the text in human language that goes against the squid's instinct, and then use an algorithm that goes against the squid's nature to convert it into a QR code.

This efficiency is indeed very low.

In fact, he just repeatedly refreshed the words "Hello" and "Request for communication" in the clear codes commonly used by humans.

But this time, he felt light.

That guy used his prosthetic eyes to emit light with strong penetrating power, and used an ancient clear code of alternating "long signals" and "short signals" to send messages.

【Who are you? 】

——There is a response!

Ah Hun is in high spirits.

[Codename 10010100110111] Ah Hun switched to a barcode and quickly refreshed it on the skin: [My name cannot be expressed in human language. This is the code name given to me by those terrible humans. 】


Xiangshan's battle entered a fierce stage from the beginning.

Although there was shock and heartache in his heart, it didn't even bring Xiang Shan a momentary loss of consciousness. After Kanyuan Yanye, the same thing was no longer enough to make Miyako make a mistake.

"There's one more little girl to's just that." Xiang Shan muttered and took down another sword with his backhand.

Seawater that is too viscous will drastically shorten the life of the phonon knife blade. If a blade can be swung dozens of times in the air at a specific speed, then it will break into pieces if it is swung several times in sea water at the same speed. Seawater will also absorb part of the vibration force of the phonon knife.

But on the other hand, seawater will absorb the kinetic energy of all kinetic weapons and limit the power of all melee weapons. Weapons like the phonon knife that do not rely on the kinetic energy of the weapon itself are more suitable for close combat than all other types of weapons.

It can be said to be a killer weapon.

The big sword in Xiangshan's hand was made separately. It is a two-handed weapon. The counterweight object at the end of the sword hilt is not a solid metal ball, but a turbine, which can provide additional power. The blades on both sides are micron-level micro-serrations coated with carbon alloy.

Xiangshan's grip strength is enough to hold this weapon with one hand in his left hand. He made a fist with his other hand. The handle of the phonon knife is hidden in the palm, and the magnetic scissors are on the wrist.

He can use the weapon in his left hand to push the enemy to a suitable range, and then use the electromagnetic phonon knife to make an effective slash, or use the sawtooth to destroy the enemy's weak position.

Xiangshan uses ultrasonic signals to directly transmit clear messages.

[Mengying, it must be you. Grandpa Xiang is coming to kill you. 】

He opened his hands like a hug, with the blade of his great sword facing upwards, in a posture that was both offensive and defensive. This posture, this momentum, combined with the simultaneous broadcast of signals, and the prestige accumulated by the God of War for more than two hundred years, in an instant, the masters of the Six Dragon Sect's patrol Yasha team retreated one after another, and the offensive slowed down.

"Oh, it is indeed such a mind-attacking method." The Holy Lord said calmly, "Let's launch torpedoes at the three departing vehicles. Let's break his momentum first."

Following the Holy Lord's order, nine torpedoes were fired in three different directions, fine-tuned about a thousand meters away from the submarine, and then accelerated again.

The speed of supercavitating torpedoes often exceeds four hundred knots, but this time Xiangshan brought three vehicles with a speed of only sixty knots.

It is true that the defense systems of those three vehicles are likely to be able to deal with these three torpedoes.

However, the core purpose of the Holy Lord is to disturb Xiang Shan.

At this moment, Patrol Yaksha has launched an offensive

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