Cyber Heroes

Chapter 912 Aging and Death

Orla Freeman's retreat wasn't wealthy either. Xiang Shan only added some equipment, and he would not be able to gather the resources to make new vehicles in a short period of time.

Xiangshan's destroyed vehicle cannot be replenished in a short time.

Xiangshan had to stuff Panic into the independent escape cabin again, and then stuff it into the mouth of the big whale.

This time, there was a big whale named "Hopderman" who went on the road with Xiangshan.

Hohopodman is a gray whale. If nothing else, it should be the last gray whale in the world. In the past two hundred years, she, her mother, and grandmother, this family, have relied on cloning technology to replace three generations. She was born from the womb of another female right whale. Her mother also gave birth to a cloned humpback whale. When one of them suddenly deteriorates in physical condition, other whales will extend their fins to help in this way.

This is how these remnants of the catastrophe survived from generation to generation.

Hopdemann's body had also passed its prime and was beginning to decline. In more than ten years, Freeman will find a way to clone her next generation - or herself.

If her body's health deteriorates rapidly during these ten years and she becomes unfit to reproduce, Freeman will arrange for other young whales to complete the task.

Hopderman also brought several young killer whales with him. Killer whales and several species of dolphins were relatively more abundant, and there were more individuals surviving two hundred years ago.

Also setting off from the hermitage were the dolphins Kledechi and Sikasi. These two dolphins are the best dolphin leaders in the colony.

Kledici can skillfully arrange various tasks and deal with various situations. Over the past decade or so, Kledich has excelled. Freeman even described him as being able to complete tasks more efficiently than many humans.

Sicassi is Kledechi's best friend.

Well, but Xiangshan also heard another version of the story. It is said that Sikasi once howled like a dolphin and demanded that Kledechi must take her with him. Cikasi is Panic's best friend among the dolphins. The loyal dolphin loved the human cub.

In addition to the above members, Xiangshan also added a new partner.

The warrior who never said his name.

The knight who originally belonged to the White Ship Yi Cong.

Xiang Shan looked at the guy who was using a fish-shaped prosthetic body to swim quickly in the ocean currents with interest, and said, "Brother, do you plan to come out again now and do chivalry?"

The man was silent for a moment, and then said: "To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet."


"When I stayed at first, I thought I was tired from fighting and wanted to take a break. However, I must have been resting for a hundred years... After a hundred years of peaceful life, I seem to have become accustomed to this place."

Xiang Shan nodded: "This is a good place... at least from the perspective of us humans."

In order not to be noticed by the outside world, whales must suppress their voices all their lives and carefully blend their songs into the background noise of the ocean and the earth's crust. It's just that humans are not aware of this due to differences in senses. If Freeman hadn't reminded him, Xiangshan would have subconsciously forgotten that this was a group of victims living in silence and fear enjoying themselves - humans would only instinctively feel that this place was very peaceful.

The warrior sighed: "I admit that I like it here very much. But I think that I will stay here not just because I like it here... At the beginning, I felt tired and at the same time I felt indebted. I received a huge favor from those dolphins, so at that time I still had the intention to repay the kindness. Then I felt that I really fell in love with this place."

Having said this, the warrior fell silent. Xiang Shan didn't ask any further questions. In the silent sea, only the sound of whales swimming was left.

Still that warrior. He couldn't help but sigh: "But recently I began to feel that this is simply... I can't do it anymore. I'm old."

"It shouldn't be referring to the natural life span," Xiang Shan said, looking at the warrior.

The warrior shook his head: "Of course not. I have used Danenase many times. From a cellular level, my brain is still very young. But... my heart, or my soul, may be old. .”

"I was born in the era of the Fourth Martial God. For the sake of chivalry, I have been fighting for sixty years. During these sixty years, I have been constantly tempering myself and devoting myself to fighting. Many people in the old era said why They have worked hard and struggled all their lives for something. However, excluding their childhood and the age of studying, the life they really devoted themselves to one thing may not be sixty years. The life span of Homo sapiens is too short... No, our lifespan is too long."

Xiang Shan nodded.

——Every time you are reborn, you reset your mentality! So you don’t understand those of us who are still alive today! Those of us who have failed many times!

The words Kanhara Yanye said flashed through his consciousness again.

I'm afraid this is not because of aging, but because of "frustration".

Aging cannot take away the passion from the human heart. Xiangshan heard that in Japan in the past, there was a world-renowned painter. He was the most famous artist of his time, and his works even influenced many celebrities in Europe. He claimed that he was "not really born until he was fifty." Even at the last moment of his life, the painter lamented, "If I live ten more years...or even five more years, I will definitely become a real painter."

Xiangshan has always felt that it is not aging that takes away human energy, but frustration. And "My life is only so long, and my victory conditions will go downhill after a certain point in time. This is an insurmountable obstacle" itself is the biggest failure that humans must face.

If the human life span limit is lifted correctly, humans will naturally adapt to it.

Maybe he thought too simply.

Although human beings have mastered the technology of heaven and earth, the human mind is still similar to that of the hunter-gatherers on the African land a hundred thousand years ago.

Perhaps the despair and frustration caused by "death" can be alleviated, and the physiological aging can be reversed, but the human mind has not been completely changed after all.

The basic configuration of human beings only requires humans to live thirty or forty years to complete the task of reproduction. All human physical structures, minds, and other configurations exist for this purpose.

But human technology allows humans to live to be three to four hundred years old.

Xiang Shan said: "I hope you can find the answer you want to find, my friend who doesn't know the name."

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